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Your bad temper caused me to loose precious braincells...I dont like to see people behaving mad and shouting to me. Sometimes maybe there were reasons, but no reason is strong enough to make the other person feel like a piece of * * * * . I never cheated on you and it didnt even cross my mind. I dont know why im still hoping to get back with you, i guess is because i became sort of addicted to the drama and my self respect is shattered. But ill be fine i guess, but i need to be strong and keep myself away from you.

Since we work in the same place and see each other almost on daily basis it will be hard...i know. Last time when we spoke you told me that you are not sure wheter you love me anymore...i will keep this in mind each time i want to contact you. Only thing is that i dont wanna accept the possibility that you dont love me. Some questions im asking myself though. Is it love when you tell somebody to go f*** themselves, or when you ask your partner to stop contact with people whom you dont like? To uses phrases like its either them or me? Is this conversation normal? She-"Everything is your fault" Me-"I know i made mistakes and i regret them but you also made some" She" All my anger and my bad temper was caused by you, if you wouldnt have made the mistakes nothing would have happened"

Well my "darling" i cannot be with a person, who cannot admit their own mistakes or at least to give a try.


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Why the heck do you keep showing up in my dreams every night from now on? In all these dreams, you reject me and I am left out of the group. Last night, you were playing soccer with your cousins and brothers and you locked the gate so I couldn't join the game. Why, in all these dreams, do you leave me in the forest to wander alone while you play at the campsite with your friends? Why am I a little girl and why are you a little boy? It is heartbreaking to keep dreaming this because in the dream, you are friends with everyone. You are chasing them around and having fun. I am an outcast. I guess that just validates my own life. I was always left out when I was little and now I see you as the one who has left me out. You know everything about me and were my best friend, yet you STILL leave me out. That's what hurts the most. The other folks who rejected me when I was little didn't even know me, they just didn't accept me anyway because I was shy and not a good athlete.


Stop these forest dreams. Please! If I have to dream about you, make it something good. Stop rejecting me every night!

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Man I wish I could somehow make you feel guilty for the way you treated me and have been treating me. All I want is for you to stop and start doing what's right, and you won't. You won't apologize properly, you won't feel guilty, you won't even get upset. You claim you want all these things with me but haven't lifted a finger to do them, you just continue down the opposite path. You're "a bit scared to never talk to me again" - HA, thanks jerk. That's all I get after 4 years, "a bit scared". I wish you would just go away, get the hell out of my life, instead of staying half in half out while doing these disgusting things that destroy you. I wish I could hurt you as much as you hurt me, but I don't think you care enough.

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I'm fed up of the games you play with my feelings.

Because I'm totally a horrible, horrible person for wanting to help you. How despicable of me to suggest something that would ACTUALLY work...

And how dare you say to me, "Oh, it's just so difficult for me."

Like it's easy for me. Don't forget - you're the one who ditched me after promising you'd marry me, and go with me to France. Not the other way around.

So where do you get off telling me that's it's really difficult for you?


You treat me terribly, and you have done since the moment we broke up. You say that you want to treat me like a friend...and then you do stuff like refuse to talk to me in front of other people, or force me out of conversations or talk behind my back about me to your family. That's not how you treat a friend.


I'm fed up of all our interactions being entirely on your terms, it annoys me so much. You're not some sort of royalty...I'm fed up of you acting like I have some sort of duty to you and I can only talk to you when you happen to grace me with your presence. That's not how it works. If I need to talk to you about something to do with the house, or bills then I need to talk to you. When it's convenient for me. Got it?

Not you. You don't get to pick and choose and you're acting like a little child locking yourself in your room and refusing to talk to me. You might as well be putting your hands over your ears and humming loudly...it's just plain rude.

It's quite honestly how I would expect my 9 year old cousin to act...not a 23 year old man who wants to become a lawyer. Haha.

If it's something that I need to honestly talk to you about there and then, and it can't just wait until you feel like talking, then sorry - but life doesn't wait around for you to feel like facing it. The bills can't just wait until it's convenient for you, and if you're going to refuse to move out of a house that I arranged, chose and pay the majority of bills for, then you're going to just have to grow up and deal with facing me.


I'm fed up of waiting around for you and I hate that the break-up had to be on your terms. I wish I'd ended it myself, so this wouldn't have to be all on your terms and in your control.

It's my life. You're a part of it...and you're going to have to face that and accept it.

