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Day 13


As expected, today has been much easier so far. Her mum drove past me in town but thankfully didn't notice me. Couldn't have faced a conversation with her. Had a panic moment when a girl with similar clothing/build as my ex walked past my friend's living room window and I nearly freaked out. I just can't wait to be back in the city and less paranoid.

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today WAS day 13 of NC. my ex made a new email address to email me(i had all the others blocked). she said she really really needed to talk to me. i had my sister be the middle man and text her because i didn't want to break NC. turns out her dad has cancer. i replied back to her email and was short and to the point. she replied back saying she wishes i could call her but understands why i won't..and that she doesn't deserve me calling her. grrr!!!


i'm left feeling sad for her and her dad, lost, and sad about the breakup still. i really want to talk to her because obviously i miss her (wish i didn't) but also because.. come on...one of your parents getting cancer is really bad. that's way more important that me trying to get over this breakup.

i don't know what to do

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When I spend a day worrying if the guy I went out on a date last night will call me just as much as I think about my ex, I can see things are improving! =]


Go me!


YAY!! Sometimes, thinking about another guy, even if it's harmless, helps a lot... that's what I've found out, in any case, for myself.

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Day 22


I don't think about him all day anymore - haven't for quite a few days, but just realised it last night. In fact I'm spending more time thinking about my work, my future plans, and other cute guys.. I think I'll be ready to contact him on Day 30 and just be friends.

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Yay, I made it to a week. Woke up this morning and he wasn't the first thing I thought about (but he was the second, when I realised I wasn't thinking about him...LOL)


The longer this goes on I find my stubborness increasing and I'm more focused on not contacting him, but I do think about him a lot (still).


Onwards and upward though, roll on week 2

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Day something or other - probably close to or just past a month. Getting back into the groove of things. Caught myself NOT thinking of her for the first time since the breakup which was a weird feeling. And of course got me thinking of her again Onwards and upwards!

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Day something or other - probably close to or just past a month. Getting back into the groove of things. Caught myself NOT thinking of her for the first time since the breakup which was a weird feeling. And of course got me thinking of her again Onwards and upwards!


Hi Toodlepip


It's stupid isn't it. This morning it was almost as if my brain reminded me to think about him...LOL. But I'm sure it's a good thing when they pop into your head instead of being a constant thought.



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DAY 18

i cant wait for the next week to be over.

i know i wont contact him on his birthday, or in the days that follow because i know it will only put my healthing off track. but i cant stop thinking about him because of his birthday.

this is the last plan that i know of in his life, after his birthday ill have no idea what important events that are happening in his life. which is a good thing, because i wont be thinking about him specially on days i know what hes up too, and i wont have an excuse to contact him and talk about that event.

After his birthday, ill have ab * * * * ley no reason to contact him, all the more reason to forget him and move on.

It seriously must be break up season. Another one of my besties broke up with her bf today, so ive been dr phil yet again to her haha. Its kinda uplifting to use my heart break and lessons learned for the benifit of her as well. By helping her let go, im letting go once again of my ex in a way, subconciously through her, if that makes sense.

Oh and i had a bad hair day, haha.

Yep, his chapter in my life has deffinetly been read and done with.

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Suddenly I realize why he's constantly updating his facebook status and doing all the same things I do on there (Ex. adding the same pages, doing the same quizzes, etc). So I've decided to just disappear from facebook for a while, I know it'll absolutely grind his gears, just as it bothers me a bit when he disappears for a day or two. Only I'm disappearing for a week. We'll see how this goes.. hahaha

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NC Day 28.


Day 30 will be the day of my birthday. No, I did not calculate it this way. Ha. The party where we saw eachother last (and exchanged 1 text each) was on March 21rst. April 19th is Day 30 and well... I'm not as anxious as I expected.


I've been longing for the 0,1% of chance that he might finally contact me on my birthday for so long, that now that it's here, I don't even care about it that much.

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This really isn't as bad as I thought it would be. Although I still think of my ex once in awhile I haven't felt the feeling of a heavy weight in my chest for a long time. I almost feel relieved.


She is going away for 3 weeks now so I think the healing will just come to me. I don't have the urge to call her and be friends either... ahh i feel so relaxed. I wonder if this feeling is permanent?

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Wahoo, I've made it past a week. Again he wasn't the first thought this morning, my alarm clock was!!! I so did not want to get out of bed, I wanted a lie in and it's the one day I can't have one. So I think the sleep is improving


Feels like I'm getting stronger every day, just have to make sure I've got lots of other stuff to focus on.


