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Post here instead of contacting your ex!

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All those times you used to hurt me. They're gonna burn in my mind forever.

But eventually, eventually... The pain will ebb away.

No longer am I your option.

I am just too damn amazing to put up with that haha.



Someday soon, I'll take front place and center in a somebody else's heart and I'll think about everything that has happened... With you, with us and what might have been if you'd only cherished me the way you should've... And I'll smile.

And smile...



And I'll smile some more.

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So are you finally starting to realize that you may have lost me forever?


First, a Facebook message two weeks ago (I haven't watched the video yet), then a text message at 2:34 AM asking if you had given me the wine from our New Year's trip almost two years ago?


Are you panicking?


Do you realize that I'm almost to the point where *gasp* I don't want to be with you anymore?


You screwed up big time, darling. You had me, all of me -- but when you let me go the second time, you were really letting my free.


I haven't replied to your text. I don't know if I ever will. But no, I do not have the wine from that trip.

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What's it going to take? What do I have to say? I don't hate your family. What broke me was the way YOU made me feel, so powerless and so disrespected in that situation. I wasn't dating your family, I was dating you. And of course, I more than understand that when you are with someone, their family is automatically part of that deal. BUT, you didn't even try. You hid. You told me "this is my family, there's nothing I can do about it." There was no, "Its okay, don't worry about this", no "It doesn't matter to me what they think or say, you're good enough for me", or no "No matter what, I love you just the way you are". I needed affirmation from YOU, and time after time of coming to you and letting you know how I felt, you didn't understand that. You wouldn't budge, you just wouldn't move. What do you want me to tell you? That I still love you? That I still miss and care about you? That I wish more than anything that we could make this work?


You've already proven yourself immune to my begging and pleading. You say you're hurting, but so am I. You can laugh at this like you've apparently done with all of the other ones. I don't care. I told you I'm sorry, I told you I was hurting, I told you that I was scared. But you're hurt, you're stubborn, and I bet you are more than scared; of me, of your family, of trying again. God, do I wish you were brave enough.


But, I'm a smart cookie. I won't let words exchanged between two drunk fraternity brothers or small signs of you cracking affect me. I'm still strong, and I will continue moving on. There's nothing else I can say to you. I used to want this so badly, but now, I know I don't need it or you.

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I just want to say that I love you more than I ever thought. I wish I could hate you and let you go, but I can't help it.

I'm not a machine to be switched on and off all at once. Why can't you at least show some appreciation?

I'm tired. I feel all alone in this lost love. Please, tell me that you miss us. That's all I need to know now...

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I hope you are miserable without me. I hope you are spending most of your time watching TV and not accomplishing anything. I know you don't have any real friends. The ones that are worthwhile are married and you would have way too much pride to try to hang out with them. The friends that would be willing to hang out with you are lame people who are just as clueless are you are anyway.

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I thought we were good together, but I was wrong. I still keep thinking

about what could have been but im accepting what it is and what it is

is that you are a pig. Im mad at you because you lied and promised forever,

you talked about marriage and kids. Im angry because I feel like you used me

and I am still trying to put the pieces back together. You are like a puzzle

I am never going to solve and you make me angry because you gave up on

us. I hate the person you have become and LOVE the person you WERE.

I am opposit, I hate the person I was and love the person you helped me

become...All is a waste though and instead of emailing you. I tell enot alone

all of my thoughts hah. Call it crazy but its helping..

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So I think I'm ready to find sb new now. Not that it's neccesary, I like being happy in my own skin, being alone and content =) but if I DO meet somebody awesome, I'm finally over that feeling that I would be cheating on you, and that I would be using them as a rebound... I'm finally able to start afresh and be with somebody again. No weird hang ups on the ex anymore (I hope). This time I'm gonna take things slow, and see how things go.


Ooh I am anticipating happy times in the near future! Thanks for teaching me so much about life! Lovess.

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So your dumb face invaded another dream I had. I laughed when you about fell down the stairs but then

apologized and tried offering you some help but befor I could the new girl helps you instead. In my dream

you were kicking me out of the house you moved your new girl into. In the dream there were NO kids.

You were rude and I was rude and we both tried saying our peace. You made me feel bad, really bad.

I woke up missing you again. My regret is not being the best girlfriend I could be but now I am

realizing why and its because I havn't been the bestfriend I can be to myself which carried onto

resentment towards you and our relationship. I miss you like none other. But I know that if I ever

want to make it work with anybody else or you I need to work on myself and that is what I am doing.

even though you are moving on I am just getting a little bit stronger like Sara evans song says...

I wanted to remain friends, I wanted to remain in a relationship with you and lovers but you couldn't

wait for me and it kills me. You are only turning 29, you aren't that old regardless of what you may

feel. You look great, funny, sweet, intelligent and all those things I myself..im realzing want to be.

I realize that is what attracts me. The confidence I want, the intelligence I want, the peace with myself

that you endure in yourself. It wasn't always LOVE is was more like something else and I can't

quite describe it. I can't wait until I am past this hump and stop writing all my feelings on enotalone.

But you may think its weak of me and I can agree whenever I post again things I need advise on or

feel i need advise on when really i know the answer.


The answer is to get over you for now and let go of you. I need to get to know myself better.

I am only 22, I still have some growing up to do. I see now that you were stuck in your own ways

whenever we starting our relationship. You even said yourself that you would have me trained

and I guess you were right. You "had" me and now you "lost" me because I wasn't your

ideal mate anymore and that right there is what I believe to be the most hurtful and

selfish thing you could do to anyone, not just me.

