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What to do now?


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So my ex fiance called it off the first of july. All july we would see each other, then not, back and forth. Finally I made her tell me if we would work it out or not. She said as of right now no. Havent seen her since. It will be 4 weeks next tuesday. Today i got tired of moping around the house and noticed it had gotten really dirty. I started cleaning and came accross some things of her 2 year old daughters. (which i love dearly) Some clothes and sleeping blanket, things like that. My question is should I mail them to her with a note saying I came accross these and thought you would like them? Give them to a mutual friend to take to her when they get a chance? Or just mail them to her with no note, return address etc? See I also know she started dating someone else, so I dont want to step on any toes. Not sure if that is relevant or not but its a concern. Any ideas? Thanks and best regards.

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I think you're using the blanket and clothes as an excuse to contact her. I'd donate them to charity if they're usable, and if they are not, I'd throw them away. I'm sure that if these items were of paramount importance to her, she'd either not have left them or already asked for them back.


You need to move on. If she is already dating someone, then chances are she had checked out from the engagement some time ago and already had this other person on the side (or at least the urge/idea of dating someone else who wasn't you). That's dishonest and cold. She owed you more than that. Moreover, to add insult to injury, she led you on for a month. You know you deserve better. Get rid of everything of hers or her daughter that you still have and embark now on the healing journey. It will be hard, but it will be much harder if you find excuses to hold on to her and if you allow her to come and go as she pleases. I know you shared a lot with her, but you need to move on.

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