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Post here instead of contacting your ex!

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I left the pub because I saw that while you were talking to me about the respect that has grown in your heart with me, it the back of my mind I can see you are still shagging various women. You want me to believe that while you are oystercatching you are learning how to respect and admire me. How obtuse do you think I am. You hit pause with our friendship and our budding relationship so you could shag any girl who would look your way.


Without concern of how sexy I find you, I have more self worth and I will start handling things in my own way. You don't respect me and I seem to think I don't respect myself because I am allowing you to knock all these other birdies while you work it out of your system. How dumb am I to think so little of myself. Sex, beauty and a connection shouldn't be held over while you sow.

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One more thought: What if the roles were reversed and you were patiently waiting for me to conclude my "need" to explore lots of different men. Would you feel like I was respectful of you? Would you feel like you were special? Or would you feel like I was a Plan B: because that is exactly what I feel like most of the time. As though you offer me just enough to keep me interested and then go about your frollicking about. I am a right silly maiden to allow this to happen to me.


You will get this exploration out of your system and then be proper to be in a loving relationship with me. I don't believe that is at all possible because if you were respectful of me, you bloody well would find another way to spellbind you needs. I am so foolish.

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I miss you. I wish you'd never graduated because you became a total twot after that. I dunno. I just miss what I thought you were. I had an unshakable faith in you. I miss the birds a lot. I want M to groom my hair. Please look after them x

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Sometimes I miss you, but your illness has completely consumed you Jennifer. One month ago, we were in love. I was your soul mate, everything was great! Then, you stopped sleeping and/or taking your meds, and the past six years is gone. You have single highhandedly become your worst nightmare. You kicked me out of your life when trying to get you to sleep. You have whittled me down to nothing in the past month. And whats worse? I cannot blame you, I cannot even hate you because it is your mental illness to blame.

I would like to tell you how worried I am for you. Your job, your daughter, your social standing is all at risk. Somehow, I have become the object of blame. I am not good enough, I nag you too much to sleep, I am not good with your daughter. At some point, I have to let go. I cannot be the 35 year old woman calling her sister to see if I can stay with her. You will be my love, my soul mate forever and always, but you are no longer Jennifer, you are your own worst nightmare.

I have realized that this is not my battle. That is why I cannot win. I have to stop fighting it.


Goodbye my love, my life, my soul mate.

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You haven't said a word this month.

I miss you very, very much. And I'd hope you miss me at least a little fraction of what I miss you. I'm not even asking for love.

The guilt has been eating me alive. Last time, you said that I was making things harder on your end by talking about it. I don’t feel like a person when I talk to you anymore. I just feel like a disturbance. I’m scared of trying to talk to you, because hurting you is the thing I want the least after all the things that have happened, so I left you alone.

I am so sorry for everything that's happened, but I can't say that because it disturbs you when I apologize.

You said that you wanted to be my friend. You promised you wouldn't let go of our friendship. You stepped on that promise when I needed you the most.

I was hoping you would say something. And please don’t give me the „I don’t know what to say about any of that. I’m busy. I’ve had a hard time. I talk to you more than with most anyway.” lines. Had you wanted to talk to me or to be my friend, you would have had time to drop a line in one month. But you didn’t. And I’m tired of waiting. I understand. You don’t want me around. I'm tired of crying and waiting for things that will never happen.

I love you too much, still. And I'm trying my best not to think of it. I'm trying my best to figure out a way to live without you.

You were my everything. You said forever. You told me that you loved me, even when everything hit the fan. You told me that you wanted to try. You didn't.

You broke my heart, love.

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I've spoken to you twice today: once in the midday when you were just calling to say hi and to chat me up a bit. Which was nice. The second time you rang me you said that you were shagging other birdies BUT you felt like it was working out of your system. Is that right? So after sleeping with several women, you think you can now be in a committed relationship with me? That is some nerve you are showing. You expect me to be on pause while you are in bed with several other women: at least those that I know of: and then everything is suppose to be wonderful for us and we will live ever after. You hold great self esteem thinking that I will allow you to do what you are doing and then greet you with open arms. Do you really think so little of me? Do I think so little of myself? I'm a fool if I allow that to happen.

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This weekend was so painful. Did you think about me at all? I'm not even sure where you live anymore. Nine months and I sometimes still can't believe this is what happened to us. I'm still in love with you and miss you like crazy. My kids talk about you sometimes and it's bittersweet. They loved you, too.

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I'm so sorry for everything. I know you're hurting, and I'm hurting too. But it's time for us both to move on. It's been almost six months and we need to go our separate ways and start sorting our lives out alone. Trust me, it hurts me. At least you have the friendship group – not me. From now on it'll be me, alone, every weekend, with nothing to look forward to because you can't deal with seeing me out with our friends without you hanging on my arm. So I'll go. I'll just go.

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The other day you saw me accross the parking lot and walked over, gave me a big smile and waved, then stood on the other side of the group I was talking with.


Why? Why did you walk over? Did you think I'd talk to you, or give you a hug? I waved back and that was that. We're friendly strangers now, not friends. I'll say hi, but keep your distance please. You broke up with me because the lust ended, but even you admited that the love hadn't.


I missed you so much at first, but now you're gone and my life is that much darker for it. We shared things, had great experiences, and grew together, but in the end you decided to be a child. We had so much fun and love, and you threw it away because things got boring for a month. A month. If you were so unhappy, why didn't you do anything to change it? Why didn't you communicate with me? I was the person you were supposed to be able to share anything with.


