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Always getting hit on guys I'm not attracted to.


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Ok I may come off sounding superficial, I'm really not. It's just lately I'm always getting hit on guys I not interested in. I'm not mean to these guys, it's flattering but I'm just not interested in them. While the guys I'm always interested in never seem to give me the time of day. It makes me feel like I'm ugly or something. The guys I want to date don't have to be a 9 or 10 on the scale.. Just someone that I'm attracted to and have a great personality. The types that always come on to me just don't excite me personality wise or physically. They're basically just bland. I would like to attract a man that's fun and handsome. It's the same way on the internet, I may hit a guy I'm really feeling up with a response and he never responses, but the guy I have no complete interest in hits me with a message. I really can't help who I'm attracted to but it would be nice to find a guy I TRULY like. It's frustrating...

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It's the exact same way with me, and I really wouldn't worry about it. Take away their looks, and you just have men who are attracted to YOU for who you are. One day you will be attracted to someone who is attracted to you. You just haven't found that "click" yet. But it's always flattering when people show interest in you, even if you might not necessarily be interested in them. Just be patient, because as long as you put yourself out there it will happen.

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I TOTALLY feel the same way. I started a huge thread today about old men hitting on me...but yes, I also get hit on by guys I'm not interested in. I tend to re-evaluate my body/face to see why I don't get the guys I want talking to me. It's depressing. My friend told me "You'll find a guy when you're not looking for one." It's sort of true. Maybe try starting a conversation with a guy that does look appealing to you? This is hard for me to do because I'm shy... but maybe one day I'll do it

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I used to hear the girls in highschool say that their were "no hot guys at this school."


A shy and empathetic guy takes that to mean that the bland ones don't mean anything to those girls. For a single guy that is kinda hurt on self confidence. It means that they are overlooked and just another person in a sea of bodies. Another brick in the wall. That is why I don't care to hear those remarks, but then again I just overheard it.


Keep in mind the guy near you overhearing you say that around might actually like you and he will be hurt by it.


If that were to happen.........

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I have the same problem. But part of it is that I'm rarely attracted to any guy. So that slims down the chances of one I'm attracted to being attracted to me. I mean like once or twice a year I might meet one I am attracted to, and they usually are taken.


But I always seem to get hit on by guys I'd never be interested in. I told my mom about it and asked if I had some sort of sign on my forehead that made me attractrive to the wrong guys. She just told me it's not a reflection of me and the person I am. I guess I'd rather have the wrong guys flirt with me than none at all. At least somebody is interested.

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You sound a lot like me. I almost never meet guys I'm really attracted to. I get hit on a lot but never by anyone I want. Sometimes I feel like somethings wrong with me. I have friends that always have a crush on someone and see guys they think are hot all the time. I agree that at least someone is hitting on you. Even though it sucks at least you know you aren't considered totally hideous by the opposite sex.

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Yeah I KNOW what you mean. It's always the people you don't want to hit on you that do, I mean it's a nice confidence booster but not what you really want. I think I have a problem with being more outgoing to people I find myself not attracted to because I know I won't fumble my words and make a total ass of myself.


Honestly for me it's always girls I have absolutely no interest in at all or guys who are way to feminine. I'd like to know what I'm doing wrong here lol.

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Wow, I knew looks mattered to women but had no idea how shallow they actually were till I started reading this forum!!


all guys think that if they say the right thing they might have a chance with ANY girl. I was with her once when an ugly guy hit on her...it was pathetic


Why do you think this is? Becuase everytime a guy asks "do looks matter?" women all say "no, personality is more important, just talk to the girl" .... so give the guy a break.


Not everyone can be model good-looking. At least he had the guts to try, why knock the guy so hard.


Can you believe I'm actually p*ssed off reading that!!!

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why don't you try hitting on the guys? it's the pick and choose factor. if you allow others to hit on you, you never really get a choice except for the ones that hit on you. now, if you change that and make your own moves, you have your choice. make more eye contact with the guys you want to talk to.

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I don't know why most of the girls in this thread are complaining. It does not sound like that you girls know how to flirt with guys you find attractive. Instead, you girls are happy with being passive and just letting guys approach you. I remember the female host of another forum who said that woman should not ask out guys but they should at least know how to flirt with them. While, I disagree with the host about the asking out part, I am kind of miffed that there are some girls who neither ask out guys nor know how to flirt with guys they find attractive.

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I don't know why most of the girls in this thread are complaining. It does not sound like that you girls know how to flirt with guys you find attractive. Instead, you girls are happy with being passive and just letting guys approach you. I remember the female host of another forum who said that woman should not ask out guys but they should at least know how to flirt with them. While, I disagree with the host about the asking out part, I am kind of miffed that there are some girls who neither ask out guys nor know how to flirt with guys they find attractive.


I sort of agree with galaxy. I HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO FLIRT with a guy I'm attracted to. I see a lot of attractive guys at the gym, but I never know what to say. If he starts the conversation, then everything is good... but if it's up to me to say something...I just sip on my water and go to the next machine IN HOPE he'll approach me ...it never happens. Haha, what am I really supposed to say at the gym?

"You look mighty sculpted"

"Nice shoes"

"All set to pump some iron?"

I'm too shy to even smile at the guy I'm attracted to.

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Wow, I knew looks mattered to women but had no idea how shallow they actually were till I started reading this forum!!




Why do you think this is? Becuase everytime a guy asks "do looks matter?" women all say "no, personality is more important, just talk to the girl" .... so give the guy a break.


Not everyone can be model good-looking. At least he had the guts to try, why knock the guy so hard.


Can you believe I'm actually p*ssed off reading that!!!



It's not being shallow. It's having preferences/standards. Do you not have standards in the type of woman you want? I'm sure you wouldn't welcome a huge 4'5" woman with a bowl cut and thick spectacles with wide arms. Or would you?

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Me too. I'm married to a guy I'm not attracted to any more too! It give me a complex because I know I'm not ugly, but ugly guys feel so confident approaching me. Do take comfort in this. I have a good friend who is a runway model....she is absolutely stunning...tall, gorgeous, long blonde hair. I told her about ugly guys hitting on me and she said they hit on her too...she says it isn't about the girl...all guys think that if they say the right thing they might have a chance with ANY girl. I was with her once when an ugly guy hit on her...it was pathetic. He was a good 6 inches shorter than her, extra padding in the waist...and acne. He acted so confident, but ANYBODY could see he had no chance with her...anybody but him, that is.

Thank you.

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