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Where and when did you meet your spouse?

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21 through myspace when i had moved to a new area. she messaged me (not the other way around, i don't do that) even though i had a horrendous picture of me at a fancy dress party i'd been to... she said it made me look like fun


(it actually turns out we'd met in a bar before, just neither of us realised until about 2 weeks in when we saw a mutual friend - then we decided we liked that story better so we've told everyone else, including parents, that story! less lame than myspace!)

...the rest is history.

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We first met when we were in our late 20s, at work. Dated seriously back then, broke up, and got back together 8 years later in our late 30s. Been happily married 1.5 years.


I met my high school sweetheart accross a crowded room at a sweet 16 party. We started dating a few months later, dated on and off for over 3 years until he finished his first year of college. I think we both knew once he went off to college that it might not last, and it didn't. It wasn't devastating though and there are lots of nice memories - it just ran its course. Someone recently posted our prom picture on facebook and it was a nice, nostalgic feeling, that's all. No regrets!

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Out one night at a bar (I rarely frequent them) - he knew my friend and came to share some good news. It was an extremely brief encounter. But then life just kept putting us in each other's paths. And it was third time lucky for me because it was really on the third occasion that he decided I was pretty special and started persuing me. It took me much longer to see how special he is.

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At a bar....he was working the door and he also worked with my friend's brother at his other (primary) job. We became good friends and he set me up with 2 of his friends before he finally asked me out 1 1/2 years later. We've been married 15 1/2 years

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I met my wife 8 years ago this month playing softball on a Sunday afternoon. My cousin worked in a store next door to hers and he invited her to come play softball. I liked her as soon as I saw her and met her. She was also asking my cousin questions about me. After that, I would call my cousin at work and find out if she was working. If she was, I would go hang out with my cousin and go talk to her. My cousin then started inviting her and I both over to his house to play cards or watch movies. She was the first girl that made me feel like a complete idiot when I would talk to her. I still sometimes get that feeling 8 years later. We have now been married 18 months.

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My husband and I met in a chat room in college. It sounds a little seedy, but it really wasn't. We were in a chatroom on IRC that was based on a specific interest we both had. Neither of us were looking for a relationship at the time. We found out that we lived in the same state and were going to the same conference...so we figured we'd meet up and hang out - in a friendship/mutual interest kind of way.


It turns out that we had some chemistry, and three weeks after we met up, he asked me to be his girlfriend. Five years later we were engaged, and we just celebrated our 1 year anniversary.

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