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A day in the life of Mama Metro (metrogirl)


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I ended up not working OT yesterday. My plan was to go to the gym after I took my mom to Walmart. I grab a few things, I picked out a new pair of gym shorts. I'm at the register and realize I don't have my bank card with me. I just said screw it, I'm not going to the gym, I'm not doing anything so I went home and watched wrestling with my boys.


All is not lost though, I was supposed to work OT today and I was going to miss the gym because of this but they are bringing in some girl to cover the shift so I will make it to the gym after all! I'm in the mood for a good heart pounding workout!

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MG, glad you will be able to make it to the gym today.


I'm not going to be able to workout today . I'm up over at T's place (taking care of Jasper). Gonna take him to the vet later for his checkup and shots. T is working today and his bf is out of town for a few days.


Will probably head home tonight or early tomorrow. Depends when his bf is coming home

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MG, glad you will be able to make it to the gym today.


I'm not going to be able to workout today . I'm up over at T's place (taking care of Jasper). Gonna take him to the vet later for his checkup and shots. T is working today and his bf is out of town for a few days.


Will probably head home tonight or early tomorrow. Depends when his bf is coming home


That's okay..... Take Jasper for a long walk, I'm sure you'll get a good workout from that.

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That's okay..... Take Jasper for a long walk, I'm sure you'll get a good workout from that.


I took him for a 20 minute walk. It is very hot outside and Jasper wasn't really behaving himself (barking at other dogs and pulling HARD at me). He did go potty which was what I was hoping he'd do.


He has to go to the vet later for a check-up and his shots. I hope he will not be bad and bark/lunge at the other dogs there.


T needs to get Jasper some obedience training.

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I took him for a 20 minute walk. It is very hot outside and Jasper wasn't really behaving himself (barking at other dogs and pulling HARD at me). He did go potty which was what I was hoping he'd do.


He has to go to the vet later for a check-up and his shots. I hope he will not be bad and bark/lunge at the other dogs there.


T needs to get Jasper some obedience training.


He looks like such a sweet thing too.

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50 straight minutes on the eliptical machine. I was aiming for 60 straight but I just couldn't. My right foot was getting numb. I didn't do any weight machines yesterday because the gym was just too packed.


I should be able to work out today, although a bit later than I normally like. The bf hasn't felt well the last couple of days so I am going to his house after work and clean up his place a bit, maybe rub his feet since he says they have been hurting lately.


Yesterday, I bought some rotisseri (sp) chickens from Walmart. So so good. So today, I am having some chicken breast and a small serving of mashed potatoes for lunch and with that I am having some raw carrots and some soybeans.

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Did not work out yesterday. I started feeling lightheaded and headachy, I think from lack of quality sleep.


On a positive note, when I weighed myself this morning, I have neither lost nor gained so I can't complain. I thought I would have put a lb or 2 back on since I haven't been in the gym as much as I would like.


I didn't bring lunch today. I was just so tired yesterday, all I could do was take a bath and lay down for a bit. I think today, I will send of the guys here on a lunch run and get a chicken salad from this place close by.

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I was able to complete 45 minutes of cardio and about 20-25 minutes of machines. I wanted to stay longer at the gym but I just felt really tired.


Went to the market and back to the house to cook dinner, wash the boyfriends clothes, and cook him a meal. Before I knew it, it was already 8:30pm. Yikes.


Today, I have a class after work so hopefully I will still feel motivated to work out. Tomorrow, I am going to hang out with my best friends for dinner and then I am working an overnight shift for the OT money. I haven't worked graveyard in a long long time and seriously hope I don't pass out on a bus somewhere in the middle of the night.


All in all, I feel good today.

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It's 1:30am and I am at work, making good money but tired as hell. I have been awake since 6:00am the previous day. It's normal for me to wake up early on my day off and I am not one for taking naps, well not that I wouldn't mind an occasional nap, I just can't take a nap to save my life.


