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Going to propose to her. Want to get the right/perfect ring. Any advice or tips or anything

Sam _

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I've had a lot of girlfriends. I've had great gfs, good gfs, bad gfs, and crappy gfs. I've been in love before but never really thought about proposing, mainly because I was 14 and the only reason it ended was because she committed suicide (I'm a lot more open about it now btw). I've put a lot of thought into whether I should or shouldn't and why or why not. I am quick to find flaws, but the only one I've found in her is her temper and I'm completely fine with it. I know how she is when she is angry and I know how to keep it from getting worse. She has blown up on me twice before, both times was when I was try to talk to her and understand what was wrond so I could help. I knew she wasn't trying to hurt me and wasn't mad at me so I knew not to take offense or let it hurt me. She apologized immediately when she calmed down.


We have already talked about marriage and I'm very certain she will say yes. I'm not nervous at all about proposing, I don't even have to "reherse" asking the question. My question is more about the ring though. I'm more than aware of the 4Cs and am going to get and insure the very best ring I can afford.


What I want to know is how to get the right cut and band? Should I take her shopping and say that I want to know for "future reference"? She doesn't have any jewelry, she and her family are practically estranged and really don't get along at all, and all of her friends are (with all do respect to them) are complete blabbermouths and are incapable of keeping a secret like this.


I want to know what is a good carat (for a diamond), because she wouldn't want one thats too big and I want her to have one of memorable size. I want to get one that is as clear and flawless as I can get. I want to know what cut and band/ring material she would like. Any advice on how to get all of this will be very much appreciated.

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didn't you guys just get back together 2 weeks ago? maybe you should date for a longer amount of time again before jumping into things. you two are young and have had a rocky relationship, i wouldn't rush into marriage.


to answer your original question, it's hard to know what she would like. you can always get something simple - ie, a simple gold band with a simple diamond, and that's it.

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This may sound really silly, but what if you propose to her with a ring pop or some sort of toy ring, then let her pick the real ring out? Would she appreciate something cutesy like that?

She would.


didn't you guys just get back together 2 weeks ago? maybe you should date for a longer amount of time again before jumping into things. you two are young and have had a rocky relationship, i wouldn't rush into marriage.


No, this is a different girl. We met online through myspace and talked for a couple days and I asked her out after two days of talking because I already liked her personality that much. Our first date was October 14 last year. We broke up because my mother was sticking her nose in our business and it was starting to stress my GF out too much. She called me up two days later, apologizing and begging me back.


The other girl, the one you must be referring to, we've dated for a year on and off. It was more than "rocky" too lol.

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well, don't go off and buy the ring just yet. wait to get to know her longer. and maybe during that time, she'll say something like, 'i've always wanted an emerald engagement ring' and then you'll have your answer! not all girls want a diamond. especially not ones that come from conflict regions that finance wars in africa. anyways. i wouldn't worry about the ring right now, just take your time. good luck!

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You should know her well enough to know what she'd like. That's my take.


I've browsed many times over the years at rings with my partner. I am confident that he knows me well enough to pick one that is ME.


You don't ask complete strangers what engagement ring to buy your fiance. It's something that is tailored to the person you're putting the ring on.


Better yet, take out one of her close friends, or a sister or someone that knows her and get them to help you out.



Give it time. If you aren't even going to propose for another year, you have lots of time to figure it out.

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I don't understand why you are thinking about it so much in advance of when you'd actually propose. But I suggest that she should have input in picking it out. She will be wearing it for the rest of her life after all and I believe that it should be her style and she should love the way it looks.

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