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do men like flat stomaches?


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Just got something to add in here Jaded, there are quite a few guys out there, well maybe they aren't the majority, but guys that like bigger girls. And faced with the choice they would choose the bigger girl. My boyfriend has admitted to me that he does like bigger girls, although he has been with both and wouldn't rule out a girl who was smaller. But he likes a bigger body on a girl. He himself is quite skinny.


I think there are websites with guys who look for big girls specifically, Big Beautiful Women. So I guess if anyone, they would prefer a bit of meat.


What do you think?



Yes, I know that a lot of guys like girls with meat on their bones, but there are also many heavier girls who aren't "flabby" and that is what I meant. I think guys who like heavier chicks probably still like the ones who are heavier but stomach is flatter.


Im not slamming heavy chicks. I know that is some guys preference, if not there would not be any BBW websites out there who cater to this audience.


There is someone for everybody. So many different preferences out there.


My intent isn't to slam anyone for their body size.

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im just guna burst in here.. ive had guys tell me that my stomach is disgusting. i have a four pack but its just from being an avid runner and working out on tuesdays lol. at first i was really offended but then i had to remember that eveyones entitled to their own opinion


I think it is jealousy on their part lol. I bet it looks great.


It is true though. There is such thing as TOO MUCH muscle. I have hear COUNTLESS women state that pro bodybuilders look disgusting and then you always see them with knockout gorgeous women. TO EACH THEIR OWN

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Yes, I know that a lot of guys like girls with meat on their bones, but there are also many heavier girls who aren't "flabby" and that is what I meant. I think guys who like heavier chicks probably still like the ones who are heavier but stomach is flatter.


Im not slamming heavy chicks. I know that is some guys preference, if not there would not be any BBW websites out there who cater to this audience.


There is someone for everybody. So many different preferences out there.


My intent isn't to slam anyone for their body size.


Nah I didn't think you were slamming heavy girls, you ain't like that


And btw, I used to be Enchanted_Myst in case you didn't know Jaded.

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This was taken 2 years ago but it still looks the same. I'm 5'0", 140 lbs. My weight is in my butt and legs and hips, but my stomach is something I just love. (I was really sunburnt in the pic, and I cropped my face and chest out.


image removed

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This was taken 2 years ago but it still looks the same. I'm 5'0", 140 lbs. My weight is in my butt and legs and hips, but my stomach is something I just love. (I was really sunburnt in the pic, and I cropped my face and chest out.


image removed


Ok this tummy would be considered "pretty flat". Not too shabby Hersmudders.

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Ok this tummy would be considered "pretty flat". Not too shabby Hersmudders.


Damn right it's not. It's hot. I have a crush on it. It's really very sad.


I don't work out, and I actually refuse to work out. If I gain weight it's never in my stomach. I'm pretty lucky, man.


Ok, I'm going to have to stop talking about my stomach and how much I love it b/c it's going to seem weird.

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I specifically stated I was not calling him a liar. What i am saying is i would wonder if any guy who said that might be sparing his g/f's feelings and those aren't really lies IMO. They show the guy cares.


And whether your b/f falls into that category or really means it is besides the point because I mean in general. I just find it odd that someone would be turned off by a female with a flat stomach. A nice flat tummy is very visually appealing. I am not saying that women without one are not appealing in other ways, however.


I don't see how not telling the way you truthfully feel, for any reason, isn't a lie.


I think there is some irony in your post. You vehemently defend the sexual attractiveness of older women, but you say that a flat stomache is more attractive.


I'm guessing you're a thin, older woman.

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ok now this is getting childish. You are not getting what ALL OF US are trying to tell you. Do you really think that we think a woman is considered "fat" because she has another HUMAN BEING growing in her blem? I don't think so. Wow. LOL!!!!


I just caught this post. I didn't post that picture because I thought it was fat. I wanted to impose the sight of my rolls upon you. Unfortunately, that was the only picture I had with any rolls, since I wear clothes that fit well and, although I don't consider my stomach to be flat, I'm sure other people would (btw, that picture was 1.5 years old. I'm not pregnant anymore). But this thread makes me want to put on 20 lbs and slip into my size zero jeans just to spite you.

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I don't see how not telling the way you truthfully feel, for any reason, isn't a lie.


I think there is some irony in your post. You vehemently defend the sexual attractiveness of older women, but you say that a flat stomache is more attractive.


I'm guessing you're a thin, older woman.


Yes I am thin, but if i wasn't my views on stomachs would be the same. Just because a woman is over 30 doesn't mean she has to be out of shape.


And I don't vehemently argue the attractiveness of older women. I vehemently argue that being older does NOT mean a woman can't be as attractive as a younger woman. Not all older women look good, just like not all young women look good. That is the point I was debating.


And just beacuse I think a flat stomach is more attractive than one that isn't that doesn't mean that all women with flat stomachs are more attractive than women who are heavier. It depends on the total package. For example I know some girls with flat tummies who are not anywhere near as cute as Darkness Falls.


