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Post here instead of contacting your ex!

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Well, the day has passed and no text or call. I survived it apparently. No pain yet but then I'm in a sensory overloaded environment. Vegas is crazy on Christmas day. I think I will have to do this again. I think you deleted my phone number and moved on, which is smart considering your recent activities. I truly hope you are regretting it and scraping your memory for my digits. Neh, that's just the ego talking. Be gone and stay there. I will be fine.

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It's been quite awhile since I posted in this thread. We evolved through break-up, to hook-up, to a semi-dating thing to a beautiful friendship......you have really 'been there' for me at times, but other times, like tonight when you 'wanted' to be let in to my close family circle.......holy ground for me.....then you blow me off.....wow. You offered to come by and 'help clean up". Right. They were leaving. . . it was five hours after start time for the party. . . .It was a chance to meet my family and you were the one who asked ME if you could come. And you choked. Hmmm the lesson here is, you really don't care about me (and never have) *please note* this rant is about mySELF and not the ex.....I need to be more careful.

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I am writing to tell you that Jack Bauer, whom we met at the Elm party two Fridays ago, died this past Friday. It seems as if he died of a heart attack of some sort, no real details. He was 34 and healthy, or so it seemed. We also met his wife Lauren, 32. They have a 2 year old child at home.


It just seems like a piece of news I ought to share with you.

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Why are you playing the victim in this? Can you not accept, ever, that you are in the wrong? You broke up with me, you wanted me to move out. You told me when we broke up that I'd done nothing wrong and now you're advertising the song "ex-girlfriend" on your facebook (yes I checked because I'm stupid and weak after your "festive" text message) Oh by the way, how DARE you text me on Christmas Day! I'm trying SO hard to get over you and you're consistently reminding me about every 2 weeks that you exist???? I don't need this! I was so happy with you. You convinced me to settle down with you, you got what you apparently wanted and then threw it all away. And THEN play the victim. You don't see what you did wrong do you?


I'm coming to see you in a few days. I'm coming to get my tea set that you text me about a few weeks ago. And when I do you're probably going to find out how much you hurt me, and you're probably going to LOVE it. But I don't care, because its the New Year in a few days, and also your Birthday (you won't be getting a Happy Birthday from me) and I want a fresh start. After this, you have no more excuses to contact me, you are now fully blocked on facebook, I'm getting a new phone in the new year so you will no longer have my number (for all those ****ty text messages and lazy contact) I might try to change my email address so you no longer have that. I hope to move house in the future, so you'll no longer know where I live. I don't expect you to miss me, if you missed me you would've tried to see me, not sent me BS text messages. I'm coming to see you because it will be my closure. Enough is enough now. You're trying to "play break-up" with me, trying to drag it out because you thrive off the drama. If I played along you'd drop me like a hot stone. Thats why i'm not playing, because I don't have the strength to be dropped again. The last bit of strength I can muster goes into living my life away from you, into loving my family and friends because they love me unconditionally. The last bit of strength I can muster is going to go into permanently saying goodbye to you. After 8 years of having you in my life, making me feel bad about one thing or another, after 8 years of thinking you're the perfect guy. You're not. You think you are, but its all to cover up the fact you're actually weak, and can't stand being alone.


So soon I will see you and I will tell you to leave me alone now, please don't contact me again, I can't bare it and I've moved on. I don't care if it makes me "look like I'm not over you" or makes me "look weak" because I'm not weak. I'm brave and I can go on without you, and I will.

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YOU wanted me out of your life. YOU didn't want to work on our relationship. YOU cheated on me. YOU disrespected me by demonizing me to your new college friends.


I'm giving YOU, YOUR wish. I'm trying to move on, I think you realize that but your ego doesn't see how anyone could ever get over you. Especially considering how your ex before me still isn't over you. Well, you're not all that, and I'll find someone who will treat me much better, and deserve my respect. YOU obviously don't. and no. I don't want to be your friend. NO friend of mine does what you did to me. I did nothing to deserve that treatment either. I treated you like a princess but I felt like your slave. Well good bye, good luck in college. You'll need it.

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There are so many questions unanswered. I dont know how you can go from being in love with someone for 8 years to ending it instantly. I miss you and want you back so badly. I keep thinking about all of the things I may have done wrong. I am willing to change my life for you. People are starting to think Im crazy.I want nothing more than to have my best friend back

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I don't know if I should be happy or sad that you haven't been in touch. It just makes reality hit home that you did move on during our relationship and that really hurts. I wouldn't be suprised if you are in a relationship with M.


