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The porn influence.


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I don't know I have been with women who asked me to ejaculate in their mouth, and other body parts. I have been with women that wanted to handcuffed, to watch themselves in a mirror, to be gentle, to be rough. It is preference.


Pornography is fantasy plain and simple, to say that it only sexually perverts men into what is normal or acceptable is sexist.


porn is weird though. look at guys in porn. most of them are so dang ugly.. but they all have huge ...equipments?! not realistic. look at the girls in porn, they're usually not your average girl. yes, there are flat chest ones... but those are specifically chosen for the particular audience. porn gives you a very false impression of women bodies alot of the time since a lot of them have fake boobs, fake tan, etc.



i'm not saying it's particularly for men... because then what's with the extra big things for? if not to create an inferiority complex. idk.

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porn is weird though. look at guys in porn. most of them are so dang ugly.. but they all have huge ...equipments?! not realistic. look at the girls in porn, they're usually not your average girl. yes, there are flat chest ones... but those are specifically chosen for the particular audience. porn gives you a very false impression of women bodies alot of the time since a lot of them have fake boobs, fake tan, etc.



i'm not saying it's particularly for men... because then what's with the extra big things for? if not to create an inferiority complex. idk.


Agreed, unrealistic women and unrealistic big things lol. Ok they do exist but they are not the every day norm.

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They do that in porn films for obvious reasons... Not because porn invented it. I don't know what the big deal is. So yeah, men probably have cum in womens faces for centuries and alot more besides.


And I never said I was most women.


I think they do it to show the cum, where is better than the girl's face! I did not say you are most women, I just said it was not sth people have been doing in private for years and that every body was into it so now they show it in porn. Anyways, don't get me wrong, I am not saying these cause I am against cumming on face or anything, actually watching porn made more trouble for my boy friend than me, go figure.

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My porn complaint is not that it exists but why is it so friggin' bad??? Horrible (or no) acting, cheap sets, minimal story line, not terribly attractive women (or men for that matter) cheesy music all that silicon and tongue wagging. The whole genre has basically very little artisitc merit whatsoever.




And the fact that people can actually enjoy watching someone like Ron Jerome having sex is not something I can ever understand. (puke!)


Any kind of porn I've ever come accross has totally disgusted me- the male actors are always nasty looking, the women fake and equally gross, and the scene is usually degrading in some way. Combine that with my hate for the "p word" and discontent for looking at men with shaved butts and other random people's bodily fluids....it's not for me.


I would rather watch or read something that is sexually suggestive, tasteful, and that leaves something to the imagination and take the resulting erotic motivation into my own bedroom.

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yes but there is just something so special when you watch it with your SO and you start to touch each other and begin to really enjoy each other. It makes everything you do seem more intense.

Not for me brother. My naked wife is all the porn i need to bar up and go to work so to speak. Porn is just porn...if you like it then I am not to judge..its just not my cup of tea

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Yeah, I'm not into watching other people have sex. As I discussed on another thread I just like looking at softcore pics of semi-nude or nude women. I have a fleshlight and some of the masturbation experiences are so intense that I wouldn't even want to see hardcore.


The last time I recall looking at hardcore would have been over a year ago, or maybe in the distant past. But I just like softcore pics, and doggie-style on my fleshlight if I fantasize about them.

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I think they do it to show the cum, where is better than the girl's face!


I you ever want a very interesting read about the "money shot" from a sociological perspective, check out the article:


Fetishism and Hard Core: Marx, Freud, and the "Money Shot" by Linda Williams. link removed

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Not for me brother. My naked wife is all the porn i need to bar up and go to work so to speak. Porn is just porn...if you like it then I am not to judge..its just not my cup of tea


Don't get me wrong when I was married my wife was all I needed too. We only tried the watching together once and she didn't care for it so we stopped. To be honest porn for me was just a tool for when there was long periods between sex with her.


As for soft porn yeah that works just as good as normal porn sometimes even better cause the acting doesn't make you laugh lol.

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HaHa- just reading more of the beginning of this thread- and noticed that "Red Shoe Diaries" was mentioned. That was literally what I was thinking of when I posted my response.


It was tasteful and they only showed a boob or a butt cheek here and there in a respectful manner... and there was actually a story and good acting.


