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Post here instead of contacting your ex!

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Feeling mixed emotions tonight. I'm nervous about seeing you tomorrow. It will really be the last time. I can see that you deleted some pictures on your facebook but I guess it's okay since I deleted most of them on mine too. I have to keep reminding myself this is for the best. You were horrible to me, you never loved me. You lied and betrayed me. But it still feels weird sometimes when I just want to call you to talk about my day and I can't.


It isn't even fair that I'm "using" this guy to get over you. We just talked on the phone and it left me missing you so so much. He isn't you. He doesn't respond the way you would, I kept wanting to hear him talk the way you would. I can't be myself. I don't want someone new, I want the way it used to be where I could be comfortable and say whatever was on my mind without thinking. I miss hearing you tell me you loved me, calling me baby, or laughing at our stupid humor. I miss how the silences weren't ever awkward.


I don't think I'm ready but I want to do it anyway to almost get back at you in a way. I know that's not right. I know this could backfire in my face so badly. I already feel weak like I want to call you and beg for you back. Just because ONE guy doesn't match up to you. I didn't feel a connection (even though it was on the phone) and I can definitely see that I'm carrying around baggage. I'm not over you. It's not fair to try to start something new with someone else when I'm not all in it.


These ups and downs are insane.

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God, I just want it to be over. When will this stop? When will the pain go away? When will I stop remembering?


If you're going to leave, then just leave. Don't show up where you know I'll be. I don't want to see your face. I don't want to hear your voice. Please stop torturing me.


Is this some kind of cruel joke?


And your stupid friend! "You guys had such a connection." And then talking about how obviously I took the relationship seriously while you didn't! Screw you! You and I both know the truth! I know what you promised!


How the hell am I supposed to get out of bed tomorrow? I can't take this anymore, I really can't.

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I freaking hate you. You better believe "there is too much history". And you better believe the only unhealthy one around here with a disorder is YOU, you're an anti social WOMANIZER and no one will STAY with you. First one stayed 9 years Second one not even 4

Next one will be 2

Next one will be 6 months

Next one will be 3 months




you've lost me. Goodbye.

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God, I just want it to be over. When will this stop? When will the pain go away? When will I stop remembering?


If you're going to leave, then just leave. Don't show up where you know I'll be. I don't want to see your face. I don't want to hear your voice. Please stop torturing me.


Is this some kind of cruel joke?


And your stupid friend! "You guys had such a connection." And then talking about how obviously I took the relationship seriously while you didn't! Screw you! You and I both know the truth! I know what you promised!


How the hell am I supposed to get out of bed tomorrow? I can't take this anymore, I really can't.


Is there any way that you can stop having contact with him and his friend? Or at least ask that friend to please not talk about him when you are around?


That might be what's stopping you from feeling better and moving on. I made a lot of progress after I was able to take my ex completely out of my life.

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Is there any way that you can stop having contact with him and his friend? Or at least ask that friend to please not talk about him when you are around?


That might be what's stopping you from feeling better and moving on. I made a lot of progress after I was able to take my ex completely out of my life.


I know it is. I was having a really good day, actually, until I had to spend two hours with my ex, who apparently thinks it's super fun to volunteer where I work part-time.


His friend is also a good friend of mine. I know he meant well, but I just really, really do not want to talk about my ex. Only my closest friends and family know how hard this process has been.


So I get to see my ex every day this week because of this job. Yipee. I'm thinking about quitting, but I'm going to keep with it at least until December.

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Same thing today... I woke up in the morning and I just wanted to lay on bed all day... I got up, trying to work on my computer but I can't, I am in forums again writing about you or looking for ways to get you back. In a few hours these feelings will fade and then I will be angry with you, wondering how the hell did you leave just like that without a reason or excuse? And I won't want to hear from you again. At night, I find my self confidence and I believe that the best is in front of me and sleep releaved. But I know the cycle will continue the next morning...

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so my horoscope today says- This is an ideal time for creating a new beginning. Let the disappointment of the past remain in the past. The future is yours to shape with your sweetheart.

every song on the radio has been a love song: Delta Goodrem-I believe again, Selena Gomes- Love song, song song i dont recongnise saying "Each time i find myself falling back in ur arms, but i dont mind, its just what u do to me, cant hide desire frozen in time and now i cant find a new devotion", The fugees- Killng me softly, David Guetta Feat Usher-Without you, Scouting for girls- love how it hurts, Sade -by your side, LMFAO -one day...etc etc


I wish i could go back and fix everything so ud wanna be with me. i miss u. i love u. i know u love me and miss me too so why dont u call. why dont u come get me? i hate u for convincing me to try things with u and then u got scared and bailed out. know im the one. u say u, u know we will end up together .so why are u wasting time?


I dont want to start all over again. not again.

