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Another one bites the dust...


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haha... its not a big deal if you work in the silicon valley... its standard here.


Ya, like saying "40 is the new 30," unfortunately, "100k is the new 50k," and not just in silicon valley. I remember thinking I had "made it" when making 200k in Manhattan... then the rent bill came.

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G, maybe you should take a break from online dating.


What do you do for fun? Do you go out and hang in places where you can meet single women?


I know you have female friends- don't always hang around with them, it will ruin your chances of meeting someone because other women may look at you and think you are taken, and not realize that they are just female friends of yours.


Do you have any guy friends who are single who you can go out and paint the town with?


If you meet people face to face you don't have to worry about picture exchanges online.


Also, don't feel that you have market yourself by disclosing the amount of money you make. That's no one's business. Ideally, a woman would like you for you first. You don't want to attract gold-diggers.


Go out. Have fun.

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G, maybe you should take a break from online dating.


What do you do for fun? Do you go out and hang in places where you can meet single women?


I know you have female friends- don't always hang around with them, it will ruin your chances of meeting someone because other women may look at you and think you are taken, and not realize that they are just female friends of yours.


Do you have any guy friends who are single who you can go out and paint the town with?


If you meet people face to face you don't have to worry about picture exchanges online.


Also, don't feel that you have market yourself by disclosing the amount of money you make. That's no one's business. Ideally, a woman would like you for you first. You don't want to attract gold-diggers.


Go out. Have fun.


I think I should just take a break from everything.... this is just really frustrating and depressing. Not being wanted is not a good feeling at all.


And no, I do not go around advertising how much money I make to get women. Have no idea why you got that impression.

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Gry - Why are you trying online dating? Why don't you go out with your friends, bars, coffee shops... anywhere BUT online is better, IMO.


I have asked out women in coffee shops and other places too... the results are the same. They do not want to date me.

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I wasn't sure income is something standard that is asked for in an online dating profile???


they ask you to specify a bracket, not the exact amount...


but that doesn't play any role i guess.... the real issue is my looks. they see my picture and cease communication.

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I know this sounds ridiculous, but some times I wish I was born as a woman. That way I can have so many options to choose from. And everything coming to me instead of me taking the effort, going after the opposite sex, and then getting rejected. I am just venting!!!!!!

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the real issue is my looks. they see my picture and cease communication.



Well I've seen your picture and don't understand why that would happen. You're not unattractive.


Just take a break from online dating. Seek out social situations in person and have fun. Don't try too hard in your mind. Just relax and see where life takes you. If you frequent the same places a lot you may find that you click with some of the "regulars" and something might develop. Hang in there.

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You seem to think women have it so easy. If it were so easy, don't you think we'd all be taken? That I, who've been single for a year now, would be taken? We're not constantly hit on (we're constantly cat-called) and we don't have thousands of guys to choose from like you think.

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You seem to think women have it so easy. If it were so easy, don't you think we'd all be taken? That I, who've been single for a year now, would be taken? We're not constantly hit on (we're constantly cat-called) and we don't have thousands of guys to choose from like you think.


I am frustrated and venting Hers. I don't know what to think anymore...


I turned 34 this July and suddenly I have been feeling that its already too late and I am getting nervous thinking about the future... I feel like a loser.

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Well I've seen your picture and don't understand why that would happen. You're not unattractive.


Just take a break from online dating. Seek out social situations in person and have fun. Don't try too hard in your mind. Just relax and see where life takes you. If you frequent the same places a lot you may find that you click with some of the "regulars" and something might develop. Hang in there.


well, what else could it possibly be Bella? they contact me, i respond, they ask for my photo, i send them, and then they do not communicate any more. and this has been happening for quite some time now.

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well, what else could it possibly be Bella? they contact me, i respond, they ask for my photo, i send them, and then they do not communicate any more. and this has been happening for quite some time now.


they ask for your photo then stop talking to you right? maybe you aren't their type physically. why not have your photo up all the time so those girls can just pass you up?


i still say more action in person.

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they ask for your photo then stop talking to you right? maybe you aren't their type physically. why not have your photo up all the time so those girls can just pass you up?


i still say more action in person.


yea, one of the good points in this thread is that i should just display my photo. in that way they know beforehand how i look.


ghost, what are some places to hit on women? i can think of coffee shops, book stores, bars, and clubs.... (i have hit on women in coffee shops and book stores).

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they ask for your photo then stop talking to you right? maybe you aren't their type physically. why not have your photo up all the time so those girls can just pass you up?


i still say more action in person.


another thing to think of....sometimes women write guys without profile pictures b/c they're simply curious of what the person looks like. like it's another way they "browse". they see one without a picture, find a way to see a picture, see the picture, and then keep browsing. not a personal sting...just a way to satisfy curiosity.

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ghost, what are some places to hit on women? i can think of coffee shops, book stores, bars, and clubs.... (i have hit on women in coffee shops and book stores).


the world is a playground, man. a guy got my number once while i was driving next to him on the street. it was interesting but he got it, he called me, we hung out, and we dated a bit.

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ghost, what are some places to hit on women? i can think of coffee shops, book stores, bars, and clubs.... (i have hit on women in coffee shops and book stores).

The places are important, but you need to refine your technique otherwise you will continue to fail. I take it back about link removed, it may be a fine site to go on in the future, but you need to target your specific problem. Sign up for PAIR on fastseduction, and contact some of the guys in your area. It's free, do it now, no excuses.

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I think a picture upfront is way better - as in visible on your profile - the difference is that the people who contact you get a full picturee of who you are and digest it all together - personality, looks, stats etc... I think if a guy doesn't have a pic, I make an image in my mind, and then if he doesnt match that image I had of him, I may be disappointed.


Also I won't usually contact men without pictures up as I too think it's fishy!


I also agree with the other person who said it's not just about "looks" in a photo but can be a number of other factors - height, hair, ethnicity, clothing, just general vibe, does he remind me of someone else (ie. an ex or someone I don't like?), smile etc.... which have nothing to do with degree of good looks.



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Having scanned some of this thread,


I am in favour of having several pictures (in diverse situations) of yourself up on the website. True, this means some women will take one look and pre-judge you. But the reasoning is - they do so and you never know it, thus you are spared the individual heartache of having hopes raised again and again and have them dashed. It truly is a means of self-protection.


I wouldn't recommend you go and do this right now - because you, like me, are hurting right now and at a low ebb. But the next time you decide to re-enter this scene, try the above.


One aspect of online dating is the massive toll it takes on one's own self-esteem and one's heart. We *have* to take measures to protect ourselves where we can.

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ena friends, i know you are going to be disappointed but i made a stupid mistake...


while i was wondering what other photos i can upload in that site, another girl got in touch with me and asked for my photo. i thought let me give it a try before i make changes to my profile and sent her my photo. the same photo that i sent to the previous girl. now there is no response from her... one more..... i just feel like such an idiot... ](*,)](*,)

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