As for not telling the truth being a lie there is this thing called compassion and sometimes when we love a person we might say something so as to not hurt their feelings. Sometimes telling the truth for the sake of wanting to be honest is not always the best thing to do. I don't advocate telling untruths I am only saying I can understand why some people do it if their intent is to be kind to their partner.

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I don't work out, and I actually refuse to work out. If I gain weight it's never in my stomach. I'm pretty lucky, man.


I think you look great, but getting some exercise now and then is healthy. Not for the looks, not at all, because, like I said, you look great already. Just something I say, especially now that I, myself, am trying to get more into sports and stuff like that, which I find more fun and social than I ever did just going to a gym.


That aside, I think a girl with some stomach but works out and is healthy is very sexy. I remember some years back, when I was a teen there were these commercials one with a fencing guy he talked about what a great workout it was and how he liked it and that he used all his muscles and then there was a boxing guy too who had his own commercial and was missing a bunch of teeth, which I found funny because it was like a health conscious commercial, and then there was this woman I always thought was so sexy, even though I must've only been 16 and this woman was probably in her late 20's, and she most definitively had a visible nonflat belly and she talked about how much she liked doing capoeira and you saw her doing cartwheels, and I just think that type is extremely attractive. Anybody else ever saw that one?

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I think you look great, but getting some exercise now and then is healthy. Not for the looks, not at all, because, like I said, you look great already. Just something I say, especially now that I, myself, am trying to get more into sports and stuff like that, which I find more fun and social than I ever did just going to a gym.



I am a dog walker by trade, so I actually get good exercise (that is, I'm sore after a day of work sometimes). So I'm hoping I'm healthy enough!

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I just caught this post. I didn't post that picture because I thought it was fat. I wanted to impose the sight of my rolls upon you. Unfortunately, that was the only picture I had with any rolls, since I wear clothes that fit well and, although I don't consider my stomach to be flat, I'm sure other people would (btw, that picture was 1.5 years old. I'm not pregnant anymore). But this thread makes me want to put on 20 lbs and slip into my size zero jeans just to spite you.



Then do it. Not only will I find it not appeasing to the eyes, others may not like it either. And THAT IS THE POINT I AM TRYING TO MAKE. can you drop it now? Seems as if everyone else has. This is a VERY constructive thread. I only said that because of your comment "look at the pregnant muffin top". I found that to be childish, innapropriate and WAY off the point that others and myself were trying to make.

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I am a dog walker by trade, so I actually get good exercise (that is, I'm sore after a day of work sometimes). So I'm hoping I'm healthy enough!


Oh ok. Maybe I just assumed too much cause I thought you said you vehemently refuse to get any exercise at all. Walking's very healthy.

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I haven't ever seen a picture of you, I wonder how I guessed that?


I think that what you view as a flaw isn't a flaw. Its not about a whole package versus another whole package so that you can ignore a flaw situation.


Like I said, he didn't lie. And he wasn't ever compassionate, either, incidentally. He was a blunt, mean person.


BUt I don't think that lying is ever compassion.

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Oh ok. Maybe I just assumed too much cause I thought you said you vehemently refuse to get any exercise at all. Walking's very healthy.


Oh if it involves lifting things other than things I have to move from one place to another, or climbing up stairs but not getting anywhere, or biking and not getting anywhere, yes, I downright refuse.

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I haven't ever seen a picture of you, I wonder how I guessed that?


I think that what you view as a flaw isn't a flaw. Its not about a whole package versus another whole package so that you can ignore a flaw situation.


Like I said, he didn't lie. And he wasn't ever compassionate, either, incidentally. He was a blunt, mean person.


BUt I don't think that lying is ever compassion.


You put words in people's mouths. I never said it was a "flaw".


Hello...we are talking about preferences here. You asked the question and when people are trying to tell you what they prefer you get defensive.


Just beacuse I gave you my views doesn't mean you have to agree with it, but you can't change what I think anymore than you will change the way the others on this thread feel about stomachs that are flat or not.


If i were 200 lbs and 22 years old i would STILL prefer a flat stomach and I know i would work out like crazy trying to get it. It doesn't mean i think that non flat stomachs are a "flaw" it means I think they are not as pleasing to the eye as those that are very flat and fit.


There are many features that i DONT have that i find very attractive. This isn't about me only liking what I am.

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Oh if it involves lifting things other than things I have to move from one place to another, or climbing up stairs but not getting anywhere, or biking and not getting anywhere, yes, I downright refuse.


Yes, I agree. Stationary bikes suck compared to their non-stationary counterparts, and walking/jogging outside most definitively beats the treadmill. I got totally bored with going to the gym and doing things like that too, and I'm seriously looking for a school sports team (might have to be somewhere else if I can't find anything I can fit into my schedule, though), that I have the time for.

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I think its fine to point out preferences but your tone was suggestive that you knew the majority of male preferences...and thats something I question.


I refer to the male preferences that I have heard in my lifetime. Out of the men i have spoken to or have read posts from online the majority prefer flat stomachs.


That doesn't mean that i have not known a few who prefer larger women.

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