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Post here instead of contacting your ex!

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I hear the distant sound of fireworks, been going on for least half an hour. Don't know what they're celebrating and frankly don't care, but all I know is while I'm lying here sad and forlorn, people out there are happy, alive, excited. I want that too.


This made me think of you.



It feels like a lifetime,

A thousand days have passed by

Since I held you close to me

If I could see that smile from my friend

I know that I could live again

I need you here with me


Heaven knows what to say

Even though for right

Nw you're so far away

I hope and I pray

Somewhere in your heart I'll always stay


Girl, lately my sun doesn't shine without you

Never noticed what it feels like to be without you

Feels like I took my last step

And my last breath in my life ending

Had to say just what I was feeling, girl

'Cause my sun doesn't shine,

Sun doesn't shine without you


This is more for me than for you

Girl, I finally see there's no substitute

For what we have

Do you know how much I love you


Heaven knows what to say

Even though for right now you're so far away

Gonna tell you and show you

Do whatever I can do to get back to you


Girl, lately my sun doesn't shine without you

Never noticed what it feels like to be without you

Feels like I took my last step

And my last breath in my life ending

Had to say just what I was feeling, girl

'Cause my sun doesn't shine,

Sun doesn't shine without you



I don't know, I just feel empty inside. We used to spend so much time together, we used to talk so much, now I feel alittle like a fish out of water.

I'm sorry about everything. I miss you.


My ex from last year just rang. I let it go to voice mail. I'm not in the mood to put on a fake smile and act happy. I just feel so lonely.

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I feel the same way too! New job, new apartment, new friends, the list goes on! I still have to see is stupid butt at work too. Oh how I would love to tell him: "Im doing better than you are"...ha ha..but I have already set the rules and he knows, he is not to say a word to me unless its work related..lol..oh but it's so tempting.


Good for you Einstein

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I wonder if you know how much you blew it with me. How much you F*cked up! Even after we broke up and started dating another person, that I you couldn't find someone better than me! But you think it's good enough to have someone to occupy your time is cool. All the best with that. What do you think when you see me? You can't have me anymore, cause you know I don't want you? I won't come back to you.


When you came in to work a few hours early and parked your car outside of the building I was working in, were you there to see me? But you didn't come into the building when you didn't see my car outside? Creepy...dude..just creepy!


You never come into work early and you know I am the only one in the building during that shift..I am so glad I wasn't there cause I was dreading this day. That you would try to get me by myself and ask if we could talk. Thank god my supervisor relieved me early for lunch break and I wasn't there. Whew!


I am not ready to talk to you. Its hasn't been long enough. It's bad enough we have to see eachother passing through. When we broke up, we went our separate ways, but we still had to see eachother breifly every weekend at work. So this was a very dramatic and akward time for us. Cause people usually don't have to see eachother after they break up and I couldn't quit and you couldn't either. So We just dealt with it as it came and even though I was heart broken and hurt, and then heard you were seeing someone else, I knew could never talk to you again. It just hurt again and again! You F*cked up a good thing between us. Even if we couldn't be together, we probably could have left the door open for friendship some place down the road, but you messed that up too! I had to close the door on idea for GOOD! The day I found out you were seeing someone and it was only a month after or break-up, I told you that I would never consider you a friend, NOTHING! Someone like you doesn't deserve someone like me in your life ever! That was the day I kept my promise. So here it is 10 months later, what do you have to say to me now?


Please. I am not looking for no Sorrys. You can keep those. I am not looking for some closure. You can keep that too. I am doing just fine, as you always knew I would. You on the other hand, don't look so well. When we pase eachother at work, I don't even know who you are. You are someone from a place and time, that I was close to, shared most of my feelings and dreams, stories with. Somebody, I once love. But that's not who I am looking at today. You seem strange. You see lost and alot less confident. Hmmm..I try not to analyze what I see right before my eyes. but I am not impressed anymore. All I have is the memories and what you use to mean to me. I loved you and god knows I did. With all of my heart. All that was in me. I had love and alot of it to give, but you took me and US for granted. Now that's IT! You have to live with your decisions and I am living with mine. I am no longer pondering the "what ifs" and the "what could have been". Because it's simply. There couldn't be another time or another place for you and I to have what we had. We can not "re-create" that again, unless it was sent from above. And my God, I don't think he would do that to me twice..lol


Anywho, this is what I think I would say if he ever stopped me to ask those 3 words -- but not so lengthy!..lol

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Dear Mr B


Must I admit to you my fantasy of you showing up at my door and us greeting one another with a passionate kiss, you giving me the sincere face, and me stopping your advances mid-kiss? Me looking to you to tell me, show me, make me believe that you are back, mine, and for good?


Rather, I think I will keep this fantasy to myself. It will fade.


Your memories of me, they will not. You have nothing like me in your life, you missed me when you were 5, and you don't know what to do about me now. Your exW is marrying and moving, your FWB is easy but unsatisfactory, your kids are aging, your lease is expiring, and you presume me still here, whenever you decide to look.