I did make it to the gym, did 40 minutes of really hard cardio. I added more resistance so I was really pumpin and sweating. I also worked on my legs and abs. If the scale isn't decieving me, it looks like I may have lost another 1/2 lb. I can't be sure though because I notice I tend to fluctuate up and down between a pound to a pound and a half. I'm thinking probably from water weight and waste matter.


Now if I don't sleep all day Saturday, I'm hoping to make it to the gym again.


Talk to you guys again on Sunday! Cheers.

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I slept all day Saturday....LOL


Well kinda.... I got home from work at 6:00am, took my Ambien and went to sleep. At 10:00am, the babies were in my room arguing who was gonna lay down with me. Then my son realized they were in there, he shoo'd them out and they promptly went downstairs and made a whole lotta noise. So I got up...


My daughter and her boyfriend took the kids to the museum yesterday and everyone else was gone so I had the house to myself. I don't even think the truck had exited the driveway and I was already running upstairs back to my bed. I slept a few more hours and didn't make it to the gym.


I did weigh myself this morning. The scale showed me at 2lbs less but I'm not sure exactly how accurate that is. I didn't eat much yesterday because I was sleeping all day. I would really love to believe that I lost another 2lbs though. That would make the total weight loss at 20lbs. I'll wait a few days and check again.


I was hoping to make it to the gym today but there is a strong possibility that I will be working 12 hours today and tomorrow. Sigh....

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I passed up the opportunity to make some overtime money yesterday so I could go to the gym!


I was feeling very strongly about going to the gym and I'm glad I did. I had an amazing workout and was even complimented by the older man working out next to me. When I finished my grueling ellipitical session, he tells me "you did a great job". Awwww


I worked my abs pretty good yesterday and I worked on my arms. Oh, I forgot to mention, yesterday was the first time I took my wrist weights with me to the gym. Wearing those and getting funky on the elliptical = major sweat and elevated heart rate. The machine summary said my average heart rate was 145. Burn baby burn.


I don't regret my decision. I will likely work my day off on Saturday to make some money anyway. Right now, I am just focused on getting healthier and making my body stronger.


After the gym I went to Jamba juice and had their Strawberry Nirvana which is the lower calorie drink they have and then I made it to Walgreens where I had some crazy coupon savings going on.


Yesterday was a very good day and I plan to make today and even better one.

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My legs hurt. At this moment, I think I will take my break from the gym tomorrow.


For some reason, when I left the gym today I felt completely and utterly exhausted. I was/am so sleepy. I went to the market and got some stuff for dinner. I'm thinking I just want to soak in a hot bath and go to bed.

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I simply don't get enough rest and I don't know how I am supposed to lose weight effectively if I can't even sleep/rest long enough for the vital recovery period.


Last night I wrote about how much my legs hurts, they are sore. I noticed my muscles are getting nice and hard in my legs, but I still hate the way my legs look. Being heavy for so long does crazy things to your skin and now that I have lost some weight in the legs, I have this dimpling skin, the skin is not tight. I wore gym shorts yesterday and I was looking at my legs while I was on the ellipitical and I was thinking, it's gonna take years to get my legs to look half way decent. I almost feel defeated.


And I seriously want to choke the person that thought wall to wall mirrors are cool in gyms. Grrr......


I woke up tired and extremely agitated and brought that mood with me to work. I don't like feeling this way.

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Awww hang in there!


And I seriously want to choke the person that thought wall to wall mirrors are cool in gyms. Grrr......


I hate those too. I always feel like such a hopeless hampster on a wheel when when I see myself in the mirror if I am running on the treadmill or on the ellipitcal machine.


I have weird thoughts at the gym. I people-watch and sometimes I laugh at the overall concept of a bunch of human beings having to gather at one place in order to move around. It makes me feel like cattle sometimes. I don't think like the average person I guess. lol I think the gym mirrors just reinfoce the whole weird-thought-process I get into there.

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And I seriously want to choke the person that thought wall to wall mirrors are cool in gyms. Grrr......