They are also funny because you can see a lot of actors before they were "A list" and they showed skin to get their career going. Matt LeBlanc ("Joey from Friends, showed his butt in Red Shoe Diaries in 1991 lol)

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Don't get me wrong when I was married my wife was all I needed too. We only tried the watching together once and she didn't care for it so we stopped. To be honest porn for me was just a tool for when there was long periods between sex with her.


As for soft porn yeah that works just as good as normal porn sometimes even better cause the acting doesn't make you laugh lol.

Ok man I didnt want to put you on the spot but just realise guys that if you need porn to get turned on if i were a single man i would have been more than happy to tell you what i thought of your naked wives..In those days I didnt need the porn either. Now i have my own wife we make our own sweet music together....love is bliss!!

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I think porn can lead to all kinds of unrealistic expectations, especially for women. that they are supposed to look a certain way, that only young women can enjoy sex or be appropriate to have sex with (since only youngish women are shown in porn), that if women are 'sexy' they must behave in a loud cartoonish pornish way and come like a skyrocket going off every time, talk dirty, scream and moan in an overdramatic way.


If it's seen realistically as theatre and frequently (over) acting it is fine, but it is bad when someone starts expecting their partner to act like a porn star every time they have sex.


I also have a bit of trouble with the whole porn industry, because it is well proven that many porn stars are victims of former child abuse and drug addicts and engaging in porn in order to support their drug habits, or are being pimped out by boyfriends who pressure them into the lucrative business because of the 'easy' money. Many young girls are also manipulated into it because they want to be famous actresses, and fall for the lines that they are getting 'experience' etc. that will translate to better acting jobs, when very rarely do porn stars cross over into real acting.

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I am not prudish by any means, and I do appreciate a man with a good imagination. I wonder if there are any men left who prefer NOT to watch other people have sex. I am all for trying new things, but not because some other couple made it look like fun.


Secondly, what exactly have women gotten out of the porn influence? I am open-minded since I don't actually know. Please enlighten me.


What is wrong with that? Heck I did learn a lot from porn when I was growing up, yes, tehcnically it did show you how to do it, as sex ed as school never did.


As for how to love a woman or get her to love you, we watched the French movies of the 50-60's. Godard, Truffaut (sp). So, watch and learn I say as long as you both are happy with it.

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What is wrong with that? Heck I did learn a lot from porn when I was growing up, yes, tehcnically it did show you how to do it, as sex ed as school never did.


As for how to love a woman or get her to love you, we watched the French movies of the 50-60's. Godard, Truffaut (sp). So, watch and learn I say as long as you both are happy with it.


Because they are getting paid to make it look and sound like they are having fun. It's not real and it's likely very misleading.

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Because they are getting paid to make it look and sound like they are having fun. It's not real and it's likely very misleading.


Next you'll be telling me Clint Eastwood isn't a cowboy. I'll say this very slowly does everyone know that a film is not real life? I think we can work that one out for ourselves thanks and those that are confused will soon find out.


If, a man and a woman see something up on the screen, like the man is fondling the womans breasts and they decide to try it for real, heck if the woman does not like she can always tell him.

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Next you'll be telling me Clint Eastwood isn't a cowboy. I'll say this very slowly does everyone know that a film is not real life? I think we can work that one out for ourselves thanks and those that are confused will soon find out.


If, a man and a woman see something up on the screen, like the man is fondling the womans breasts and they decide to try it for real, heck if the woman does not like she can always tell him.


what woman doesn't like that?

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A counselor I used to go to...said there was a rash of couples coming to her where the men wanted anal sex....needless to say it was causing problems. Of course, they got the idea from porn.


How about a whole generation of men and women who now think sex isn't fun unless someone is in pain or being dominated?

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A counselor I used to go to...said there was a rash of couples coming to her where the men wanted anal sex....needless to say it was causing problems. Of course, they got the idea from porn.


C'mon, the porn industry did not invent anal sex. The roman used to practice that in acient times as a form of birht control. Mind you, they were a kinky lot, what with all them orgies they had.

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Well, the do that in the porn movies and R2H said it's fake and they are not enjoying it...maybe they aren't on screen but that's not to say that it won't work in real life.


Exactly, you have to find out what the woman you are with likes because the woman on the screen is being paid to make you think she's having the time of her life.

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Well, the do that in the porn movies and R2H said it's fake and they are not enjoying it...maybe they aren't on screen but that's not to say that it won't work in real life.


i heard that it was in some stars contracts that a man's lips were not allowed to touch the star's aerola region....porn isn't real....they are working to hard

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