I think about whether you miss me or not but you've not contacted me at all so you must be firm in your decision.


I know it's not logical but deep down I am scared about the future. I feel this way because I didn't fall out of love with you and you did with me. I told you that I loved you and accepted you for who you were and yet you said you couldn't accept me for who I was. You leave with guilt but the feeling of being loveable and I leave with the feeling of rejection and not being acceptable as I am.


I want to be positive about who I am but it is hard to believe that I will find someone or have a lasting relationship when I just feel like I will be rejected again. I don't want to be a self fulfilling prophesy.


I really wish I had dated more people and not just you. There has to be someone better out there right? I'm scared I don't want to date again. I don't know if I can trust not to be left.

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I find your reasons for breaking up with me vague. I wish you could have just said what you felt rather than putting all this positive spin on things. You lie by omission and that hurts because I don't know what you're omitting.


Maybe you do just use people & I have to accept that.

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I started to write this today, and really considered sending it. What good would it do though? :



As I write this I still can't believe I find myself in the place I'm in. As much I as tried to prepare for the fact that this might happen I find I don't feel like I was ready at all. I don't think I ever imagined you'd really walk away from everything we had.


I can't tell you how disappointed I am in you, but just as much disappointed in myself. I really never, ever dreamed that I'd one day be talking about my EX-wife. I never thought I would choose someone like you. I thought if I followed my heart I'd find the right woman, and I thought if I did my best, and did everything I could to be my best, we'd always find a way.


You talked about how you saw the path of our relationship, how we grew together in the first half, but grew apart in the second. I see a relationship where we spent the first half making promises to each other, either explicitly or implied, and you spent the second half breaking those promises, right up to last and most important one, that forever meant forever.


I know I haven't always been at my best, and at times I've been demanding and self centered, but I always took the promises I made seriously. The things you said you realized were holding you back, the obligation to our families, the promises of marriage, were the most important things that guided me as I tried to grow and learn. What kind of person are you that you would dismiss those things as burdens that are keeping you from doing what you feel like doing? These things set the frame for me, and especially over the last months before our break I was beginning to find the joy and reward that came with living up to them.


I believed so much in you. As we approached the end I still believed that you were going to find a way to grow into our relationship, into our marriage. I believed you would learn what it is to truly love someone, and to allow yourself to be loved. The part of me that's causing me the most pain, the part that's going to cause me the most pain as it slowly dies, is the part that believes you might still find the woman in you that believes in life long love and promises kept, but if you can't then you don't deserve me, and I deserve so much better than you.

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Wow, dude... mixed signals, much? It's been sort of self-sacrificial for me to help you out and be there for you the last few days, around the holidays. I tried to be there for you, but you are still SO SO LOST. I look into your eyes and not only do I not see the boy who used to love me, but I also see someone who desperately needs counseling and help to overcome their burgeoning alcoholism. That breaks my heart almost MORE than the break-up, because I loved you unconditionally, dude. Anyone who convinced you that I was the cause of your unhappiness WAS WRONG. And I know who the people are who convinced you of that and I will never forgive them. Because not only did they help to destroy our chance to work things out and reach an understanding, they also did you a great, great disservice by not realizing that you NEED HELP and that it has NOTHING to do with me. But nobody advocated for me. Even after how long we'd been together. Nobody advocated for us. And that's why we're here now. Both so unhappy. You WERE HAPPY with me. I know you were. You were at your sparkling best. And you had a GREAT house and a GREAT girlfriend and love and affection and you gave it up FOR WHAT? It's sad... because you're devolving, after all that hard work. I believed in you. I wish you believed in me. I wish you believed in US.

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So in truth, my concerns about you all revolve around your arrogance, the ease with which you assert yourself. I love your authority, I miss your humility. How would you be in the company of the sweet Davises, whose spirits and minds could go toe to toe with yours, if they ever would demean themselves to do it. That always and still should be my concern. It strikes me that I want you for me but more so for my girls. For them you are everything they are missing. You are attentive, effective and athletic. You make them feel safe and you give them hope that life will be better and they will be stronger. Wanting for them is a much deeper need than wanting for myself. So much overlaps with my childhood - your intellect, your flying, your travel. Your playfulness. I want your strength. But I don't want your indifference. To give my girls the example of loving a man who does not cherish me, that can not be.


