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Day 11 NC


Never thought I'd make it this far. Pictures of him in Florida on Spring Break are starting to show up on Facebook. Can't avoid them even though I defriended him. At first I was upset... But that didn't last. My roommate and I actually had a good laugh about them because he looks so childish and unattractive in all of them. Progress? I think so. I did contact the guy my ex took with him to Florida and told him to make his Spring Break photo album unavailable to me or I would have to delete him. Doing everything I can to look out for myself...

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Day 11 NC


Never thought I'd make it this far. Pictures of him in Florida on Spring Break are starting to show up on Facebook. Can't avoid them even though I defriended him. At first I was upset... But that didn't last. My roommate and I actually had a good laugh about them because he looks so childish and unattractive in all of them. Progress? I think so. I did contact the guy my ex took with him to Florida and told him to make his Spring Break photo album unavailable to me or I would have to delete him. Doing everything I can to look out for myself...


Protect yourself at all times!

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Protect yourself at all times!


That's the plan. : ) I made it very clear to my friend that if he doesn't set his privacy settings so I can't see that picture album then we can't be Facebook friends. I think it's time to do a little deleting, as well!

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3 months nc... today I broke it... sent him 3 texts... i was the dumper... He did write back, but he was very cold and distant... I wonder if maybe tomorrow he'll call me and maybe we can have a good talk...


hi Love145,

May I ask who started the NC first? What made you break the NC? Did you want to break the NC earlier but resisted till now or was it a sudden impulse you had?

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Day 6


Well..good to feel today is almost over for me. And tomorrow need basically work the whole day..So I guess it will be easier a bit. I still constantly think about him and it makes me sad everytime I picture him with his girlfriend. I cant stop wondering whether I actually cross him mind sometimes..sigh..it hurts as hell to think we will never speak or see each again...

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3 months nc... today I broke it... sent him 3 texts... i was the dumper... He did write back, but he was very cold and distant... I wonder if maybe tomorrow he'll call me and maybe we can have a good talk...


What did you text him? were you clear in your texts you wanted him back?

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Day 13 NC

Today I hanged out with a group of friends who are all single, I had a really good time and I realized that I dont need him to be happy and that there's nothing wrong with being single. It made me stronger to keep up the NC. Hanging out with single people is really therapeutic after a break up

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Day 12 NC


Think I must be going crazy. I'm really amused by everything that's happening with my ex. Not upset at all. Just find it funny and am curious to see what happens. I know the next second I could be crying, but right now I'm grateful for this weird mood. Don't see him contacting me anytime soon. Maybe it's for the best...

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DAY 10


A week ago I was freaking out, but the past few days it's been easy. In fact, I haven't updated my progress in this thread because I actually completely forgot about it! I've focused on work and going out and having fun. Even better, I might have a date with a new girl next weekend!

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DAY 3 NC, don't take me wrong, while I think I have initiated the NC, as a matter of fact SHE is the one who created NC and I am trying not to break it. My last record was 11 days Not Breaking NC. It sucks to be ignored by someone who once said 'I cannot live without you'.

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DAY 3 NC, don't take me wrong, while I think I have initiated the NC, as a matter of fact SHE is the one who created NC and I am trying not to break it. My last record was 11 days Not Breaking NC. It sucks to be ignored by someone who once said 'I cannot live without you'.


have you read this yet?

link removed

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Day 17: Today I went home and just relaxed. I did some homework. Nothing really exciting lol

Day 18: My parents took me out to dinner for my birthday, and afterwords I had some friends over for cake.

Day 19: Sunday I made my way back to school and worked on my project.

Day 20: Today I was incredibly busy! I had to finish my project, then run to a club meeting, then go to a 4 hour class. *collapses*


Also, over the weekend I saw a post on fbook from mutual friends on facebook that they and my ex went to a gay club downtown, apparently my ex got hit on by some old guy. I found it quite amusing. This is what happens when he doesn't have me to bring out dancing with him

And I'm surprised I didn't post on here for 4 days straight. I feel like I'm not as obsessed about NC and forget to post half the time- I guess it's progress lol I just need to keep focusing on healing and making myself a better person

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yes I did last night. Implementing what's there helps me to be in the right positive position if and ever I could establish contact with her again later on. Thanks for your positive responses doya.


I see my current situation to be similar to your own. I think the old saying holds some truth to it too....When you love something, set it free. If it comes back to you, it's yours, if it doesn't, it never was. Time....

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I see my current situation to be similar to your own. I think the old saying holds some truth to it too....When you love something, set it free. If it comes back to you, it's yours, if it doesn't, it never was. Time....


lately I read this: 'What we choose is destiny, what we refuse comes back to us as fate'. if that is true, doesn't that also mean if I keep coming back to her when she refuses me I would become her fate?!

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lately I read this: 'What we choose is destiny, what we refuse comes back to us as fate'. if that is true, doesn't that also mean if I keep coming back to her when she refuses me I would become her fate?!


NC-1 11 days, NC-2 3 days, today I broke the NC with small positive message and I got her reply back... so Hope is back again. I can move to LC.

My advice to everyone.. whatever you do, think positively do not deliver any negative messages... it may still work

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lately I read this: 'What we choose is destiny, what we refuse comes back to us as fate'. if that is true, doesn't that also mean if I keep coming back to her when she refuses me I would become her fate?!


One would hope, but never invest more then you know you can handle. Always put yourself first.

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