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The porn influence.


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Maybe not where you come from, but maybe in R2H's part of the world it is.


That's the whole point of this topic, where does it really end? Soon even orgies will be passe and then what you are kidding about will become reality.


How many kids have died from auto-asphyxiation?

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I have yet to read through the whole thread here, but I just wanted to say that the #1 thing that turns me off from hardcore porn is that it leaves NOTHING to the imagination. To me, eroticism is about the things your mind fills in.


The only thing I've found stimulating about it is the foreplay part (and usually man on woman)...because I guess I'm just vicariously identifying, as a women.


Other than that, the artificiality of the moaning and screaming just leaves me cold, as does the monotony of penetration, as well as the feeling of degradation and sadness that I get from imaginging what the women have gone through to get to this point (though I realize in a few cases, it's been an empowering personal choice, but those are in the minority.)


Also, for every vicarious pleasureable moment, I also have an "Owwwww!!!!" recoiling reaction (especially the hard anal scenes. Ick.)


And is it just me, or does it REALLY bother anyone that often the actors slap a woman's privates and she seems to go crazy about that? What women likes to be slapped there? Seems like a guy idea imposed on a woman's body, though it isn't remotely pleasurable to have your stuff smacked. That annoys me to no end.

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That's the whole point of this topic, where does it really end? Soon even orgies will be passe and then what you are kidding about will become reality.


How many kids have died from auto-asphyxiation?


They were passe by 456 AD, the end of the Roman Empire!


I dont know, the trouble with saying how many died is, that if you start recording figures just from say, 2009, well what does that tell you? If 100 die in the states in 2009 from it what have you got to compare it with?

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That's the whole point of this topic, where does it really end? Soon even orgies will be passe and then what you are kidding about will become reality.


How many kids have died from auto-asphyxiation?


So people around your way have sex with animals and dead people which is the norm? And I can honestly say that in ALL the films I have seen on DVD and on websites, I have never seen any that does or promotes asphyxiation.


Orgies have existed since before Roman times and less than a hundred years ago a lot of men had mistresses because love was not a reason to marry -property and inheritance was. Men would visit peep shows and frequent brothels so in that respect nothing much has changed.


There's nothing new in porn, people have already done everything there is to do regarding sex, porn just captures what is already being done behind closed doors and highlights it and 'it' will never end because 'it' was there before porn existed, and porn certainly didnt start it.

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Porn is not real life.Porn is a depiction in film and magazines to play on our desires for sex. It gives a film writers view on sex between people which tends to errode our heart mind connection. If I loved one of you women if you were my one true love? I would be heartbroken to think that you needed porn ..were in porn or supported the pornography industry. If you truly love yourself and think of what i say and I were the man of your dreams...would you support the porn or make love to me? There is a big difference. You love me and want to have sex with me right?

With porn there is no real care for those people and no care or dignity in our hearts because we tend to lose our real pompassion for our fellow people when we can sit there watchng some people screwing on film for us to be drawn to those ideals. I dont want people I care about to do this to themselves. I want you to love me with your heart and not like I am some type of inanimate object..like a pornstar.

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Maybe I'm just kind of a "girly" guy, but a lot of the porn I've seen is pretty meh. For one, a lot of it is mostly a guy just pumping at it as hard and fast as he can, and that's not how I imagine sex (virgin, here). Secondly, I've never seen a sex video where the girl's moans and general "noises" didn't seem forced/ fake. 'Course, whenever I watch a sex video, I always find goofy things that amuse me more than the sex itself. Like, the one I saw not too long ago, a guy and a girl, completely naked, were going at it, when I noticed that... the guy wasn't completely naked... He was wearing socks and tennis shoes. And nothing else. That's literally the only thing I paid attention to in that video when I noticed it. lol It was just so ridiculous! I mean, how the heck do you manage to not take your shoes off?

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I know i'm late responding to this thread.


I'm a visual person, even though they say males are usually more visiual.


When i'm alone and I want to get myself off... if I watch two people having sex... porn.. then I get off waaaaay more easily.


I have zero attraction to either of the porn actors/ actresses... in fact I couldn't care less what they look like. actually i'd rather watch something 'amateur' (even though I know they are not usually amateur)


I'm not into guys jerking off over some girls face... I just like to see good, hard sex. Not how many c0cks can this guy fit into a teen... or that sort of thing.


I would never watch porn over doing it... however I have watched porn with a guy and tried to make a video, although when we did that it turned out to be pure comedy ratherthan anything else.

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just be careful, porn isn't the same as erotica.


in porn, while you see women screaming as they are being, let's say "penetrated", (*I'm not allowed to use the term I want to use cause my posts get deleted if I do*)... it seldom resembles what happens when a woman is catually turthfully experiencing the sublime pleasures associated with... the "act of cupulation" (cannot say "being... f......" - LOL).


what porn is showing is the expression of the male fantasy of having the key, the access to giving that pleasure, for the pleasure of his own ego and of his own penetration-centered, narrow conception of what "SEX" is...


it is not asbout the female actually having pleasure because it pleases him deeply to give her that pleasure, it is about his gratifying his ego and his need for an immature sexual gratification. then, there is the territorial ejaculatory signature , which also gratifies the male ego and makes his feel secure (in his fantasme).


Erotica gives place to both partners, to the relastionship, it is more balanced.


personally i am not interested in either, but may watch erotica if my partner felt it was something to explore. But porn? No way.

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MattW, and TopBloke, it's nice to see that there are men that actually see through that garbage... and do not let it affect them (their confidence and ego).


And Matt, that is an even better way of putting it... the guys are "pumping" as hard as they can... well said.. and the girls are all faking it... for the cash... cause in real life that's not how you give a woman pleasure. it doesn't resemble true sexuality, it is an insult to sex.

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"Seems like a guy idea imposed on a woman's body, ..."


That's what it's all about.


And about the hard anal scenes, there is your proof of the absolute inconsideration for the woman's feelings. Any one who has had anal sex (I have with my last bf and it was amazing because of our connection and because he was soooo careful) knows how much of a gentle and gradual approach it takes. And anyone who has experienced an uncaring partner (say, in a slightly drunk situation like it once happenned me with a guy *thought* I was inlove with but he was a ver selfish and mean person) stiking it in there hard, knows the horrible pain it brings.

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"Seems like a guy idea imposed on a woman's body, ..."


That's what it's all about.


And about the hard anal scenes, there is your proof of the absolute inconsideration for the woman's feelings. Any one who has had anal sex (I have with my last bf and it was amazing because of our connection and because he was soooo careful) knows how much of a gentle and gradual approach it takes. And anyone who has experienced an uncaring partner (say, in a slightly drunk situation like it once happenned me with a guy *thought* I was inlove with but he was a ver selfish and mean person) stiking it in there hard, knows the horrible pain it brings.



Right, and you are clever enough to work this out, which is smashing, great and super but what about the rest of us? Are we too stupid to reach the same conclusion?

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Right, and you are clever enough to work this out, which is smashing, great and super but what about the rest of us? Are we too stupid to reach the same conclusion?



what does that mean? sarcasm?


i don't understand... just because I give my opinion doesn't mean I am saying no one else understands or that they are stupid...

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what does that mean? sarcasm?


i don't understand... just because I give my opinion doesn't mean I am saying no one else understands or that they are stupid...


But I don't understand what your point is that, that men will watch it and try what hard anal on their partners? Is that it then? That us guys won't realise that what happens on screen is just a movie and you can't do these things in real life then?

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