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Am I Bi? Being serious.


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Ok, gonna start off by saying I like women, really do. BUT...I do think Stephen Dorff (movie actor) is attractive. I've jacked off to....men, but on a very very small percentage. Very small. At times, I think I can give a man a blow job and not feel bad about it, and I wouldn't mind kissing a guy (but would much rather kiss a woman). Am I bi? I do complain about being a virgin and not having a gf, but that like 3% or less of the time...yea.


It's like I'm 97% straight, 3% not.

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Hmmm, not sure. I think everyone is gay to a small extent, whether it be 50%, 100% or 1.2%


I have also masturbated over women, though only in porn films, I find them very attractive and can appreciate a good looking woman, but I don't have a desire to be with one in real life or have a relationship with one or even have real-life sex with one. It's just a fantasy.


I guess you must be a little bit bi-sexual because I don't think there are any men I know who would feel comfortable about maybe giving a guy a blowjob or kissing one, they usually hate the thought of it. Whatever it is, don't be ashamed or feel bad about it as there's nothing wrong with it.

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Well, like I said...it's not all the time...but like Stephen Dorff for instance...didn't know it, but now I think about it...always had a man-crush on him back in high school. I just find him attractive and like seeing him in movies. Christian Slater is another guy...just something about him. Maybe his awesome voice, his face, etc.


Like I said on another board....I had a thought or day dream...that...basically what would I do if: Two playboy playmates (or women good enough to be in that mag) say to me We can have a three way and all kinds of stuff if you go down on that guy. I still don't know what I would do...I know if the guy is overweight or Ron Jeremy, then hell no.


And one time I got drunk with a friend and asked him what would you do if I went down on my smirnoff ice bottle?

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Is it just me, or does it feel like sexual orientation is like recieving a friggin' badge these days? If a girl has strong feelings (emotionally/sexually) but hasn't had the opportunity to do anything physical with girls, she's still "straight"? * * * ?!? :S


Hardly anyone that knew me for the past 3 years refuse to believe I'm attracted to girls. I have kissed girls before (and liked it), but that still didn't stopped the "real bisexuals" to crictisize me simply because I never slept with one. My ex (a guy, of course) would get crazy jealous if I even looked at a girl casually on the television set. He refuses to believe I'm bi, even though he claims he's one. This is the same guy who never went out with a guy, and all he's done so far was kiss one guy and gave/recieved a BJ from one (after we broke up). I don't know if he gave anal to the same dude, or some other dude, but still... I wish people would just get off my case.


Don't judge, simple as that.

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yeah. its a badge, like they give you in the Scouts. *looks down at little glue on patch on green sash.


Really.... what the OP is expressing cannot really be measured. he said he has never had a sex and hasnt had a gf. so really it could just be that he is horny.


he says in theory he could give a bj to a guy and 'probably' not feel bad about it. But thats shooting out a tall order if he hasnt even flirted with or kissed another guy.


alot of room for experimenting there, alot of guessing. And its something that probably you'll never have figured out until you get into it.

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yeah. its a badge, like they give you in the Scouts. *looks down at little glue on patch on green sash.


Really.... what the OP is expressing cannot really be measured. he said he has never had a sex and hasnt had a gf. so really it could just be that he is horny.


he says in theory he could give a bj to a guy and 'probably' not feel bad about it. But thats shooting out a tall order if he hasnt even flirted with or kissed another guy.


alot of room for experimenting there, alot of guessing. And its something that probably you'll never have figured out until you get into it.


I have had many crushes on girls before. I even "loved" a girl before so much that it hurts. But that still isn't enough "proof".


Especially with bisexuality being a huge trend now a days, I can understand why some people would be put off with someone exclaiming they are bisexuals when they might be either confused, or extremely desperate to attract and attain attention from the opposite sex. Guys love it when they see two ladies makin out... Girls realize this and scream, "LET'S MAKEOUT WITH EACH OTHER SO WE CAN FINALLY HAVE BOYFRIENDS!"


