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Everything posted by smackie9

  1. Want this settled? Everyone needs to get together and your BF apologize to him for talking smack behind his back. Talk this out like adults.
  2. Tip: getting caught cheating/lying doesn't make them stop...they just go out of their way to hide it more. He never stopped. He's a serial cheater. You can bust him and waggle your finger at him all you want, still won't change him.
  3. Female brains work differently from male brains. We can be emotionally attached without having romantic feelings. We can separate the two while men it's all in. That's why getting friend zoned is prevalent with men.
  4. It would be best to move on instead of trying to change things.
  5. All you can do is back off, and give her, her space.
  6. Reaching out to give comfort is fine....don't go there about romantic connection. Maybe a friendship can flourish.
  7. What is happening has nothing to do with moving in or your mental health. The honeymoon phase/infatuation (dopamine) has run it's course. This can last anywhere from 6 months to a year and a half. This is a perfectly normal occurrence for those feelings to fade...even for no reason. It's time to move on.
  8. OK so let this be a lesson....no driver's license=deal breaker don't date them. Your solution is to find a new BF. Another lesson here is, know when to say no, know when this won't work, know that you are being taken for granted, learn to set boundaries within your relationship.
  9. I worked in a night club for 4 years. Them ladies that hang out up at the bar get friendly with the bartenders in hopes to get special privileges like a free shot or drink, attentive service and attention. Tip: A woman really getting along with any man cannot be taken as romantic interest. She shot you down. If she really was interested, any approach would be acceptable. Yes you are right take her excuse as a no, and move onto the next. You need to be more "seasoned", and that will take time. Can't expect things to drop in your lap. You have the perfect platform to learn approach, what works, and how to read people. Bar people/regulars are a different breed let me tell ya. I had guys buy me roses, and never ask me out. I figured it out, since I worked the door, they wanted ahead of the line up/pay no cover privileges lol. People use you, so watch out for that. As for finding a date through customers. That's how I met my husband but it took 4 years of working there to meet him. I dated plenty while I was there, and even being already a seasoned dater, there was a lot of bad dates. Have to grow a thick skin.
  10. You are right....if your gut tells you "maybe no" then there is nothing wrong with that. Your time is your time so why waste it. Some don't mind an outing for something to do, take a chance, but it doesn't mean you should follow suit. You do what you think is best for you, not what your friends say calling you "mean" etc.
  11. Man if you get that vibe then don't go. I totally get you....if someone doesn't have some kind of compatibility, then there is no emotional intellect. No emotional intellect then no fire down below is going to happen. And guys wonder why there's no second date lol.
  12. You are too tied to "I saw a future with him" But he's not the right one...even tho it's hard to let go....best to block/delete, put your SM on private. Make sure he has no access to contacting you...maybe change your cel number.
  13. Well that's a whole laundry list of NOPE. You want your issues solved? get rid of the problem...HIM!
  14. It could be OCD/anxiety. Her behavior...tho not uncommon, is not normal. I'm sure if you said anything she would just lose her #$%^ on ya. say things like "after all I have done for you! You don't love me anymore!, what's gotten into you, this is not the daughter I know ( my mother says that ugh!). Nothing you can do about it. This is her disorder/personality. It won't change unless she can see it from your end and knows how bad it actually is.
  15. You supported this lazy #$% for 2 years? and then he says to find a better paying job? Giiiirrrrrl where is your self worth? kick this guy to the curb. Ain't no man worth that.
  16. An interested guy will be interested and tie you down/keep seeing you because you mean that much to them, don't want another guy to scoop you up. These guy...zero. They just wanted to sleep with you...that's why.
  17. He's seen you naked....I don't think he's going to mind.
  18. I wouldn't think so. She was just being helpful...maybe study next time....then that would impress her that you are no slacker.
  19. With narcissists it is all about control. By you ignoring him, you have taken control of the situation. It's driving him mad. If I were you I would change my number.
  20. You should be putting your child first and work on getting a proper steady home life for her. He's not a stable person. Him going in and out of jail is him never wanting to grow up or commit to making a real life with you.
  21. I totally can relate. I find it exhausting too listening to my husband draw out his conversations....I'm saying in my head "get to the damn point already" I usually don't go with him if I know it's going to be hours. It's not unusual for us to go solo to events. I'm good for a couple of hours then I'm done. Sometimes I leave on my own, or I go sit somewhere like outside to just breath. But ya there's nothing wrong with grabbing an Uber and going home alone early. What I have started to do is tell him the time I expect us to leave, that I'm not staying late a head of time. So he knows when I say it's time to leave, it's time to leave.
  22. first off, you should have called him out on his bs excuses right there. He lied to you and you shouldn't put up with that. Secondly you need to express how it made you feel to him. You both need to communicate better about this.
  23. End the relationship and start fresh by being single and just date,...discover who you are, build a life of your own, grow, and go forward. Then you will be ready to get into a relationship that enhances your life, not take it over.
  24. Men don't contact a woman because they don't want to. An interested man shows he is interested and would try to tie you down before someone else scoops you up. This was a one and done. I think you got way too excited about your connection you felt with him making yourself think it was a for sure thing. Players can be that...give the BF experience to get sex easily. He probably said all the right things, has seemingly lots in common with you, etc. This is why you need to be suspicious of this sort of instant connection...too good to be true. Got to give it time, see how he treats you, see if he takes the initiative, solid honest respectful consistent communication, takes you out on thoughtful dates, remembers how you like your coffee or your favorite things. That's when you know a guy is being receptive to you and your needs.
  25. He sounds like a great guy with lots in common with you. I don't think he's going anywhere lol. He has been communicating well, letting you know he will be very busy so he won't be available to chat like before. I feel is a very good sign.
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