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Always getting hit on guys I'm not attracted to.


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Gads! I'm back again!


So KG, tell us how old you are so we will know if we can apply...


Don't tell me it's in your name - 22? Yikes, you are young enough to be my daughter!


26, soon to be 27 at the end of the year. My screen name tells you how long I've been a member of ENA!


Don't get me wrong, I love older men. I just have my limits. If your 40 or older, take a hike.

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26, soon to be 27 at the end of the year. My screen name tells you how long I've been a member of ENA!


Don't get me wrong, I love older men. I just have my limits. If your 40 or older, take a hike.


LOL! Well cam, start kickin rocks my friend! How high of a hike do you need to take?

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I think this is the primary question this thread raises.


On this and similar forums guys are being told not to worry about not being good-looking, and that their confident approach will attract women.


It would seem however that this is not true, the posters seem to take only their looks into account, the confidence to approach counting for nothing. I don't believe anybody has yet said that even though a guy who approached them wasn't good-looking they were attracted to him anyways owing to confidence/personality.


In fact I get the impression from this discussion that in realilty women don't actually want an unattractive guy to talk to them, full stop. Which is a problem for us .... !!


I agree with your post. Some of the women in this thread have an extremely crass, classless, insensitive attitude toward men they do not find attractive. It's too bad considering the fact that a lot of low self-esteem guys will use their posts as an excuse to not approach women. I just wanted to say that I think that confidence is pretty overrated when it comes to approaching women. Confidence won't compensate for average/below average looks if a guy has mediocre social skills and a vanilla personality. The people who vouch for the amazing, superpowers of confidence seem to imply that guys don't need to work on their appearance or flirting skills. As long as a guy keeps on trying, he will eventually find a woman who likes him for who he is no matter how unkempt or how socially awkward the guy is. Why should she date mediocre, ugly, boring confident guy when she has dealt with a lot of guys who are much more interesting and fun to be around?

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I hate to play devils advocate in this position, but in college I was friends with alot of very attractive girls, and I saw how often they got hit on. Easily 10-15 times, per night on the heavier nights. Most of the approaches were either halfassed or "can i buy you a drink" and expecting that a free drink will buy her guilt to carry a conversation for him.


It takes more than confidence to attract a girl. It's more than the way you carry yourself, it's the life you lead, what people are you around, what kind of lifestyle do you have. Are you exciting? Something new? Something bragable? I doubt one can be truly self-confident and have mediocre social skills and a bland life. I can't picture interesting fun guys who aren't self-confident.

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26, soon to be 27 at the end of the year. My screen name tells you how long I've been a member of ENA!


Don't get me wrong, I love older men. I just have my limits. If your 40 or older, take a hike.


Guess who is going to be 40 or older someday?




Guess what those 26 and 27 year old guys (with your mentality) will be saying to you when your 40+ ?


See above quote.


Poetic justice wouldn't you say?

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Guess who is going to be 40 or older someday?




Guess what those 26 and 27 year old guys (with your mentality) will be saying to you when your 40+ ?


See above quote.


Poetic justice wouldn't you say?


Actually I wouldn't say that at all. I can honestly say that I will not be chasing 26 year old guys when I'm 40. That would be absolutly absurd. What in the hell would I have in common with someone that age? Which is exactly why I'm not attracted to men of that age now.


Looks don't really have much to do with it. I've met plenty of guys in that age group that are HOT. However, what creeps me out is the age difference. What exactly would I have in common with someone 15+ years my senior or junior? We're not talking a few years here.


Just my op.

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Actually I wouldn't say that at all. I can honestly say that I will not be chasing 26 year old guys when I'm 40. That would be absolutly absurd. What in the hell would I have in common with someone that age? Which is exactly why I'm not attracted to men of that age now.


Looks don't really have much to do with it. I've met plenty of guys in that age group that are HOT. However, what creeps me out is the age difference. What exactly would I have in common with someone 15+ years my senior or junior? We're not talking a few years here.


Just my op.



Personally I don't have a thing for young guys.


But i can tell you that about 75% of my over 40 year old female friends salivate over many of them. I will also tell you many of them are more embarrassing when in public flirting with young guys then most men are with younger women....


So don't be so sure until you actually become that age. As I stated prior on this thread, libido and eyesight doesn't die after the age of 35 - for men or women.

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ahahah Jaded... I am the target of 40 + year old women hitting on me, and im 24. I know what you mean when you say embarrassing.. To them... haha


wow they can be so upfront... It is nice though, I guess im just one of those guys that say 'people are people'... I just wish women my age would hit on me!

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I never said that your libido dies after 35. I love how everyone picks apart everything you say on this site.


Well what I am saying is don't be so sure you of how you will feel towards guys 20 years your junior until you are there.


MANY women have a thing for younger guys.


And young guys are typically not like young girls - many often have a thing for older women. I see that a lot. Benson I have had the opposite happen, i have had guys my son's age try to hit on me and it embarrasses me A LOT. Mostly because there is no reciprocation on my part at ALL. Older women have to be careful how much kindness they show to some young guys as they misinterpret it.


young women with older men typically are with them for status or money, or both.


I don't find that reason any more pure or chaste then if they were with him to make their eyes roll in their head.

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