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Day 2 still

She hasn't called. I feel terrible lonely, She doesn't seem to care, She always used to call. I hate this. I am so used to calling her. But she probly have nothing to say. I think she is talking to someone else and it's driving me mad! But i can't do a thing about it....

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Lance - write a really long letter with everything you want to tell her. Then, either email it to your best friend, or read it to someone. Or, post it here. Point is, you need to release it. Whatever you do, DON'T send it to her.


Thanks for the confirmation... I know that I must not contact her at the moment... I know it... But having people reminding me of it helps me get it through my head...

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Hey C_Unknown..

Do you realise that you go on this thread to post your days of NC but.. you just feel so incredibly * * * * ty that you have nothing to say.


Its okay buddy. One day we can look back and say.. that relationship was great but I am so much happier now.

Haha.. ! Well we still have a long journey

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Day 26... haven't talked to her since 2 days after we broke up, back in late June, but i was checking up on her FB and online up to 27 days ago. been really difficult the past few days as i'm holed up sick @ home... nothing to do but sleep and go on the computer, i've resisted so far, but don't know how much longer it can last. can't wait to get over being sick and have life return to "normal" (whatever normal is now).

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Day 10.


I'm away for a week visiting my parents, which helps... and when I get back I'll be going on a trip with my friend.


But AFTER all that, I'll have lots of time to sit and stew. Or hopefully I'll be over it by then.


Still... I DO want to be able to see him, sit and have a conversation and NOT feel like I desperately want him back... I hope...

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Day 23.


I feel lonely. And not so much entirely for you anymore.


But, I've been good and not done anything to torture myself. I haven't checked your horoscope in weeks, and I haven't checked your activity on the dating site we met on since we split.


I find myself going long stretches without thinking about you. Then I realize, OMG! It's been 45 minutes since I thought of you! But, my thoughts are no longer memories, and no longer reconciliation fantasies. It's just random thoughts of what you might be doing and how you are.


I want to move on, and I am. And I know I will one day be over you entirely. BUT, you were top 5 of guys, so it's taking a bit longer.


So many good things have happened in my life since we split, and I wish I could share that with you. Mainly, that I've gotten my emotional state under control. I'm so much calmer and so much more the one to let things go. I'm sure if we were still together, I probably wouldn't be tweaking as much. Oh, well. I guess that's my takeaway - to get myself well and whole. So, thanks for that.

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Day 3

She called me around 11 today and i didn't pick up, she then text message me 15 mins later saying she "tried calling" Still didn't contact her. Next we are in class and I sat in the back 4 rows behind her and when class was done I walked up to the front and she saw me and said "you got a new sweater" I told he she got new jeans. She then waited for me outside of class and I didn't have much to say and when we made it out side i just said " I see you later" she did the same and then texted me 2 mins later saying " Why are you making this awkward" I haven't responded......

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Day 3 of NC


Decided not to post yesterday, and try to keep myself occupied, didn’t really work too well. I’ve noticed for the past few days, even before we broke up anytime I hear my dog barking I immediately assume he has come over to talk things out with me. I then scold myself for even thinking that because I know he won’t and I shouldn’t get my hopes high for no reason. Mum told me this morning that this was the first night in a couple of nights where I hadn’t cried or talked while asleep. I also slept in a bit this morning, which is hasn’t been happening for the past 2 or so weeks. I’m going out to see a friend and go shopping today, so hopefully that will keep my mind off things but he seems to creep up in my thoughts no matter what I do. The fact that I don’t work or go to school just makes it worse because I have so much free time. Deleting him off facebook and msn has also helped a fair bit, I no longer find myself constantly stalking though I do wonder if he has deleted me off msn too... The mornings are bad but the evenings are worse Been listening to Taylor Swift for the past few days and it’s just making it worse but for some reason I can’t stop either.


“Come back come back come back to me like

You would you would if this was a movie

Stand in the rain outside til I came out

Come back come back come back to me like

You could you could if you just said you're sorry

I know that we can work it out somehow

But if this was a movie you'd be here by now” (Taylor Swift – If this was a movie)


“Oh, a simple complication

Miscommunications lead to fall out

So many things that I wish you knew

So many walls up I can't break through


And I'm dying to know

Is it killing you

Like it's killing me?

I don't know what to say

Since a twist of fate

When it all broke down

And the story of us

Looks a lot like a tragedy now


I liked it better when you were on my side

The battle's in your hands now

But I would lay my armor down

If you'd say you'd rather love than fight” (Taylor Swift – Story of us)


“I'm sick and tired of your attitude

I'm feeling like I don't know you

You tell me that you love me then you cut me down

And I need you like a heartbeat

But you know you got a mean streak

Makes me run for cover when you're around


I'm sick and tired of your reasons

I got no one to believe in

You tell me that you want me, then push me around


Why do you have to make me feel small

So you can feel whole inside?

Why do you have to put down my dreams

So you're the only thing on my mind?


I take a step back, let you go

I told you I'm not bulletproof

Now you know” (Taylor Swift – Tell my why)


Sighh it seems like she’s writing about my life. I hate life and I hate him for making me go through this

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Not sure how long it's been since NC was last broke, maybe 4 weeks or so. But im back at square 1. I dont feel as horrible about it -yet-. I simply sent her a short e-mail, just saying that i'd like to hear how she's been holding up, and bringing up a few things i remember her mentioning before we broke up, like her training for work and telling her i hope it went well. Asked her how her halloween went and said i had a pretty decent one. Nothing too serious or clingy. Left it off with my contact info since my phone number changed the day we broke up. To be honest, i'm not sure what i'm expecting from it. I stumbled upon her facebook page and she had a new picture up and she looked absolutely stunning. It gave me that ache i felt when i first saw her, and it triggered me to send that e-mail, no matter how hard i tried to resist i just couldnt.




Day 1

Feeling good, but not great.

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The night before she text me saying she misses me and still loves me. Immediately after that, she then text me reminding me why and how I screwed up and how angry and frustrated she is. I told her I missed her and loved her too and did not respond anymore.


I tried to start NC again today and this morning she emails me a long letter telling me yet again why she is angry and frustrated with me. Why does she keep doing this to me??? All I want to do is start my NC but she keeps trying and trying to get a rise out of me. I responded and told her to stop please stop contacting me yet again and she keeps up just trying to get me to apologize over and over again which I already have. Ignoring her is hard when she still says she misses and loves me.


And after that she blocked me on fb.

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