Maybe I'm being a softy here, but I also believe if you never develop real romantic feelings for someone of the same sex, you can't be a member of the GLBT community. A nympho can have sex with someone of the same sex if it meant recieving pleasure no matter what.

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I really dont follow what you are getting at.


but i'll leave this thread with this: we've all been curious, the difference between curiosity and established attractions is the test of time and the physical test of those attractions.

you may go on a few dates with guys, make out with guys, run the bases with them, only to find out sooner or later that it was just an idealization. OR you'll find that your earliest feelings were sincere and you'll be able to see men as an option when picking dates or sex partners.


nothing ventured nothing gained.

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There is a theory or perhaps a belief, that in other lifetimes we were either a male or a female and that we basically rotated back and forth between gender roles from one lifetime to another. One of course, would have to believe that this particular lifetime is not the only one that we have ever lived or will ever live in the future.


Having said that, perhaps the feelings that we have as well as confusions or desires that we may have for same-gender or opposite-gender encounters for example, may stem back to previous lifetimes.


Perhaps we recognize in this lifetime, the attractions that we had to a particular gender from a previous lifetime. Those feelings are in theory then, brought forward or at least remnants of them are brought forward to this lifetime.


I am not going to suggest that I fully endorse the word "confusion", as the word itself would suggest 'confused choice', or that same-gender pairing is less correct than opposite gender-pairing. I am also one who does not believe in the concept of 'right' and 'wrong'. Collectively or independently, neither one actually exists in reality, but only exists in the minds of those who have chosen either to be their reality through conscious choice.


Any opinions anyone?

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Hey Panther,


Here's a good test. Does this picture turn you on?


image removed


In all seriousness, don't be in such a rush to label yourself. You don't have to be bi. You could just be curious. And there's nothing wrong with that! Sexuality isn't digital. It's not a 1 or 0 sort of thing. It's an analog spectrum.

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To the OP, check out the Kinsey Scale. It has a more complex way of describing degrees of sexuality aside from "homosexual, hetereosexual, and bisexual" and I always thought that scale made a lot of sense when trying to look at this complex aspect of human behavior.


link removed


At times, I think I can give a man a blow job and not feel bad about it, and I wouldn't mind kissing a guy (but would much rather kiss a woman). Am I bi?


You may be a "2" on the scale. You be the judge.

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I'll chime in for this one. I find that there are a few guys that I find attractive, such as Jason Statham, Vin Diesel, Sam Elliott (more of a voice thing, the old cowboy movies are awesome), and perhaps LLCoolJ. What I figued out was that I really liked great bodies, be they male or female. However, I wouldn't refrain from staring at some dude if he has a nice body, same as I would with a woman. Now the sexual component is what brings it to a new category I think.


I kissed a guy once about a decade back because a guy I worked with asked if I knew the difference between kissing a man and a woman. After kissing him, I asked what the difference was. He said "I am a man". I thought he was just being a jerk for years until I realized what he meant one day. I think everyone hits some point where you realize exactly what floats your particular boat, so to speak. Kissing a guy did nothing for me, but I found I was a fan of physiques.


On the flipside, suppose you don't really care what a guy particularly looks like, but you find that sort of intimacy is to your liking. You may want to see if that's the path for youa t that point. I find that the female form is pretty decent for me and I much more prefer it, but I'd stare at a shirtless Statham all day long


Don't worry about what it labels you, because that part can come later. Find what makes you comfortable first and then do the paperwork later.

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Of course they are. I was just poking fun at curious11 for having to ASSERT HETEROSEXUALITY. Mostly, guys do this anytime a gay subject comes up. It's very funny.


Go to link removed and look up Matt Morgan's profile. You look like him, just not as jacked up.


Maybe I'm not bi after reading the replies in here. But am just curious?


Restart...what about Chris O' Donnel? (NCIS LA and Robin in two Batman movies). And yea, LL Cool J is in good shape.

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