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Post here instead of contacting your ex!

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Spent the whole day thinking about you. Its been 2 weeks since we've spoken and over a month since you said you don't want anything to do with me anymore. The last time we spoke you said that you have no feelings for me, where did this come from? How come you never told me this? And you also admitted that you weren't happy. You could've fooled me.


I miss you so much and everything reminds me of you. I hear a song, I think about you. I see a movie we've seen together, I think about you. I eat and it only reminds me of how I would eat that same thing with you. Even my clothes remind me of you! Every time I pick something out, I think "Oh this is what I wore when me and him did this." This all feels so unrealistic. And every time I finally feel like i'm okay, reality hits me and I remember everything we've been through together and take like 20 steps back.


You used to love me so much, how did that all just go away? I don't understand. Either you put on a very good act or you're really good at forgetting people. I still think its the first one. If you would've loved me, you wouldn't have hurt me the way you did. I'm so confused and I don't know which way is up. You said you wanted to build a life with me, how could you? I bet you're having the time of your life right now. Lucky you, you don't have to put up with me anymore. I thought it'd get easier day by day because i'd get used to not having you around, but i'm not used to it and it only gets harder. I just want to call you so bad and tell you that I miss you, but I know it'd only make things worse. You'd be upset that i'm bothering you and i'd end up feeling worse than I did before I called. I'm afraid, it feels like you're gone for good this time. I did everything for you and I put you before everything and everyone, even my own family. The people who are here for me now that you're not.


I can't believe you're gone. I'm devastated and sometimes I feel like you're still around, but then when I turn to look for you, you're nowhere near me. I love you so much and the pain is becoming unbearable. I wish you could be me for a day just so you could see how much I love you and care for you. How could you hurt me like this? The one person who has been there with you through it all. How could you be so ungrateful and go from the loving guy that you were into this person who will say just about anything to hurt me and make me go away. I miss everything that we had and I honestly am not looking forward to seeing you when school starts again. If I feel this bad without you by my side, I can only imagine how i'm going to feel when we cross paths and I see you with other girls. It's going to hurt to look at you and know that I can't have you. I hope we don't have any classes together because I don't think I could do it.


I love you and it sucks that you could go from loving someone so much to not caring about them at all without them doing anything to you. I understand that i'm not perfect. I over react sometimes, but I don't feel that that's a valid reason to throw away something so precious. You let a good girl go and I don't think you'll ever meet someone who loves you as much as I do. As for me, i'll just consider you the one who got away. Because up until today, I still hope you come back and i'll be right here waiting for that to happen, even though you said it never will.


I miss you.

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I just wish that you knew how to live life in a healthy way instead of being so hard on the poeple you love like your mother and your daughter. Realize that you're insecure and that everyone has faults and makes mistakes. See that people are more good then bad so that you could get out of your own way to be happy instead of the emotional rollercoaster that gets set off by stupid bs things like when I wore kahki shorts to a crappy bar instead of khaki pants.

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Every tiny shred of me that thought we could someday be friends has flown out the window after what you said last night. There are so many things I could say to you right now but honestly, I just pity you, because you somehow managed to learn ABSOLUTELY NOTHING from all the things we went through. You are just as immature now as you were the last day we spoke. I'm so proud that I have been able to pick up the pieces and learn and grow from this horrible wreck and you may think you are happy now, but someday you're going to have to look down and realize that your high horse is standing knee-deep in * * * * .


Thank you so much for being SO immature and undesirable that I don't even have to make up my mind whether it's worth repairing things with you in the future.

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Wow you looked pretty today. So sexy. Probably the prettiest I have ever seen you be.


Too bad its all powder and make up. LOL.


But I have to be honest, when I saw you, my heart did take a plunge. I thought, "that stunning girl was my girlfriend."


Oh well, 2 hours after, at my Chinese school, I saw 5 other girls. 3 of which are prettier than you.


Everyone's hot now days aye?

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Thank you so much for cheating on me. If you hadn't done that, I would never have met my boyfriend.


Enjoy deceiving yourself with how happy you are. At least I don't have to pretend.




Oh... and for the ex beforehand... I know you are completely and totally miserable. Now you know how it felt to be me for 3 years.

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i never replied to your comment on fb.


you blocked me after you commented on my picture of sunflowers.


the weird thing is, i saw it..drove by it.. then backtracked to take a picture of it.. it was a an amazing scene.


i wish you were there. you would have loved it.


i don't know what else to say. its been 7 months now. i still think about you every day. i hope your doing ok.


i look at our old photos. i don't know why you through everything away...

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I'm not just saying this because you hurt me, I'm saying it because it's true: you are one of the weakest, lowest, most depraved people I've ever had the unfortunate opportunity to know. That said, I should have been able to see through your thin veil of shallowness and selfishness. You are an empty vessel, lost and wandering. I fell for your damsel in distress disguise but now I see you for the vapid soul you are. I know you will ultimately be miserable because you have no internal compass to guide you. You will continue to use men for attention, luring them in with your body and discard them until you become truly alone. You have no clue what love is, which is why you threw away the one man who truly loved you.

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Two years ago, you asked me to be your girlfriend.


One year ago, you made me cry because I wanted to nap and change into my houseclothes before the Perseids meteor showers.


Today, I'm crying over the fact that you're gone.


I took a day off of work today and drove to my old university ... spent a few hours on campus, walking around, then spent about a half-hour sitting on the beach. No matter how stressful my four years were, it will always be a place of refuge for me.


I was able to sit and think without anyone bothering me, sans the requisite beach bunnies/surfers out to enjoy the sand and waves. I had time to close my eyes and just let myself be absorbed by the beach. My nerves calmed a little. They haven't done that in a while (and are unfortunately back up right now).


I sat there and cleared my head .... know what came to mind?


"He'll be back."


I told you ... that feeling I have ...

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Your resilience truly amazes me to a very high degree. I admire it.


How can you act happy, even if you're hurt? How can you hold the pain inside?


Wow, you're so tough.


But sometimes, I hate that quality of yours. You let nothing get in your way.


Well, I guess that's good for you.


Take care, but I know you were hurt, on the inside.

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Blah...I had a dream of you. Woke up and was a little teary eyed. I guess I'm getting past the anger stage and feeling a little sad. I don't want you back. I just feel sad about everything that happened. I feel bad for the way I personally acted and I'm sad that you could not live up to what I had hoped.


The day you chose to get baptized was a week before you started pursuing me. I remember that day and how serious you were. I admired you for that. You had lots of problems but I admired how seriously you wanted to change them. I like people who try hard despite their circumstances. Well, you are no longer that person.


But what I saw before was an abandoned little boy who wanted to grow up. I remember when I offered you pizza, you said, "No thanks. It's time I start eating like an adult." I was floored. I knew then that you were changing for the better, especially when you asked me if we could work on communication and when you snuggled close to me as we watched our pre-marital videos.


I liked that guy! I liked the guy who woke up next to me all those weekends without trying anything sexual. The guy who talked to me about his fears, goals, and dreams. The guy who sang in the choir and taught the kids. The guy who gave up smoking before we got together. The guy who cried accross the table from me at the restaurant and said "I don't ever want to forget this moment. We have to write it down so I never take this or you for granted." The guy who cried about his mother in law. The guy who cried because he missed me. The guy who cried when he gave his dad a card for his birthday.


You know, now that I think about it, there was a lot of crying in our relationship considering it was only 6 months. And I remember you hugging your dad a lot early in our relationship but not so much towards the end. Were you putting on a show or was that sincere?


Anyway, I liked the guy who wanted to dress like twins. The guy who gave me high fives, the guy who cried at chick flicks, the guy who took me to his uncle's ranch and took a walk down the highway. The guy who confided in me that he doesn't feel very intelligent. The guy who confessed he never thought someone like me would like him. The guy who cried in front of the pastor and said no one has ever loved him like I did. I mean, besides my ego just feeling good, it makes me feel great to know that you felt wanted and accepted after your mom had abandoned you. It made me feel good to know you were feeling better about yourself so you could share that love with our kids at church.


You were supposed to be singing a duet with Dan the week after we broke up. Weren't you excited? The guys were all telling me that you had a gift for singing and wanted you to get a chance to show it. I KNOW you had a gift for singing. Your singing voice is amazing and soothing. Why did you blow it?


It's not just for my sake, but why did you blow your life? Why did you go back to smoking and eating crud with your Diabetes? Why did you let yourself get fired as you flew your "other woman" around in a jet and indulged your sex addictions? Why, why, why did you give up on "Jeff"? You told me you'd never give up on that kid. And a week later, you did. Your singing vocation is over, your church life is over.


It's not just for my sake. I hate seeing someone I care(d) about go to waste like this. I mean, I don't really wish you well with your girlfriend or anything, but it's sad that your whole life has to be in shambles. I actually do wish you well in those other areas because you had such potential. And I talked smack about you here all the time, but I did have some form of love for you even if you didn't love me.


I guess wait on God's timing, right...

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It feels like you've forgotten about me. I hope you miss me even a little bit. I feel bad for not texting or calling to see how it went at the doctors but what's the point when you probably would have just ignored me?


I want to be curled up next to you just now in bed. I want to stroke your goatee and look in to your eyes again. I can't. She'll be there just now. 6 days NC. I know you'll be wondering why the texts have stopped. I would bet everything i had that even though you don't want me you will wonder why they have stopped.


Why have i gone from knowing this is for the best back to wanting nothing more than to be with you? You're like a drug. I'm not good at doing cold turkey. I just want to be with you just now. I would give anything for that.

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I just hope your happy as you obviously weren't happy with me. I have had to let you go as I have no choice. you cannot make people be with someone. I just wish that you hadn't given me false hope, told me you loved me 6 days before you betrayed me.

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I adopted a Miniature Schnauzer to replace you in my life. Now I know what love without games and hurt feels like.


You broke up with me when things were rough... I was getting clean and you couldn't stick around through that trying time in my life.


Now I've got 7 months clean and you're wasted with your retarded 'friends' evey day of the week. I'm headed in a great direction you're spiralling out of control.


After two months we dated for a month. I did he best I could to make you happy: took you out regularly, gave you awesome orgasms daily and generally showed you what you were missing.


One morning I slip and tell you I love you and now you need space?


Take all the * * * * ing space you need you attention-seeking drama queen. You are not worthy of my time and affection NOT the other way around. You are nothing to me.

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