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New here, day 1

I must say I am glad I have decided to try NC and my goal is to be able to start fresh with her.

I have a question though, I said I'll talk to her when I'm ready to be friends and she said to take all the time I need, this makes me believe that no matter how long I continue NC she wont contact me, so I wont know when its time to start fresh.

Dumpee or dumper?

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Day 3


Yesterday started with me being strong and ended with me falling apart, but still didn't break contact so I am proud of myself a bit.


Today will be a bit of a challenge. Some of you might laugh but I am going to get a haircut this morning and I am quite sad about it, since my ex is a hair stylist and has been cutting it for me ever since we met, even when still friends before we were together. I also must drop off her old phone which she forgot at my place but I will not hand it over to her directly as I will give it to my cousin (who's shop is almost right opposite her's) and then he will go give it to her after I leave. Her brother wants to catch up tonight, which I am happy to do but I know I will experience a rollercoaster of emotions. Good luck to all

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Thankyou for your kind words Yer I really wanna make the conscience decision to move forward with my life


Day 5


Having a numb day, had one of my guy friends stay over, was really nice, he let me talk everything out. Having to avoid going to a friend meet though, because he'll be there.


The full story of what happened is in this thread under "why would he admit that stuff?"

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Day 6


I got a drunk text in the middle of night. He said "I just miss you sorry"


Thats the only time he contacts me. Drunk....


I wont respond...

Drunk thoughts are sober thoughts, sometimes I don't believe that saying but. I wish I made it to day 6, I guess I would say I'm on day 2 now. Good look, you're strong.

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So I have these moments where I feel good then I have these moments where I miss him. At this moment I feel a little creeped out by my ex. I don't know the legal age for sex and dating in South Africa but the thought of my ex sleeping with a guy who's still in high school is a little disturbing. He said it happened a week after I broke up with him and that it continued on for the next two weeks and that I was too late.

Everyone says he probably still thinks of me but like I said, the thought disgusts me. He's acting so immature and the way he's just going on about how in love he is with this kid is ugh.

So I'm just going to piss off now, I'll continue posting in here and continuing NC but wow. A lot of feelings today and its just hitting me harder now than ever.

A little part of me wants him back but then the bigger part of me is like, "No, this is wrong."


I just need someone to talk to that understands, all my friends and stuff that I usually text are just like, it feels like they're annoyed by me, and really the only one left to text is him but I can't.

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Well I made a blog so if anyone is interested have a look see: link removed

I'll still continue to post here, NC is going to be easy for me because I blocked him on everything and he has no way to reach me, I doubt he will considering he's been a robot for the past few weeks so lets see what happens I guess.

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Day 66 . . .


Feeling crappy again...the loneliness, self assurance, no confidence, abandonment, bruised ego . . .it all keeps coming in waves and boy when it hits it hits HARD....


I've made my bed so will just have to lie in it hoping that things get better . . . Please God soon . . . Please x

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Again, I can't stop thinking about all this. Day 2. Kind of sad then happy then sad. Ugh.

I just can't believe this is happening sometimes, I don't like this and this whole thing is so traumatic for me, the way hes just being happy and doing whatever he wants, continuing to see this guy and the one thing that disturbs me is the thought that he just forgot about me.

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Day 7


Just about...I'm feeling ok, I'm starting to realise why my relationship wasn't working, and hope that maybe a long break from it would actually be good, and if we dont then get back together then hopefully I will have accepted that fact by then. I'm finding its good to plan my days ahead so I have goal for each day.


Also finally doing things I've never had the guts to do before, I'm 23 btw, came out of a 3 year relationship. So I've got a date for driving, getting my ears pierced, getting my new phone sorted - ex bought it before he left haha, just small things, hopefully when he sees me next he'll be very surprised! Of course this is for me, none of it forced.

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Day 2


So I checked his twitter today, I feel that I just needed one last look to just realize fully that he's happy you know? So yeah, he tweeted this new guy some love song lyrics, has a smiley face in his Bio. I think he's fully moved on, me telling him not to ever contact me probably took a weight off his shoulders and now I can begin focusing on myself. I doubt he will ever try to message me or bother me like you guys have your exes. That's the beauty of LDR I guess, he doesn't have to worry as long as he has the company of another guy he apparently fell in love with a week after I broke up with him.

So for now I'll just ignore everything and stop looking, I've seen enough.

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