What do I offer you? Companionship and great sex. Was that enough? What else are you looking for? Nothing, I think. Its only that you have companionship and great sex in A, to whom you do not want to commit. I don't want to be part of this little world you have woven. And of course, I respect you less. As respect goes, so does love. Just as I told you it would.


I am giving you up, every day. Every day I celebrate moving on from you. Every day I consider what it is about you that I want so much, that I wish so deeply to have. Because I will find it in a man who is made for me. I will pray for this man. I am rapidly becoming the real deal. You are.... not.

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I just find the end of our relationship hard. I've never really lost someone like this before other than death. When I look back at our relationship I felt that we had our hard time but I also felt that we did love and care for each other. I find it hard to work out in my head why it ended up being such a mess. I still miss you every day and I really wish I didn't. I am scared that the future will bring me loneliness. I'm trying to move forwards but it's hard as I miss you and think about you often. I'm so convinced it's me and that I will just end up lonely. X

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I don't want you to be happy because you don't DESERVE to be. You did nothing But manipulate and hurt me physically and emotionally and I'M just waiting for the moment when you do the same to her. Stop telling me you love me and asking me if I'd ever date you again. I hate you, I loathe your existence, and I wish I could just erase you from my heart and mind. Four years of by life, my entire high school career, has been soiled and shat on by you because I allowed it. But no longer will I let you be the cause of my tears and turmoil. I refuse to be a product of your behavior any more. It's time I moved on. Time to accept the goodtimes have passed and realize why I ended the relationship in the first place...so good riddens you piece of ****.

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damn you you are still sexy as hell. thank god for my wingman who assures me you know what you have lost. i am sure he is right but i waiver. i am ever more confident that I will not respond when you contact me. unless and until you offer me a different set of circumstances. and if that were to happen, it would be years from now. you will have lost your bff and your gf, you will be rebounding. so not even then. by then, what i will offer you is so out of this world better than what i am now, and what i am now is better than any woman you have ever loved. I am, from the inside out, the real thing. i am that woman that you love hold and cherish forever. You can take me anywhere and do anything with me. I am, in fact, exactly what you want. Too bad for you.

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It's hard to move forwards when your heart is in the past. Why is it so difficult to let go? I suppose it wasn't just you that I lost but our city, pets, proximity of friends, community & job. That's a big whack. I hate the feeling that this is a holiday & that I'll come back. It is so hard to let go

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Struggling with you today. I hope deeply deeply deeply that you are sensing a loss. I hope you never get over it. I hope you come back to me, eventually. One day, to be THAT man. But you won't. She will continue to fly up to see you and you will eventually realize you have no other path.


The next 6 months will tell you much. You will be moving, you may quit your job, you may buy a house. You may leave the region. You don't know. I will lose your whereabouts then. I think this NC thing will be important to keep up for all that time.

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How dare you tell me what I should feel. You're so full of yourself that you didn't hear anything I tried to communicate to you. You don't know how to work through issues with people. You just tell them how to feel and expect everything to go how you think it should. You have a wall up so thick you can't even see it's there it's so close to your stupid cute face. Your problem is that your ego is too large for you to fill.


I hope, in 6 months, that you see me. I hope that you see me, new, confident, shiny and happy without you, and I hope it makes you sick to your stomach with regret.

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I don't miss you so much now, though if I let myself imagine you I could make myself miss you. Now, I just miss your attention. That is not the same thing. I can conquer missing your attention, since I know it comes with a barrel full of crxp. Attention is empty, missing your attention reflects a hole within myself that I can address. Damn your talent and emotional narcissism. Freaking difficult combination. Like falling in love with a murderer.

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It's been almost 5 months since our breakup and 3 1/2 months of NC. I saw a picture of you taken about 2 months ago, you looked very happy in it.. Very dashing. I'm so glad no one in your family has put any public pictures of you and ur ex(now fiance) looking happy together. I know you protect me even still like you did when we were toegther. Or I atleast choose to believe so. My army babe. I miss you today as if i had lost you yesterday. I will not contact you because I know you won't reply and if you do it won't be pretty. I also don't want to be that girl who pathetically atempts to break up a relationship that will no doubt probably only grow stronger with me intruding. I have to keep remembering all the nasty things you said to me after out breakup. They are the only reason I have not tried to contact you. Because baby.. I miss you.

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