Now you're off chasing some dude who lives 3000 miles away. He's not that creative, but you continue to praise him as though he's a genius. You hurt me and all I ever did was support you. I never made you feel bad about yourself, fought with you or controlled you, and you threw me away. We'll never be "friends", and you'll have to deal with that.

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It's almost two months after I issued that break. I attended more social activities, searching answers for the selfish and foolish side of me. I learn much from churches. Something about men and women which realizes of the importance you have brought upon me. I can't never thank you more. I have a feeling we will meet again in determined areas of life. Would that be the time you will see me differently or so?


I don't wish to see you waver too far and end up stepping on more dangerous people outside. That's all I wanted to say. Although I'm getting better, my heart still seems to be missing you. I pray that the hurt you have will slowly be removed.

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I am a fool: I believed you when you told me that you were getting your randiness out of your system. That was 2 months ago! You will never commit to anyone and I feel you are stringing me along for the chance that I be available to you when one of your chippies shut you down. You call and all to keep feeling a connection to me. That's not true! You call to keep me interested. You are a bloody wacker for thinking I will stay paused for much longer. I don't care how perfect you are: You treat me poorly and you know it!

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I want you to talk to me. I see you online every morning, checking if I sent you something. Why don't you send me something yourself?

Do you even feel anything for me anymore? Do I still matter? Or are you planning to avoid me as much as possible?

I'm really upset with your blatant ignorance. I cried every single day for you. Did you even care how I felt?

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I still love you. No matter what you did, I still do. I was not behaving good to you...I wish if I could get back time and change this.... I made mistakes and I wanted to fix them....you didn't give me second chance and opportunity to do so.

I wanted to change, as a matter of fact I did in the meantime and wanted to show you that, to surprise you to prove my love to you and make all your dreams come true.

Last two days I needed you the most.

Yesterday was the worst day in my life....I really needed you.....


I know what I was telling, but now when I know that you are with another man I can only wish you happiness....although I want you back

You are aware how I fill now, you are good in this, you know me the best....im broken now...me strong man you knew is on his knees now, destroyed....can you feel it...you broke me...I know that you newer thought it will happen...


my greatest love, I miss you....

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I sent you a link through facebook that I thought was cool. You haven't even looked at yet, even though you have been online. Maybe you are saving it? Maybe you didn't look at any of your messages. I don't really know. Seems a little strange. Maybe you saw that it was a link, and put no importance on it. I was weary to even send you anything, because you have ignored my links before. So now I know...no more links. It's a tough lesson to learn. It's hard to face the truth, whatever that is.


Well, I guess there was a description of the link in the message box... I don't know....I put so much importance on whether or not you reply to me. You didn't even look at it though.... It just bothers me. These lessons suck. I don't know why I would get a different result. I just don't know what I am supposed to think.

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I wish I had come here Saturday instead of contacting my ex. We broke up Sept 6, and Sunday was a month. Saturday night I had the genious idea to send a non-emotional text just saying hi. Of course he didn't reply. I then texted him from my Google Voice number (different #), he replied saying Who's this and I immediately told him it was me. He told me it was over forever.


I think our relationship was doomed anyway, regardless of what I did during the relationship, as I was his rebound and he wasn't/isn't over his wife (he's separated). So I'm trying not to beat myself up. But contacting him Saturday led me to very sad Sunday.


So now whenever I feel tempted to contact, I will keep control of my actions and come here to read posts and post myself.


This guy was emotional and had really bad self-confidence, and as I already said he wasn't over his ex. But I fell in love with him.

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Ha, just reading some previous posts, and now I see the purpose of the thread. As such:


I posted about you on a message board about break ups. I told the whole story. Some amazingly wise person pointed out I was your rebound. I think in my heart I knew I was. I told you I was tired of giving more than you gave me. When I was in TN, you were so mad at M for posting a pic of her bf on FB and tagging your sons. You still have so much animosity for her. A few weeks before you broke up with me you, she asked why you hate her bf so much, and you said because he came between you two reconciling. This was recent. The red flags were there, but I ignored them, because I love you. I"m angry with you for making me fall in love with you, and you were still in love with her the whole time. And then you just broke up with me, out of the blue. I don't think I would have gotten an explanation if I didn't drive to your house. And I'm so angry with myself for going crazy and acting insecure. I'm better than that and I will never again act like that. The most important person in my life is ME, and I will forever come first now.

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Remember, your not the only one facing this dilemma. I am facing it for this few months too. But my case, the girls don't usually go other guys. That's all for I know. The girl prefer being alone etc.






Probably meant to be or not. I feel what you think. That's exactly what I am grieving and moving on with. Stronger resolve.




Ok. Now back to me. I wanted to see myself happy with you. That's all even if it's a sweet dream. Second chance? Not sure I'll be deserved. It's your decision.

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I have limited my time on facebook, because I don't want to deal with the rejection of you not answering my message when you come home from work..whether you answer it or not, you most likely won't answer it right away. I am learning that our relationship was not healthy, as I was dependent on you to fill my emotional void. It's not right of me to put that pressure on you, and it's not healthy for me to take your opinion as my own.


I am learning that if we will ever be together again, there needs to be a balance where we are not emotionally dependent upon one another. I will admit that I am more guilty of this than you, but you did draw me in, after all. I bet you like to be depended on, emotionally, but you know it's not healthy. That's why you made sure we stayed apart.

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