Funny! My trainer likes to have me workout in front of the mirrors so I can see what I am doing and that I am leaning (which is not good) when I do my squats and stuff.


I hate staring at the mirror looking at my fat self working out. But I do see his point. It is good for spotting any bad habits I may have picked up and correcting them.

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Ok, sorry about that little rant above. I've just been tired, stressed and probably hormonal because my cycle is completely out of whack since I started working out. I never know when it's coming and yet I will feel the hormonal changes for weeks. Maybe I am getting ready to go through the change. My mom went through the change at 39 so I suppose it could happen to me as well.


I didn't make it to the gym yesterday, in fact I didn't do anything yesterday except relax at the house. Not sure if I am going today.


Renny is really inspiring me to want to start swimming. There is a big pool at the gym and it sounds like I would get a really good workout going especially with the legs.

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Swimming is fun. Give it a try.


I always try to swim at least one other time than the day of my lesson. It is soothing and relaxing. But then the pool isn't crowded and I can always find a lane to do my laps in.


I wonder if exercising DOES throw your cycle off whack because my cycle is off whack too (period came a week later than normal).

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Swimming is fun. Give it a try.


I always try to swim at least one other time than the day of my lesson. It is soothing and relaxing. But then the pool isn't crowded and I can always find a lane to do my laps in.


I wonder if exercising DOES throw your cycle off whack because my cycle is off whack too (period came a week later than normal).


I read somewhere that starting a new exercise routine (especially if you haven't exercised in sometime) can cause it to be late.


I think before I do the swimming thing, I am going to look for a different suit. I like mine but it's one of those that is super tight to hold everything in place and I feel really restricted in it. I saw some cute tank-ini's at walmart. I can still wear something comfortable and hide my stuff! LOL

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Ok, took two days off from the gym and time to get back into the swing of things. Today is my Friday, so when I get off work, I'm going to the gym for a few hours. definitely working out, not sure about the swimming just yet, but I did pack my swim suit just in case.


Renny was talking about her confidence building and I can totally relate. I feel good, I think I am looking better (although I still have an intense hatred for my legs) and it feels good when I hear people saying "wow Metro, youre' losing weight huh?"


They boyfriend has been a huge supporter. I think back to the early part of our relationship when he was such a crazy jealous person and he hated that I went to the gym He had all these scenarios in his head and now we fast forward 5 years and he always wants to know how my workouts went, did I go into the steam room, do I need anything to assist with my workouts like new workout clothes, new weights?


Yesterday I dropped off some food at his house and hung out for a bit. When I was leaving, he called me back for a hug and a kiss. He wrapped his arms around my waist and said "wow, your stomach is so much smaller, you are doing good babe".


I'll hit the grocery stores for major shopping tonight and then I can start packing my healthy lunches again. I hate when I don't cook, I eat horribly.

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Woohoo Metro! You ARE doing great.


Any updates on total weight loss? Can we get our first set of before/after pics?


Do you have a set goal weight or number of pounds you are trying to lose, or are you just going to keep doing your thing until you feel you're at a comfortable weight?


You are so inspirational. From unhealthy food and inactivity to gym rat with healthy lunches ... that's awesome! Whenever I read this journal I feel like a real lazy slacker.

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Woohoo Metro! You ARE doing great.


Any updates on total weight loss? Can we get our first set of before/after pics?


Do you have a set goal weight or number of pounds you are trying to lose, or are you just going to keep doing your thing until you feel you're at a comfortable weight?


You are so inspirational. From unhealthy food and inactivity to gym rat with healthy lunches ... that's awesome! Whenever I read this journal I feel like a real lazy slacker.


I'm still at 17lbs....I haven't been able to hit the gym as much as I would like but I guess 4 days a week isn't too bad.


I don't care about a specific number. I'm just gonna keep going with it and if nothing else, I will have a super healthy heart. LOL


Maybe one of these days, I'll be brave and post a pic of a before and during, not really an after because I have no intentions of stopping.


Thank you for your kind words.

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