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I know you are done now. I can feel it. It took one year but she is it, she has your heart now. I never thought the last time I saw you was literally going to be the last time ever. You have moved on completely, though you say you havent fully. You dont love me anymore like you love her, you just cant say it to me. I cant do it anymore, I cant fight this fight for us anymore. Have a wonderful life.

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I know in my head that it's over. But my heart always disagrees. I'm trying to seek all the help I can get and sometimes it helps. But you know you were the only one I could trust. Were! So what do I do now? Still wish you'd call. When I'm ready, I'll write you a letter. It was always our best form of communication.

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Today is really hard. I really wish I hadn't screwed up as badly as I did - I lost you because I was selfish and wanted attention that sometimes you couldn't give me. But now I realize maybe you gave me more than I deserved. I miss you, and your cats and your dad and your mom and our dates and your room and the way you used to look at me and the way we used to fit together. I never thought I could feel the way I did when I was with you - completely safe and comfortable. I know I lost your trust and respect, and I fought so hard for another chance. I haven't been with anyone since you, but I need to if I want to move on. I just can't help but feel so empty sometimes, so hopeless and so angry at myself for hurting you.


I wish you were here to wipe my tears as I did for you when you were breaking up with me.

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Without you & without thinking about you it's very lonely. I did love you you know. I'm really sorry you didn't care to work on it. I'm sorry I mistook you for someone you weren't. I honestly didn't think we'd ever break up & it kills me that you did. I miss you so much. I can't wait to get you outta my head & find someone else. I am heartbroken.

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I can't believe I still get so sad over you. I just re-read the e-mail you sent me and my reply. I just get so confused because in your e-mail it's clear that you care for me and respect me and, I think, love me to some degree. I don't understand what was so difficult. You just didn't love me that much I guess (why did you stay with me for so long?).


Why can you not at least match my e-mail with a reply? Something short & sweet - thanks for your reply & understanding. I will respect your wishes. - but you have replied nothing. I'm not surprised as you always had the ability to irritate the hell outta me so why should that change.


You touched my life and my heart and it really hurts not to have you here. Please God, find me someone better.

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Today has been such a rough one.


I feel so drained, and although it's barely just turned dark I think I'll just go to sleep soon. I'm done wondering why I can be fine for weeks and then suddenly have an emotional train slam into me. Guess it's just part of the process and I'm not going to make the mistake of thinking I'm healed anymore. I guess I'm getting better, though. Hard to tell.


I had a couple dates with this really sweet girl last weekend. Apparently I radiate the vibes of a broken person and she could tell that I was emotionally unavailable. I was very honest with her and told her she was right in her assessment and that I was sorry for wasting her time. If only you had paid me the same courtesy. It's not fair to just put all the blame on you, though. I saw red flags and I ignored them. Never again.


Seems as though my friends think enough time has passed for me to be completely over this. Everyone keeps telling me that I have to let you go. What!? You left me. You made your decision and it has been unwavering. I don't have to let you go, you're already gone. I do need to come to terms with this 100% and accept that our life together is done, but I don't see the point in letting go of something that I don't even have a grip on. I've realized I'll probably never get over you.


It sucks that I worked so hard to get you to trust again, to bring down these colossal walls you've constructed, only for someone else to get to reap the benefits of that work. It's downright devastating. It brings me overbearing sadness that our relationship ultimately failed due to things completely out of my control. You finally met a guy that would never hurt you, and I get punished for the damage inflicted by boyfriends of past. It's simply not fair, but that's life, eh?


I do love you, by the way. I don't know if you ever truly believed me when I told you that, as many times as I did, but it was and still is true. And I always will.


I miss you so much, J. More than you'll ever know. Goodbye.

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you going dark on me again? texas cat got your tongue? but we knew about her, didnt we, and we planned for this weekend to be the big blowout. i know i had planned on walking away after this weekend, unless you made different kinds of moves. and so, of course, you did make different kinds of moves. because a little ambiguity goes a long way. but you knew. and so you extended it as long as you could, and gave off no vibe. but you knew. you stood at the train and said "i was going to kiss you goodbye". you are a smart, controlled, [censored myself].

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i can't understand why you left but now i see 5months later that we had problems

i stiil would of done anything to be with you

but you want something else

or someone else

so i will let you go..and i wish i found this site sooner

i texted him so much before like i begged and pleaded my love

now i feel stupid

20 years is along time i still miss you

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I should give you credit for being the strong one... the one who realised first that it wasn't going to work and made the difficult decision.... instead I want to rage at you for the pain I'm going through... but you are right.. .you need to fix yourself.... find out who you are in this world... but no it doesn't help that you love me... that's worse to love eachother but not be able to be together...

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Oh FFS, I can't make up my mind. I sprayed some deodorant in my hand. It reminded me the day after I asked you to be my girlfriend... I woke up that morning and smelled my hands, and I could smell your perfume.


God I miss those moments so much. I would do anything for that bliss to come back. What happened to the woman I fell in love with?

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I don't even know what to say to you. They say that when you look back on aspects of your life, that you overlook all the bad and just see the good. Though I would never undo our time together, when I look back the bad outweighs the good. You hurt me to the point of numbness, and what's worse is that you didn't care enough to wait a week to rebound. You are a callous coward who will one day wake up and realize that he ****ed up. You will never find someone who loved you as much as I did, and whether or not you realize this tomorrow or in a few years. . . you will realize it. I can't believe the man who was the center of my universe and whom I was prepared to devote my life to hurt me to terribly. I will eventually get over whatever it is I am feeling right now, but I will never forgive you for what you have done to me. No one deserves what you have put me through, especially someone who has never wronged you and always prioritized you over all else. I hope that you overcome your fear of the future and get off of this path that I hear you have embarked, because though I hate what you've done to me I would hate for your cowardliness to interfere with your ambitions and goals. I wish you luck in your future, but whatever you do don't let me know when you realize you messed up. I don't need to hear it, and it won't do you any good. Good luck in life you piece of ****.

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