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Everything posted by TMA68

  1. While that may be true for some women, from what I've observed, even if a nice guy is "hot" looking, he's still likely to get cheated on the moment an even better looking "bad boy" comes along. (Although it's a fictional story, the movie, link removed, provides a perfect illustration of what I mean.) By contrast, even if a "bad boy" isn't hot looking, the woman he's with will be loyal to him no matter how many hot looking "nice guys" come her way. Again, I know there are exceptions, but that does appear to be the general rule. No, men want to be coupled with a great looking partner. Women (generally speaking) want to be coupled with a great looking jerk. Sorry, just calling it like I see it.
  2. I never even implied that that was my intention. I was simply making a general statement. I know it is, the point I was trying to make is that what you wrote seems to be the most common perspective. From what I've observed, it's only women who are desperate (whether it be due to lack of physical attractiveness or to having one too many kids) who have a different perspective. Yet when they find a creative man, they decide, no, what they really want is an "adventerous" man. Then when they find an adventerous man, they decide, no, what they really want is "ambitious" or "goal-oriented" man. Then when they get pregnant and their "creative" or "adventerous" man leaves them, they finally decide that, no, what they really want is a "nice" man. I realize not all women are like that, but it seems the relative few who aren't are merely exceptions that call attention to the more general rule. You're jumping to the wrong conclusion here. I'm not some sex-starved teenager trying desperately to "score." I've had more than my share of experiences, thank you. I say what I say not out of "discouragement," but out of disgust; disgust because practically every female I meet over the age of 20 has at least one child by some "bad boy" who (surprise!) is no longer around. Were it not for that, I would simply be amused by this whole "bad boy" obsession most women seem to have. But when there are children involved, it's hard not to get at least a little angry and, in light of the excuses women usually give for this obsession, more than a little disgusted.
  3. Indeed it did. To get loyalty from a woman, a guy must do two things: (1) give her "break-the-bed-mindblowing-down-and-dirty-make-u-wanna-slap-your-mama-freaky-deaky" sex on a consistent basis, and (2) be a jerk. In light of this heart-warming message, is it possible that women themselves are primarily to blame for why so many guys act like jerks? Is it also possible they are contradicting themselves when they complain about nice guys being so "hard to find"?
  4. I doubt women can explain it either -- hence their reputation for being impossible to understand, and hence my conclusion that most women are being hypocritical when they complain about "bad boys" being unfaithful to them.
  5. Considering your lack of interest in the nice guys you're already acquainted with, is it possible that the primary reason you can't "find" a nice guy willing to go out with you is that you're not really looking for one in the first place?
  6. Yes, that counts. Is it just me, or do women tend to be most loyal to guys like that, and least loyal to guys who are (gasp!) "nice"? Could it be that many of the women who get cheated on are their own worst enemies?
  7. What are the most popular excuses that those who are caught cheating give to their significant others? From what I've observed, the most popular excuse is: "It's not like I 'planned' it; it just sort of happened." In other words, she tripped, stumbled and fell into bed with your best friend. Any other classics?
  8. TMA68


    Has anyone seen the movie, link removed, with Richard Gere and Diane Lane? If so, what are your thoughts? I'm particularly interested in hearing what women think of Diane Lane's character. This movie struck a chord with me, because it illustrates with shocking clarity that it isn't just those in "unhappy" marriages and relationships who cheat on their significant others. Is it just me, or are women (especially attractive ones) just as bad as men are when it comes to being faithful to their spouses?
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