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We were mugged and i got bloody, I was shot at.


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I searched through these forums high and low, for something remotely similar to this here goes.


My ex said she needed space and felt numb and had no energy to care for anyone or anything. She is clinnically depressed and was sexually abused by someone that she was in love with, but never acted upon becuase he was married and they had a employer-employee relationship. Her father commited suicide 10 years ago, she found his body.


She told me we were done, for now, in the future maybe but she is having a serious bout with her illness right now and she needed to center herself and get her bearings.


We talked for a day or two after it ended then I went NC because I thought it was the right thing to do.


Well it was a mistake, she doesnt have some of the same issues as others do it really is her this time and not me.


She was upset with me for not talking to her, but she wouldnt say anything becuase she knew that she didnt have the right to ask me why I am not talking to her anymore.


We went out for dinner for my birthday, it was fun we talked about trivial things. We never really had a serious conversation about anything as it was still slightly akward between us. She was distant and it was obvious that she was upset that I went NC.


We left the restaurant as we walked to my car down a side street, a mugger put a gun to the back of her head and yelled at us to give him our money. I for god knows whatever reason moved in front of him, in between her and the gun I gave him my cash $1100 and my Rolex. I have a business that deals in cash and I left with the store deposit to dinner that night.


He squeezed the trigger and his gun jammed, he pistol whipped me till I had a gash on my head I was drenched in blood and lost some teeth.


She was in shock as was I, needless to say we are both pretty traumatized. We really didnt talk after all that adrenaline and sheer bewilderment as to what just happened except to ask if either one of were ok.


I dont even know what to say to her now, I have no idea what to do any sugestions?

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How terrifying that must have been! I'm glad that the gun jammed and you're relatively o.k.


Well...it sounds like she's pretty certain that things are over. You said she seemed distant during dinner, and she told you she needs to center herself and deal with other things.


With the understanding that things are truly finished between you two, what I would do is give her a call or send her an email and ask her if she's o.k. after such a terrifying event. Just to let her know you're concerned for her. It's another trauma added to a long list for her.


Take care...

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you were lucky, i was mugged on a date and well the girl never spoke to me much again after i put the mugger in the hospital, but point is, if your carrying that kind of cash take lessons in akido, hapkido, or judo. And that will eliminate something like that from happening again.


No offense but when i was a body guard i packed heat and i also knew how to use it, because just remember if you put your self in such a situation it can happen, the best offense is a good defense.



Ide call her up and see if she is still ok, and if she wanted to go out for coffee or something, it seems that based on her past this might have been more traumatic for her.

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Thank goodness you only lost your money. Well she shouldn't need anymore proof of how much you love her. I think she will look at you as her hero, which you are. Be there for her and love her, let her know you aren't going anywhere.

That is horrific, it makes me so sad that two people can't walk safely on a street anymore. You have a purpose here, you are alive for a reason. What you have been through is vey traumatic, but maybe it will put life a little more into prespective for you now. Live for today and do what makes you happy. This sounds weird, but you two should celebrate being alive.

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