Hope WE/I can keep up the good work

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Day 23


It finally happened. The other shoe dropped.


yesterday evening I started feeling really crap and my friend was telling me all about her hot friend I was supposed to me last night (yes, 'supposed') and she started like, applying pressure (or so I felt) and kept telling me how he was looking forward to meeting me etc... and i totally lost my mood to go out. So I basically told her I couldn't do it, I wasn't ready. She was understandably a little miffed but it would have been awkward - i'm not really close to her, don't really like going clubbing (i dont smoke and I'm not much of a drinker anymore), so it would have been me, her and HER friends that I don't know. So, I didn't go.


Then at night I started thinking about why it didn't work out with my ex. Then I started reminiscing about how sweet he was when I was really ill this one time and he would just hold me and take care of me and make sure I took my medication and all... it made me feel SO sad. Like, I know I don't love him like that anymore, looking at photos of him made me feel nothing like love or attraction but he was just SO nice to me for the most part and I'm, well, feeling a little glum about the whole thing. I was doing so well and now, 23 days after NC started, I feel crap again. But not as crap as I have felt in the past. This is still better than I could ever have imagined say, 6 mths ago.


But yeah. I just wonder if I'll ever meet such a genuine, warm, caring person again. It doesn't help that I am highly sexual and now I have no one to take it out on. I'm sick of masturbating everyday. By myself. Alone. I want to go on dates but I don't feel ready. I think I am going to prolong NC to 60 days. I don't think I'll be ready to contact the ex and be friends on day 30 at this point.


And even worse, I went out to lunch today with an old guy friend (I had a crush on him when I was 18 ) and his girlfriend and they were sooo lovey dovey and it didn't help me feel better. But it WAS nice to see him.


Oh well, it's not like this dip in my mood is anything of a shock to me. But it does suck.

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day 18


well the weekend has arrived and as expected, i miss her more than during the week. Definitely a pattern there. But i have some fun plans this weekend so it'll be fine. Pretty proud of myself getting this far and it's been long time coming. I am healing, i can feel it. Miss laughing around with her though, and i know she misses it too.

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DAY 19

his birthdays tomorrow. i know what hes doing right now, celebrating with his mates, going spaz, having the time of his life out clubbing, and picking up with random chicks, possibly a new gf now?, horney as * * * * from being blinded from too much beer.

HOWEVER, if i was still with him, i would have been with him, miserable around his gay friends who either pretended like i didnt exist or felt me up when he wasnt watching and made sleezy comments about me to him, he would of been trying to feel me up in front of everybody constintly because of his beer-horney-ness and i would of been pushing him off me the whole night, he would of been ording me to talk more, drink more, and coming up with the most impossible places where we could possibly have sex, infront of everyone, he would have done the most embarrasing things whiliest drunk to attract everyones attention. I would have been standing there akwardly smileing, acting like i was enjoying myself when i was really embarrased because i was dating him, and wishing i was a million miles away.

Still with all those horrible things i would have had to go through, im still sitting here a little glum that i dont get to spend his birthday celebrations with him, and that instead im at home on my computer on a saturday night.

Tomorrow will be better. I get to spend his birthday with all my girls, and get pissed for the first time since we broke up. I really cant waitttt!!! I must confess i plan to take millions of photos during my fun event tomorrow night and post them all on myspace and facebook, clearly laberling the date in which they were taken (his birthday), so he can see what a blast my life is without him. Muhahaha.

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Day 31


feeling good this morning. on day 30, yesterday, i went to a concert and had a great time w/ friends people watching and listening to good music. i also got hit on by a cute younger guy at the end of the night, so that felt pretty good. i think i'm getting my good 'aura' back now that i'm not so down in the dumps depressed about the past. running has helped me immensely, w/ ea stride i feel like i'm sweating away all that bad juju from the breakup.


i definitely don't feel like talking to the ex nor do i want to hear anything about him (unless i hear that he's miserable w/o me, lol). time & space is what i need, i know this will be a distant memory someday but in the meantime i'm trying my best to live life in the hear & now as best as i can.

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Day 6


Its day 6 of NC and I am feeling ok. I have kept myself busy today by meeting up with an old friend.

I had two sentimental ''but I love him'' moments....where I started wondering if I was doing the right thing...


Of course I am, if he wanted to speak to me then he would be.


Maybe, this really does need to happen.


something great I read on another post ''Do not treat someone as a priority if they only treat you as an option'' Good advice.

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