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To my ex before my recent one. why are u texting me u hope im having a great day. i gave u 4 years of my life. u left me. u had a baby with her.she left u now.ur in another country. im over u. i still think ur a good person.il always love u in some way. but please. please just leave me alone. i cant

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I just got back from the gym and for about 2 hours I didn't even think of you...and now it's all come crashing down around me again. It seems so insane to me that we were so happily in love and now we're nothing. I know I ended this...but you understand why. I couldn't do it anymore...you understand, I know you do. How could you not? It was so obvious I compromised too much of me for you..


But I still wish it was the beginning of August. When we went to that wedding and I looked at you accross the room and was 100% sure that someday that would be me and you taking those vows. I was so proud of you. I keep reliving you picking me up on the dancefloor and kissing you deeply while ''run' was playing. I can say it was truly the happiest moment of my life. I've never felt such joy and complete happiness. I love you so incredibly much. 5 days later we were nothing. And you're gone.


I am dying inside....and it hurts so badly.

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\i just want to totally erase you from my mind and i wish i never met you.....I can't take the pain anymore...I won't tell you or contact you in any way, but I wish could be me for a day and see what it feels like....I'm so tired of being strong and putting on a brace face and pretending everything is fine when inside, i'm completely broken. How much longer is this going to take. I am so so alone and I want my best friend and darling back

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I finally finished my first assignment for my postgraduate program... It was tough, it was only the last 2 days before the deadline I could think somehow clearly. I couln't work last week, the first week without you...

It is night, I always feel stronger at nights. But tomorrow morning, when I wake up, I know I will be desperate again... I miss waking up in your arms... I miss you... I can't understand how you left me like that, you said you loved me and the next day you suddenly dumped me. I wish you have talked to me about your thoughts. Now you will be for ever someone who destroyed everything in one night without reason or excuse...

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I have to see you in 30 minutes. I have to sit next to you for 2 hours.


I wish I didn't. Your friend asked when I'll stop being pissed at you. How about when you start being a decent human being?


But seriously, I'm surprised it's not obvious. I'm not mad at you. I don't hate you. I'm ignoring you because I'm still in love with you. I'm ignoring you because I want so badly to move on, but I can't. Every time I see your face or hear your voice, it brings back so many memories. I can't just forget. I can't be friends with you. You will always be the first man I ever imagined marrying.


I'm so scared to trust anyone again. I'm scared I'll never find a connection like we had again. I can't even imagine waking up next to anyone else.


I feel so great during the day, but I feel sick when I think about having to see you. You're a part of my past. I want you to stay in my past. Spending time with you is like slow torture. My mind still thinks that you'll hug me and give me a kiss. My mind still thinks you're going home with me. I can't seem to rewire it.


Please get out of my life. This is why I don't like dating friends. Why did you insist? Why couldn't we just leave things the way they were? If you weren't over your ex, why wouldn't you let things be?

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oh wow. Im the fool. Unlike last time, I wasnt going nuts needing to talk to you. Im fed up with your crap too, but I still have this terrible urge to fix us.... I dont know why I just called you. Im bored maybe? Part of me thinking you missed me too? Such a freaking fool I am. I knew in my heart you werent going to pick up so why did I embarrass myself? Because I want you to realize what we have. Its not normal to stay angry like you do....Im angry too, but it doesnt change the fact that I love you..and that trumps my pride. So I tried to raise the white flag and kiss your a$$. This isnt worth ruining everything we worked so hard to fix. But it takes two.

Guess you cant say the same. You cant claim to love someone and completely ignore them like this. I just pray its because youve gone out with your boys....I hope thats why and you will call me after....


I was going to wait another two days then call you. But guess I have a lack of impulse control. Oh well, your ego just got bigger huh?

You have until Friday to contact me in one way or another. Even a simple Eff you in an email would be better than this. I dont deserve this ...I know it and you know it..I choose to take it so its my fault. All because youve stolen my heart.


I know you dont want to go on Saturday, and I really think that why you are acting out....but if we dont, we are done. WHEN you call me in a week, or a month or whenever I will not be responding to you. And you can feel the hurt. Feel what its like to feel like you dont exist.

You know Im good for you and treated you like a king. And as you told me, no one ever has and you never believed anyone loved you before me...so just remember that...and think back to how patient I have been with you. How you got anything and everything you wanted. Just remember.

You wait much longer and your sad excuses to talk to me like you did before wont work on me.

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I hope the next guy has the sense to dump your ass and stay NC on you instead of giving into feelings for you and giving you another chance. I never should have given you a second chance, you didn't deserve it. I bit myself in the ass even trying to reach out to you and damaged my own ego so badly when you didn't want to try fix things anymore. You've always been full of empty promises. You never wanted to fix things, you just wanted more drama. And you hurt yourself so badly with your bull * * * * that now we're completely finished. You hurt me so badly in the process. I have forgotten who I am. My head just keeps telling me to be what you want me to be. I'm so messed up. I've lost my damn mind.

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