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Can anybody give me a ball-park figure for how much professional therapy will run a person (i.e. per session or per hour or whatever)? I've had a lot of anxiety and depression lately and I know it's kind of my duty to seek real help, but at this point I question whether it is worth it to waste further money.

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It can be about 100 an hour if you don't have insurance and you go to a private therapist, but if you aren't able to afford that, then look into your county and see if they have a mental health services department that will help you on a sliding fee scale. That's what I go to and it's really nice, I get free group therapy sessions, they have an activity center, I get medication, and every couple of weeks I see the psychiatrist.

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I go to a mental health building...for anger management. It was called a CNE group. It was free to me b/c I had low income and no insurance. But now I am *censored* court ordered...it costs me $10 a visit and it's a 1 on 1 visit. But that's ok w/ me. I don't know about $100 a visit...sounds kind of high to me. Just depends if you have insurance or not and how much your household income is.

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I recently starting doing online counselling and I find it so helpful to be able to get all my feelings out and saying things that I wouldnt' say to anyone else, all out of the comfort of my own home. You can chat with a counsellor live or get unlimited emails for a flat rate. Mine goes for $50/week which for me is a lot better and cheaper than $100 for one hour a week.

I tried going in person to a therapist and I just found it too weird and nerve wracking. This way is so much better..

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Can anybody give me a ball-park figure for how much professional therapy will run a person (i.e. per session or per hour or whatever)? I've had a lot of anxiety and depression lately and I know it's kind of my duty to seek real help, but at this point I question whether it is worth it to waste further money.



You don't give a location so it is impossible to give you a cost.

There are some free groups you can go to:

Recovery is very good

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or cocounselling


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Hey there,


I saw a social worker last year and she was covered under my insurance plan. And my co-pay for my insurance plan was $10, which is what I had to pay her. If I did not have insurance, she charged $75 an hour.


It depends on the insurance plan you have. I had a PPO plan, which allowed me to choose my doctors and all I had to pay was $10. Now I have an HMO and it is slightly different and I cannot choose my doctor, I need a referal. So, research your insurance plan, I am sure you received a book on which doctors are covered. Look up pychaitrist, social workers, psychologist, what ever doctor you looking for and make some calls. And it depends on your co-pay. If you are not sure, call your plan and check.


Good luck.

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With insurance it's really cheap. I had a psychology teacher that would charge 100 dollars an hr so maybe you should just check around until you find one that is right for you. Just call and ask what they typically charge without insurance or you can call your insurance company and see what your coverage is.

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