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I think sex repulses me.


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I'm a virgin and I have never had a boyfriend. I use to think that sex is something that I would like if I were to ever find a love. Lately, I just think sex repulses me. I don't like to think of it. Maybe it is just a phase, since I am going through a lot and have just been down. But, at the same time, I may always feel this way.



I DO want to spend my life with someone. Is it possible to have a relationship without sex and it be healthy and happy?

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Is it possible to have a relationship without sex and it be healthy and happy?


Anything is possible with the right person. If you fall in love with someone that is as asexual as you then sure. The probability of finding such person, especially one that you click with in every other aspect, very unlikely...especially at a young age. Don't know many guys in their early 20s that would settle in a sexless LTR or marriage.

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Anything is possible with the right person. If you fall in love with someone that is as asexual as you then sure. The probability of finding such person, especially one that you click with in every other aspect, very unlikely...especially at a young age. Don't know many guys in their early 20s that would settle in a sexless LTR or marriage.


What about an older man?

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I think we need a little more background on you to give an informed opinion. Why have you never had a boyfriend?


It's just something that has never happened. I have been on a date and I have talked with men over the phone and all. We just never clicked. One guy I found out helped a married woman cheat and the other guy I talked to was when I was 18-19. Didn't really go anywhere.

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It's just something that has never happened. I have been on a date and I have talked with men over the phone and all. We just never clicked. One guy I found out helped a married woman cheat and the other guy I talked to was when I was 18-19. Didn't really go anywhere.


That being said, it could be that your lack of interest in sex has to do with never meeting someone that you feel you connect/click with. It could be that you might be interested in sex if you were emotionally connected with someone, rather than physically.


When you meet guys, where are you meeting them?

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That being said, it could be that your lack of interest in sex has to do with never meeting someone that you feel you connect/click with. It could be that you might be interested in sex if you were emotionally connected with someone, rather than physically.


When you meet guys, where are you meeting them?


Well, the one I went on a date with I met in High School. The other guy I met at work. But I learned he was creepy. I was just about to turn 21 and he was 32, and he was so into me. He then told me about how he date a lady 20 years older than him that was married and they were sexual. It just freaked me out.

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I wouldn't rule sex totally out yet there Speak. Sounds like you haven't been dating much to find a guy that you can click with. Chemistry is key here, but from your previous posts you've been going through alot in your life and its difficult for you to date at this time. Hang in there, you're still young and I'm pretty positive you will find someone you will click with.

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I'm a virgin and I have never had a boyfriend. I use to think that sex is something that I would like if I were to ever find a love. Lately, I just think sex repulses me. I don't like to think of it. Maybe it is just a phase, since I am going through a lot and have just been down. But, at the same time, I may always feel this way.



I DO want to spend my life with someone. Is it possible to have a relationship without sex and it be healthy and happy?


You're young. You've never had a boyfriend or a lover. I wouldn't write off something that you've never tried. I'd take it as a phase and reevaluate it when you find someone you're interested in.


Sex aside, do you ever come accross men that you find attractive?

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You're young. You've never had a boyfriend or a lover. I wouldn't write off something that you've never tried. I'd take it as a phase and reevaluate it when you find someone you're interested in.


Sex aside, do you ever come accross men that you find attractive?


I do come accross men I find attractive. Yes. I may not attract them though.

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I think you should try it before you totally cross it off your list of things to do. Sex is an very enjoyable passion filled thing when done with the right person at the right time.


I think you have put so much thought and analyzed it so much that your to nervous and scared to actually do it now. I think you will be fine when the times comes and your comfortable with that person.


Or you could become a nun, nothing wrong with that either. Good Luck

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Well, the one I went on a date with I met in High School. The other guy I met at work. But I learned he was creepy. I was just about to turn 21 and he was 32, and he was so into me. He then told me about how he date a lady 20 years older than him that was married and they were sexual. It just freaked me out.


Well, I would find that a little odd that he disclosed that to you and wouldn't blame you for being a little alarmed by that.


I think you need to try to meet someone again though, when you are ready.

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I DO want to spend my life with someone. Is it possible to have a relationship without sex and it be healthy and happy?


This would only be possible if you partner wanted the same which would be very unlikely although not impossible.


But anyways, you'll never know if you're repulsed by sex until you try it.

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What is your background like? Were you raised in a strict or very religious household? Were you ever sexually assaulted or given a reason to not trust men?


I think you shouldn't worry yourself over it too much unless there was some trauma that has caused you to feel this way. If that was the case you might consider counseling. But, most likely you will just need to take it slowly when you meet somebody you are into and there is nothing wrong with that. There really is no rush to have sex and if a guy puts pressure on you then he isn't the right guy for you.

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Yes, when you are with the right person. After my first kiss I remember thinking kissing was repulsing,ahaha It was not a very nice first experience. I was so disgusted. But then eventually I met my boyfriend whom I with now and it was perfect and still is, I can never get enough of kissing him. You'll see, you're still young and some day it'll all come together.

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