You're being a total hypocrite saying that you want us to deal with this in a mature way and be able to be friends with one another and then run upstairs and lock yourself in your room just because I said you weren't communicating clearly. Way to prove me wrong! Well done!

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You decided you didn't want to follow me to this great college in this great city, and wanted to stay in the Smalltown, USA for the rest of your life. You've moved on and found a romantic guy who was everything you wanted me to be. You're happy.


You win this time, but I'm going to pursue my dreams. Someday, I'm going to make more money than you can ever imagine. And it's going to be fun swimming in it with someone else.




UGA Bulldawg

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There's so much I wish I could tell you. And I'd like you to really care but I don't think you will because you're not capable. Plus you won't even understand..there's no way you've done the work I've done.

Btw..Why do you put on facebook you've read certain books. I know you just read 20 pages and say you're reading them so you look intellectual. Also! "Complete works of Plato"...seriously? You didn't even KNOW Plato before you met me! These books are almost incomprehensible, I was there remember? I know, it looks petty but it's sycofantic!

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Thank you for the most amazing 2 years of my life. Thank you for showing me what it truly feels like to love another person. Thank you for showing me what it feels like to care. Thank you for making me feel like the luckiest guy in the world. Thank you for making me happier than I've ever been. I wish that I could have made you feel the same way.

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I hope you and A are ok. I'm not sure what's happening or why? I keep thinking about things going wrong with you and him but at the same time just wanna get on with my life.

I have to accept that it's over, and to a large degree I do. I just need to find myself again and the final piece will be in place.

I do love you and thank you for all the good you have shown me. It's a real shame it didn't outweigh the bad.

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I never thought that what I'd miss the most was the love-making! You know I wanted to wait until marriage to have sex, but I eventually gave you the green light because we were going to get married. Supposedly. You really were a good lover, at least for a first partner. But I never wanted a "first" partner. I wanted an only partner. You knew how much that meant to me. But I guess you wanted more. One partner was not enough in life. It's sad that you don't appreciate what you have. Nothing is ever enough for you, is it? You once said that you don't get bored easily. I told you the same. You made a big deal about saying how you appreciated the important things in life, not the materialistic, showy things. But that is completely untrue. I guess you just didn't know yourself back then and now you do. Or maybe you are completely blind that you take everything in life for granted. Either way, you do, because nothing is ever up to your standards. I have to admit, I was the same way. We thought everything had to be perfect. How immature we were. Too bad I know better now, but it's too late.

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Dear Ex:


Happy Veterans day!!! thank you for sacrificing your life in iraq all that time you spent there to make this world a lil better to live in , I am so sorry for the friends you have lost in this war and also for all the emotional struggle this has cause you but i want you to know that to me you are my hero. I wish i could put in words how proud of you i felt and still feel. I hope life gets better and i hope someday you forgive me .


I love you so much still and i miss you everyday .



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i wish I was over this. I have made a promise to myself to not ask you anythng about your move to your new apartment and that person moving in with you. I dont want to know, I dont want to know. I am slowly giving up and stopping wishing we would be getting back together. I reallly think I am getting over you. Slowly but surely I will.

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There's so much I wish I could tell you. And I'd like you to really care but I don't think you will because you're not capable. Plus you won't even understand..there's no way you've done the work I've done.

Btw..Why do you put on facebook you've read certain books. I know you just read 20 pages and say you're reading them so you look intellectual. Also! "Complete works of Plato"...seriously? You didn't even KNOW Plato before you met me! These books are almost incomprehensible, I was there remember? I know, it looks petty but it's sycofantic!


lol. okay...this one...and jettison's are just funny. but the rest...


what a heart-wrenching thread.


okay...well, i'm actually grateful for this entire experience. i was miserable...and sinking into something unimaginable. i didn't know love. i don't imagine any of what anyone has said here would have touched me at all...and now i'm capable of feeling the sadness...of knowing it...of embracing it...of living it.


yep...i miss you...but it's not out of despair. it's love. it's simple. it makes me smile. when it's painful, it reminds me that i'm alive. it doesn't scare me anymore.



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Me going to the doctor for being upset for so long is the best thing I have ever done for myself. He gave me medication to keep my thoughts and sleep patterns right, and the medication has made me feel emotionally numb.

Not even our special song is able to make me cry. The thing is, I feel like I really need to but I can't.


I hope you have fun this w/e at the races. Funny how in 3 years you never once brought me with you.


I still miss you, and when I watch Akira later I will think of the time we snuggled and watched it.


I love you Ricky, more than words can ever say. Do you still think of me?

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