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I love Cloud Atlas. D Mitch is the man. I'm kind of trying to pretend the movie isn't happening. But I suppose I could pull my head out of my a** and stop being such a snob.



I watched the movie and I thought it was very beautiful and extremely ambitious. Now I want to read the book, which I'm sure is better. Books (almost) always are.

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"He that hath, to him shall be given: and he that hath not, from him shall be taken even that which he hath." by Dag Heward-Mills. It's the book with the longest title I've ever read. Talks about how and why people who are rich easily become richer as those who are poor remain poorer.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I just finished Time Magazine's special edition on Abraham Lincoln. It was great. I read it cover to cover but it was only about 60 pages. I have even more respect for Honest Abe than I did before!


I'm also reading "The God Delusion" by Richard Dawkins, one of the world's most prominent atheists. It is a very interesting read and thought provoking.


I'm also reading "The 5 Love Languages" as recommended on ENA for the issues I am having with my relationship. It is also very interesting and I am learning a few things.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've just finished "Among the Bohemians - Experiments in Living 1900-1939", by Virginia Nicholson. I found it fascinating and re-reading it. It gives a fascinating insight also into the lives of everyday people in England at that time. Around 15% of the population died from TB. It also talks about housework, and shows how it was an incredible amount of work back then. A lot of people could afford servants because of the low wages, and they needed servants to get through the work, and to keep cleaning because of the lack of infrastructure, there was virtually no sanitation so cholera and typhus were rife as well. Most of the Bohemians were from the middle and upper classes who rebelled against the morals of Victorianism. Many of them were writers and painters.


Today I started reading a biography, "D.H.Lawrence" by Catherine Carswell. He was one of the people referred to in the previous book. I read a fair amount on him a long time ago, and he was very interesting. I've read a couple of his most well-known books as well.

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I've just finished "Among the Bohemians - Experiments in Living 1900-1939", by Virginia Nicholson. I found it fascinating and re-reading it. It gives a fascinating insight also into the lives of everyday people in England at that time. Around 15% of the population died from TB. It also talks about housework, and shows how it was an incredible amount of work back then. A lot of people could afford servants because of the low wages, and they needed servants to get through the work, and to keep cleaning because of the lack of infrastructure, there was virtually no sanitation so cholera and typhus were rife as well. Most of the Bohemians were from the middle and upper classes who rebelled against the morals of Victorianism. Many of them were writers and painters.


Reminds me of Downton Abbey! On that show, it does look like a lot of work just cooking for the day.

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