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i can't believe I ran into you on friday night and you couldn't even LOOK UP. you stared at the ground and didn't have the balls to even look at me. I am so angry and am barely dealing with how much a jerk you are. you gave up on us and never tried and I am in SO MUCH PAIN. 3 weeks I've made it without contacting you and I'm proud of myself because i didn't think i could go 3 days. But you can't even say HELLO? what a loser.

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Yesterday I went to the restaurant with my family and uncle, it was the same place we went to when we were together. I remembered that day and how happy we were before. I can't believe those days are gone. They were so good that it hurts.


If you could only see what we've lost. If you could only realize that we were meant to be. If you could only understand that nothing on earth is worth losing us forever.


Open your eyes. Listen to your heart. Follow your senses. Come back to me.


I love you H.


Good night~

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I love you, I miss you. So, so much. I have horrible dreams about you, except I can't remember your face completely or the way your voice sounds, except when you say 'I love you'. I can remember that.


You know where we live. It's weird, isn't it? We've scattered our memories all over that city, haven't we? The Christmas tree, the parks, the streets we'd walk down aimlessly, the theatres, every restaurant and bar, every train station. I sat on a bus today and it felt like a guided tour of our history. I couldn't help but smile, because I know despite everything, we had so much fun. We were SO crazy about each other.


How did it go so wrong? How can you not miss US?


I keep thinking about that last night when you held my hand as we slept, and hugged me so tight when we said goodbye. When you got off the bus and then stood there for a while just staring back and crying, how do I forget that? I cried the rest of the way to work that morning. I even went for a little walk in the park to clear my head.


I remember these things and think 'he must love me. he MUST, why else would he have said this or did this?'


I begged you to tell me you didn't feel anything for me anymore. Why not just say it? I'll admit there's part of me that wants to get my stuff face-to-face, just to hug you one more time. But I know I can't, it will only set me back. I'm getting there with feeling better...


You said you'll always love me. I'm not going to wait, but if what you said is true, you will be back. I will always love you x

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Ahhh. It's a good day. I'm doing something I love and you aren't here to taint it. I never brought you here even though you hinted at it. I guess I knew it was just for me and nobody else.


Thought about you yesterday but its different now something in me changed. I don't think about what you are doing anymore and if you are thinking of me. Stupid and crazy I suppose but I KNOW you are doing just that and I'm glad -- I hope it hurts and you realize you can't treat people that way. If anything I feel bad for your boyfriend, he's probably sweet and kind and all that but he's gotta know you will cut him loose any time you feel like it. Since he's a weasel I'm sure he has already broken up with you over me and is so captivated by your beauty that NC lasts as long as you want it to. Be kind, kick him loose. I despise him but I don't like people suffering like that.


I finally started unpacking boxes and guess what I found, your wedding ring. The one I was going to give you, the one you drooled over and steamed the glass on. With great satisfaction I traded that sucker for a truck ( a color in which you hate) and some misc. items for the boy. It was a good deal and we have enough to have a really good christmas. I'm glad it worked out.. for me.


The category five storm that was you has passed, I don't notice the wreckage because I'm not looking back. I'm gonna be okay, I am a bit gun shy with women now but just its just temporary. I'm deadly honest with them and they seem to appreciate that. Yes, this is a really good day, I hope tomorrow brings more of the same. In fact, I'm so happy that the boy and I are gonna make shrimp fajitas and enjoy a good game of RISK afterwards. I get a kick he's so competitive as his young age. Oh yes, the icing on this day, he forgot about you and doesn't remember anything. Good luck coming back.

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This is the hardest thing I've ever been through. I can't hide that I'm not hurting beyond measure. I'm not usually one at all for crying or depression but this has got me stumped. I hate that we didn't even see each other for two months before it happened. I knew this day would come but I wasn't expecting it 3 years later. God give me strength.

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Went to a country concert the other night. It was really good. You would've loved it. I had planned on getting tickets for us to go when it announced over the summer that they would be in town this month haha. Good job I didn't, huh?


It saddens me that you're telling people I did things that I did not do. It hurts, but in a way, it sure as hell is speeding up the "getting over you" process. Keep running your mouth, it'll do you no good, you'll lose your friends, and this guy won't be talking to you for a long, long time. Not that we talk now anyway, but it's on my terms, and hot damn it feels good to finally be in control of the situation and start putting myself before you.


With that being said, I do try to remember the good times and the good memories. You're a sweet girl, just got a lot of growing up to do. Leave the drama and passive-aggressiveness aside. It will do you good, trust me.


I'm sorry that we can't be best friends. But you must realize, our best friendship/relationship/whatever the hell we were the past few months must be sacrificed now that you're in a new relationship. I have to do what's best for me. Actually, I'm not sorry. It's just the right thing to do.


I really hope you're doing well. Yes, you're on my mind constantly, but not as much as you were a month ago. I know in time, you'll fade out. I pray for you every Sunday at church, just making sure that God is looking upon you as he looks upon me everyday.


Take care of yourself, kid.

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I'm sorry you are hurting right now. I miss you so much and wish I could make all my confusion go away. You don't deserve this. I look around and think of all the memories we've shared. Everything reminds me of you. It's going to be that way for a very long time. I don't know if I made the right decision.

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