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Everything posted by bimmer

  1. Well... the first thing I can say about this is it isn't all your fault... When I hit that line about you telling your husband, I felt that was a good relief till he didn't want to come to a solution with you. Perhaps you have to tell him more of what you feel? The fact is that you're paranoid and that you fear that it's going to get worst. And see his reaction then. I know jealousy is a natural thing, but you just got to try to relax. I know I don't enjoy my gf talking or shopping with other guys but it means nothing. I can't take her social life away from her... Anyways, apart from his bad cooperation you just have to do your best and try to cope with your feelings a bit and realize that it may mean nothing.. if it gets worst, you HAVE to tell him that it's going to become serious and it's taking a big effect on your life.
  2. Well... I have a Q for you, are you very popular social wise? I'm very shy myself and the current relationship I'm in is the only real relationship I considered myself in.. anyways.. before we actually get together, I was really shy, shy as that guy you like, if not more. Anyways, I can tell you that you need to make a move on him, in the near future. He's probably confused whether it's just your friendly personality that's being nice to him or you actually have feelings, which you do. The fact is that he doesn't know that and he's trying to draw some conclusions.. dont let him draw a wrong one, and make him move on. I know I thought my gf liked someone else.. she was very popular social wise and well, it stretched on forever till I found out.. Anyways, dont let him direct his attention elsewhere, snag it from him.
  3. Before I was in your shoes.. luckily she added me and our friendship really progressed. It was the usual hello, how are you doing at first. Then it moved to late night talks to 2-3am on school nights, on days before we had an event together knowing we were tired. You have to be persistent about communicating with her. Don't go to the point where you bug her about it, just try to find a way to open her up. Finding her e-mail would be great if she's an online chatter. Trust me.. she may seem shy in real life but online she may a very different person who expresses everything in text where body language doesn't matter. P.S. You have to work with her shyness. Don't do things that will put her in an awkward position. I know you give her gifts, but really as a shy person myself, there's not much more you can do but say thanks.
  4. A little more light and perhaps we could help ya a lil better. Is she in any of your classes? Same grade? