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Post here instead of contacting your ex!

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I want to unblock your Instagram, and see what you're doing. I want to ask one of our mutual friends to let me look at your FB page because I blocked you.


I'm over you and not over you. I'm used to talking to you this time of night. Or being with you. Or texting you.


I wonder if you miss me, and I wish I wouldn't wonder. I wish you'd stay out of my thoughts. Am I still in yours?


You can't reach me, and that's for my protection. Sometimes it sucks not knowing if you'd want to get in touch. Or if you'd try. But it sucks a little less every day.


I'm sorry it has to be this way. What we had was magical, but not permanent. It was real, it's just not real anymore. I have to fully let you go, and I will. I do, more and more every day.

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Ah, you're ripping me open again. I'm letting you. We're texting today. After four weeks of no contact you write to say you love me and think of me every day. And in spite of the pain, the awful feeling in my gut, the need to run from you, I seem to need more to talk to you. To have you tell me you were wrong, you miss me, you want to end all of this and come back. But none of any of this can be erased and I know there is no going back. I am giving us today. Just today. Maybe just now. a few more hours. Then I will choose me. You cannot suck me in again. You do not have good intentions. I know that in my head. I hope I have the courage to let this be the last text I send you:


I wrote a poem for you.



I deserve better

than your love


it has gone

through the filter

of her.

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14 days into NC. I just set a new record there, though we weren't really conversing last time we talked.

How's your life? What's new? Did you get the promotion? Do you have time to make breakfast every morning? Do you have time to cook dinner? Do you remember to take out the trash every Tuesday? Have you packed my stuff? Have you started meeting new people?

I miss you so much, as a lover and a friend. You were my best friend. I am glad I got to share my life with you. It was always fun and exciting.

Honestly, the thought of reconciliation still pops up in my head sometimes. However, just like you said, we didn't have stability. I understand, as much as it hurts I know letting you go is the best. That's probably the bravest thing I have ever done in my life, because you deserve to be happy and pursue your dreams.

I wish I could have been there to support you. But I didn't know how. Please forgive me.

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before I took the new job, you promised me that you were committed to me and that you wanted me to stay in the city for at least another year to be with you. now, 3 months into my job, I feel stuck here without you because you abandoned me. why are you so wishy washy? so back and forth? why did you expect me to trust you fully the way that you trust me, when you've broken my heart countless times and come running back? why couldn't you see that healing these wounds would take time? I know that I was difficult, crazy at times, but couldn't you have dealt with it while I healed? how was I supposed to have faith in us when you've been breaking up with me sporadically for the last 3 years? why are you still messaging me on facebook and calling me "dear" but then saying that you're sure you don't want to try again with me? stop tearing me back and forth. you've broken me.

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10 days of no contact, 2 weeks since I last saw you. The hope that I had before of you coming back to me has pretty much faded. I've been keeping myself busy. Made some new friends and even went on a date. I hate how going on a date just made me miss you more. I guess I'm not ready. Do you miss me at all? You told our mutual friend that you're pretty much over me. How can you move on so quickly? You told me that you still loved me and that you were still in love with me when we last saw each other. If that's true then why didn't you fight for us? Why did you never communicate with me? Why did you never give us a chance to fix our issues? They were easily fixable with a little effort. I guess I wasn't worth it to you. You said you were selfish and took the easy way out. I'll never understand. I hope I'll stop dreaming about you soon.

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I saw you walk by my building. Just now, as I was driving back and parking my car. It was you, no question.


I parked and ran to find you. You were gone by the time I got to where you were. Retrospectively, I'm so glad I didn't find you. Seeing you really rattled me.


I don't know what I would have said to you. Every emotion I have is flooding back right now, as we speak.


Why could you not take a different route? Even walk down a block, ? Goddammit. I hate the fact that I still feel for you.

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I love you and I pray you and the kids are well tonight. I thought of you as I made dinner and tried on new clothes today. I wanted to cook for you and do a fashion show. So much fun we used to have!


Ruined by life..... I hope my ex isn't stalking you still. I'm so sorry you got dragged into all this mess.



I truly just love you and want you to feel happiness and sunshine and light...always. You are my heart. No matter what I will always always love you. I pray for you every day and wish you peace and love and abundance and joy.


Things are going well at work. The divorce is a mess and I am crushing under the emotional and financial pressure. But the job is my respite and I am so grateful to the universe to have that evil former place behind me.


I hope you are prospering at your job. I would love to come see everyone. I know you are kicking butt and taking names. I expect no less from you. You are my lion and you have the strength of three men.


I know you have financial things you are dealing with since your divorce and I am praying that you resolve them and dig out quickly.

Love you forever no matter who no matter what....


. Sleep well, Lover.

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Everyday I still miss you, I still think about you all the time...

Today I am finding it really hard not to contact you, even to say Hi, how are you?, my motives I know would be because I want so much to see you again and I don't even know if you think of me anymore, so the fact that you would probably think I'm looney and I would be just bothering you and you would ignore me anyway is the incentive to not do it. I have to listen to and rely on that thought.

I just wish I could move on...

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I miss you so much


We were so close to one another, we had a special bond, we were each other's Little Rock's which you put in a card. We have the same interests, backgrounds, morals and so on. I trusted you with all my breaking heart which considering my past is a big thing.


We have had so many laughs, jokes, fun times, many many memories we both said are the best memories we've had. We've also had challenges we battled through together. Some that would have broken us years ago. But then at Easter in my grief it became too much. I lost two important people in my life, then I lost you. I didn't realise you were suffeifnf so much between the family and I the rift there was. I should have let down my guard but the hurt me and every time we sorted it, you sister would say something to make me feel anxious again. I hate not being liked but I felt in a sense bullied. I didn't know how much it effected you as you didn't communicate to me. If you did we wouldn't be where we are now. I've had my faults and apologised, worked on myself, seemed counciling for the grief. But still Theban best girl you met seems to be a distant memory.


I am still me, I'm back to my self easy going, realisable, trustworthy, honest, caring, funny. I'm still the girl you said you hit cloud 9 with. If only you could see. You said you wouldn't see me again, now you say you might do. I just wish you would let me in break down the barriers


I was so proud of you when you landed your dream career. But I feel I made my bed in supporting you in it. I tried to do as any good partner would do, support your application, re teach you maths, helped you went you felt anxious you wouldn't get in. Now I feel your in and I was a stepping stone. You failed some exams because of the break up, I get that. But I'm not a bad apple and it shouldn't have been a choice because all I've done is support you. I know the job makes you proud, your family proud and even me even though you don't like me you will love to a new area soon, a new adventure start the career properly, I know how that feels. But I also know that adventure starts exciting then once in the routine you miss home and wish you'd miss me


You were the man of my dreams. But I feel cast aside like other girls even though I've meant the most. I thought you would fight for me. It seems it was a choice between me and your family, but no one made you chose or even asked you too.


You were a sensitive emotional soul who was always there for others, but with me now you couldn't care. You've shut down and closed off. Still email but that's slack compared to hks we were and how you wanted this to be. Even after the split you said we'd been through too much to drift apart and not know each other. It was too much to throw away. But within months you go online dafing like the lads in your class who are much younger than you. Like I meant nothing.


I love you, I really do. I'd do anything to change this if I was only given a chance and was important enough ;-( xxx

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I can't stop thinking about you and all of the wonderful times we had together. Everywhere I go in the city, I am reminded of you.


I cleaned out the apartment yesterday. So many trash bags full of memories. You left so many pieces of you behind. Contact lenses, yoga mat, receipt, hot sauce, sock. I wish you could see how the second bedroom finally looks. We never got around to cleaning it for the entire year, but I finally did yesterday. I did it to purify and to cleanse the space of you, but all I wanted to do when I was done was send you a photograph.


I'm not sure how to reclaim this city as my own, without you being the reason I am here. Over the last 3 years, my identity became so intertwined with yours that I now feel like a skeleton of our relationship. I hate sleeping in our king sized bed with no one next to me. I turn the other way to avoid looking at the empty space you've left behind.


This will be our first weekend apart, and I am distraught with thoughts of you going on dates, going out drinking with some new girl friends, flirting. I know you've already reactivated your dating app and that breaks my heart. I'm sorry I angry texted you about that. I didn't think you'd be ready for that after just 4 days apart. I hope you're not really ready for it.


I know deep down that we can never be together. I know that there are small incompatibilities that we couldn't push through. I love you so much that I was willing to live in compromise for my entire life to be with you. I know that you didn't feel the same. God I miss you. I want to know how you are doing. I can't believe it's this hard and it's only been 2 days since we spoke.


I love you.

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I am happy with our decision. I have so much more time and money for myself. I'm really not that lonely; I have a great family, great friends, and a newfound love for myself. I get to take classes to learn new things, workout harder, and do whatever I want basically!


But my body is a cruel vessel of the purest evil. It attacks me with biological warfare; creating toxins that convince my heart to beat harder with each invasive vision of you. Are these even thoughts of you or is it just more chemically induced hallucinations of your distinct fragrance? Wait, that's the Dove you used last night, right? Why doesn't it smell that way without your hair?


Oh how careless was I, body, this letter is actually to you—you neurotic bastard. Stop reminding yourself of all her attributes and instead remember that there are plenty of wonderful curves still out there, lots of beautiful faces to explore, lots of interesting souls still searching for you.


But my body, you are wounded... so relax and gently apply pressure to it. This is a deep wound but run your finger over the old scars beside it and remember where those came from. Remember when you thought you'd also die then too? Just keep breathing...

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I am sitting here crying my eyes out. Been holding it back unsuccessfully all day at work and in front of my kids. I'm thinking that you should care enough to find out how I'm doing and get over here and hold me. But let me remember the little or lack of comforting you gave me also while crying about us and in sleep deprivation when we were spending the weekend together. I feel like I'm going out of my mind. Not sure why death decides to run through my head from time to time. I'm not doing that. But I fell like chasing any type of relief I can get from this pain and disillusionment. That's why I keep trying to contact you. Cause if I can talk with you then I'll feel relief. I proposed nc with you to start soon so I can get a break from hoping to hear from you and to break our pattern of contact. But you won't get back to me about it. This is hurting so much that I want to talk to you about starting the no contact now so that I can feel like an alien floating, not belonging anywhere, but at least not waiting on you to give me attention. Waiting like a faithful dog and being fed scraps.

You were pissed with the idea that I suggested that I think you're telling me to go out with other men because you keep telling me that I deserve to have all the time and attention and love that I want. So you break up with me and say we will still be friends? But on the other hand you still are calling Me pet names, telling your extended family that I'm your gf, that you still feel exactly the same, that you love me very much. This all hurts. I hurts! I want to say I'm all or nothing. But really I'm taking whatever I can get. I know it's totally pathetic and unattractive. I hope I can keep catching these 30 second patches of being ok with this. Too many moments of feeling like you're destroying me.

We had so many arguments last year where I was the tough guy and just flatly said well let's break up then. If you don't like this. Dammit. I don't know how the tables turned. I thought you were solid, with me, here for me and happy that I've been here for you. I thought you love me so much. That I'm the best person you ever met. With the biggest loving heart. Why would you want to be done with me? I don't know how to protect myself from this pain. I love you. I trusted you to not do this. I don't know how we're supposed to be friends with me this tripped out. And you're saying you're still attracted to me and love me. fffffffffffffffffffF.........

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Why can't the good memories die? I'm trying to move on, signed up for an online dating account, have a lot of matches, and yet I can't seem to get over what we used to have that made me so incredibly happy. Friday night, you watching videos, me doing homework. We sometimes watch movies at home, too, and we were sooooo happy.


But you don't want all of that anymore. You're enjoy doing whatever you want, whenever you want. You want freedom. And it makes me sad. I don't know if I can ever love again. I don't know if anyone can love me again. I really just want you back.

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EasyJets crawled across the sky into the west wind. I read "In loving memory of." and "What will survive of us is love." "Love is eternal, here rests for a time." Perhaps the dead lie happily in the well tended plots, or perhaps they'd prefer the forgotten overgrown corners. Perhaps they prefer their names obliterated by time and the weather. Perhaps not. There was only the sound of the strong west wind in that place, and I wasn't there for very long when I thought that I should leave...


When I'm at the pearly gates

This will be on my videotape, my videotape...

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Why did you make me love you like this? Why did you chase me? Why did you start texting me everyday, many times a day? And then why you told me all that when we started facetiming? "I didn't exist before you, I was dead, my feelings were dead"... "If one day you die, I don't want to live anymore"... "I've never felt like this before"... "I love you more than I love myself"...

And then our magical trip to Hawaii... you cried staring at me in bed. You said you were going to marry me in that magic night... and when you left me at the airport, you called me more than 5 times because you were having separation anxiety.

How was I supposed to wonder what was coming ahead? No I didn't see that coming... I closed my eyes and jumped to this crazy love.

I told you all my story, how hurt and brokenhearted I had been many times before but still I trusted you and believed you.

I gave you the best of me, all my sweetness, my attention, my empathy to your problems and ultimately my true love.

I was willing to do anything to be with you, even jeopardize my status in this country. I spent a money I could not to go see you in your city.

But none of that was enough... you abandoned me anyways... Your last words before the break up "I will always love you but it doesn't mean we have to stay together" - what the heck does it mean???

I thought you were just a bit confused but after a couple of weeks we would be fine again... 6 weeks of NC... nothing from you.

You know, S... I don't want you anymore however I've been in bed wishing to die for a long time. I had to start to take antidepressant and anti-anxiety med... I'm not eating, can't sleep, my hair is falling off and I look like a zombie. The beautiful and attractive woman you knew is a complete mess right now... yes, I can't look at myself in the mirror - I just hate myself right now.

But I will get over you, move on and get back to my best self anytime soon... and you know what's going to happen? Yeah, I've been there many times... you're gonna miss me!

One day you're going to wake up and realize the big mistake you've done and will chase me again...

But I will be so over you that I will not feel a thing but sorrow for you.

Yes, I will talk to you and reassure you're gonna find someone special (but never like me).

Nope, I will not feel any pleasure to see you chasing me again because I don't care anymore.

And you will have to learn to deal with your big loss and grow up and be a real man.


Take care, S... I'll see you in the future.

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