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I am currently battling pancreatic cancer and I am extremely scared. I have a lot of support and such don't get me wrong but I do know that it is the most aggressive cancer and that scares me even more. I don't really know why I am posting this, I guess just to see if there are ways to kind of cope with this. I know it hit hard with my family, friends and my fiance(who cries everytime we talk about it) and though I don't show it, it definitely has hit me harder the most.


I do constantly try to be strong and be positive but it's hard. Patrick Swayze died from it after 2 years, and I keep thinking what if I only have 2 years to live....it scares me so badly. I do constantly try to avoid talking about it, and bringing it up but deep down I know I can't continue to do that.

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I am so sorry to hear... how long have you been diagnosed? What stage? Etc.


Pancreatic cancer is one of the more aggressive cancers, but there is always a chance for survival. Eliminating toxins and carcinogens from your body as well as a steady nutrient rich diet does help- I assume that you have looked into other forms of treatment as well?


There are some great help centers for cancer patients such as Wellspring that can help you and your family. I'm not sure what is in your area... but I'm sure that your doctor or nurse can help you find these methods of therapy.


I wish you all the best and will keep you in my prayers.

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Well back in August there was a cancerous tumor found in my stomach, but it was removed however it did spread to my pancreas. So about the end of August I've been diagnosed. It's still an early stage that I have the option to do surgery to remove it, though the longer I wait they are saying the best bet is to do chemo.


@ doiiiieeezie: The hospital I'm at has a good cancer center within it so I've been going there

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First, I am so sorry to hear you are diagnosed with what is known to be an aggressive form of cancer. I really feel for you.


Not sure where you are getting your medical care, but at the big cancer centers in my city, they have psychologists and therapists who have special training in working with people facing serious illnesses like yours. Your doctors who are treating your cancer should be able to give you the names of these type of therapists. These folks will be able to offer you a lot of understanding and comfort for what you are going through. They will have met with hundreds of cancer patients over the years of their career and will really be able to help you through this difficult time in your life.


I think you will find it very comforting to be able to talk openly about all of your feelings with someone like this. It can be hard for family members to cope with both their own feelings about what you are going through as well as yours - so a therapist is someone where you don't have to worry about their feelings - they are just there to support you.


In addition, you might find a cancer support group helpful. Either in person or on-line. Depending on what you are most comfortable with.


Best wishes to you!

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You sound like it was caught fairly early and you say you are involved with a good cancer center - I know it's hard (I was recently diagnosed with a different kind of cancer) and thinking of Swayze doesn't help - but there ARE survivors of this type of cancer.

Please keep us posted - You are going to have the surgery?

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Thank you TennesseeGirl


Yeah my doctors did give me a name of a therapist who specializes in this and I haven't given her a call yet due to school but I will this week.


I do sometimes, but just to see the initial reaction is hard. When I told my fiance, I heard him broke down and cry and it nearly broke my heart. It's hard seeing the people I love try and cope with this.


I have tried looking for online support groups, and rl ones as well

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I don't know anyone who had PC, but if it helps, I can tell you that my aunt is a breast cancer survivor 10 years now and my friend a survivor of lung cancer about 8 years now.


My aunts tumor was a grade 3 which is very fast spreading and still she beat it.


Well that definitely does help. It gives me hope for sure


@ Crazyaboutdogs: Thank you so much for the links I will check them out right now actually.


@ DN: Thank you DN I will be and hopefully I'll be able to share how I feel without breaking down. It still is very hard

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My uncle has pancreatic cancer. He contracted it over a year ago and was scared, as scared as you are, I'm sure... His greatest fear, and guilt, was over his children and wife, people he was terrified to leave behind. I hope you don't think that you're being a burden on them... They love you. They want to help you be happy and comfortable in any way they can. And, in all things, do not be afraid to confront your feelings... With the, and with your therapist.


There are a number of reasons for you to be hopeful. For one, and this is most important, is that you're young. One: you're young and you'll be ready to deal with the healing stage. Two: the tumor was caught at a stage where you have an option for the Whipple. I sincerely hope that you choose to undergo this procedure, though it is frightening, though it is incredibly dangerous. New York City has one of the best surgeons in the world for this: I know, because he has worked with my uncle.


Good luck, good thoughts. My uncle was given months after his diagnosis, and he's still strong. You're young, you're honest: take this thing on head to head. It is beatable. Enter the network of support that is available and don't be afraid of the trials. It's going to be a long road; stay strong, stay on it.

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One thing to ask your docs is whether a cancer that came to the pancreas from another source is considered the same thing as pancreatic cancer. Since not all cancer cells are the same, yours may not be as aggressive, and that would be helpful for you to know.


My heart goes out to to you, and I hope you'll keep writing here.


In your corner.

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@ LBP: I do sometimes feel that way but I know they do. I'm glad to hear your uncle is doing well, and that does give me hope I probably will go with that treatment, and take the risk. I really don't want to do chemo that is for sure


@ catfeeder: That's a good idea. I didn't think at the time to ask him, he kind of said it was cancer in the pancreas. but thank you I will continue to post definitely

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Hi There I am very sorry to hear you are battling cancer, I can imagine how difficult this is for you and I am glad you have so much support, that really does help.


Pardon me for asking, but did you say the tumor originated from your stomach and then spread to your pancreas? So are they certain it's pancreatic? Or is it stomach cancer with metastasis to the pancreas? (I ask because usually the 'type' of cancer is classified by where it originates, not where it spreads to, i.e. pancreatic cancer starts in the pancreas, and even if it spreads to other organs it is still considered pancreatic cancer).


Just looking for a little clarification because if the tumor originated in your stomach and then spread to the pancreas that may have a better prognosis.

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I don't mind if you ask


Well they said that it spread out to my pancreas from the tumor in my stomach. Or at least that's what they thought. They seemed certain that it is pancreatic cancer. But what your saying is making more sense. I have a doctor's appointment this week, so I will ask and have it clarified for sure


As for today, it was pretty tough. I'm in a lot of pain and it doesn't seem to get any better

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I don't mind if you ask


Well they said that it spread out to my pancreas from the tumor in my stomach. Or at least that's what they thought. They seemed certain that it is pancreatic cancer. But what your saying is making more sense. I have a doctor's appointment this week, so I will ask and have it clarified for sure


As for today, it was pretty tough. I'm in a lot of pain and it doesn't seem to get any better


Thanks for trying to clarify, hopefully you will have more answers when you see your oncologist.


Have you begun chemo then?

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Yeah good luck!


Im sorry to hear about your misfortune at such a young age. I wish you all the best.


My grandmother battled lukemia, and lymphnoma for a decade and finally succumbed to lung cancer about 6 years back.


Cancer is the worst thing in the world. Trumps AIDs in my opinion cause you can't even prevent it.


Again, I wish you well.

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