You will deny me in your memory, but I will return, like a good dream you can't run away from when having a temper tantrum. And that is all I will be, a dream.

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I found a neckless that my ex must have left over my place this morning in my draw next to my bed. I honestly don't know what to do with it. I might send it to her. You guys think thats still contact? I don't want to break NC ever the F again. But I don't want that thing laying around as it hurt a bit and brought back memories of her and it smells like her and I seriously need to get rid of it. Just knowing its there is slowing my healing down I think.



a) Send it to her in a box with no note or just a greeting (Found this. Take care of yourself)

b) Throw it out

c) Keep and hope she comes back to me (Just kidding... I know we will never be together again lol)

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Just a quick question? Wasn't sure where else to put this but this is probably the most appropriate place.


It's my ex's bday tomorrow and I was thinking of sending her a bday text. Do you think this is a good idea even though we don't really talk anymore? The reason why I want to wish her a happy birthday is because I still care about her even if she doesn't care about me anymore...

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Just a quick question? Wasn't sure where else to put this but this is probably the most appropriate place.


It's my ex's bday tomorrow and I was thinking of sending her a bday text. Do you think this is a good idea even though we don't really talk anymore? The reason why I want to wish her a happy birthday is because I still care about her even if she doesn't care about me anymore...


The answer to you question is: No.

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Just a quick question? Wasn't sure where else to put this but this is probably the most appropriate place.


It's my ex's bday tomorrow and I was thinking of sending her a bday text. Do you think this is a good idea even though we don't really talk anymore? The reason why I want to wish her a happy birthday is because I still care about her even if she doesn't care about me anymore...


No. You care about the ex, but maybe the ex doesn't care about you? Ex doesn't deserve to hear the greeting then, and won't appreciate it properly either. Sorry. Just let it go. If, on some later date, ex throws it back at you "why didn't I hear from you on my birthday?" just shrug. "it didnt seem appropriate" is enough.

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Setback: I was feeling so awesome last night and today, then I saw a picture of you with your new bf at a bar with his friends. You guys just don't look right together, you are like a girly girl and he is like these big russian rocker dudes. Like seriously? this is what you left me for?


Only you can shoot me out of the sky.

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1) You lied to me.

2) I neglected you after I gave you another chance.

3) You ended up cheating on me.

4) No matter how bad things were in the LDR, this doesn't give you a warrant to cheat. No person deserves that kind of pain when all they did was love you.

5) Repeats steps 1 - 4 in my head until I feel better.

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Today, I worked late and ended up taking the last bus home. An attractive man boarded the bus in front of me. No ring either, which is amazing these days. I am far too shy to approach (and still too invested in the relationship that was), so I didn't say anything, just walked past his seat and took my own. But I glanced at him occasionally. It was the first time in 10 months I was physically attracted to someone.


Thank you, cute guy with the nice smile and tight behind, for pushing me a bit further along in the healing process. There may be hope for me yet.

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You are an enigma, and you are brilliant. I like that. Still, you are a disease. You have planted some sort of organism in my person that acts as your conduit, a maggot you have left behind. You disgust me, yet when I see you, I see an innocent child and a highly competent man.


Why do you leave such slime in your wake.

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One of those nights where you're running rampant through my mind. I actually thought about going on the website for the Heart Walk you're participating in tomorrow and making a donation for you specifically, but I doubt I'll do that because you don't seem to appreciate the stuff I've done for you in the past so why waste my time? May just donate it to the cause instead of you. I'm contemplating holding another "funeral" again later on this evening as I did last week, but knowing my luck, you'll end up calling me this weekend if I do that. I swear, you have some kind of 6th sense for knowing when I'm gonna forget about you...oh well, I'm doing it again tonight because it gave me closure and peace last time. If you decide to call or text, don't be surprised or upset when you're met with silence.

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I'm sorry we had to end the way we did. Wish we could still just meet to talk it out. I miss you alot.


PS --- I've really been trying to let you go and just be at peace with everything. It's just hard bc I did get attached to you, and I've come to realise that this icy heart has a death grip on the things it gets attached to unfortunately. Even though I was very nonchalant and breezy on the phone that day, and I could tell you were caught off guard, bc you had that intake of breath a couple of times (along with a voice that sounded like you've been crying), I just want you to know that all I was doing was trying to be strong and respect your wishes.

You tell me to move on with my life and that you're trying to get on with yours.

I'll try my best to do just that.

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I just talked to my ex J on the phone for over an hour, and it was really great cos there was no awkwardness or animosity, we laughed and it felt nice.


I'm going shopping with him Mon, and we're going to have dinner on Wed and hang out Thurs morning too, before he leaves town again. It's weird, last year at this time he was hurt and ignoring me, funny how time and distance have changed things. The phone convo actually lifted my mood alot, and although I originally told him I didn't want to hang out ( cos I felt sad about you) I've decided *** am I moping around all the time? I need to start smiling again.

It'll be nice hanging out with an old friend.

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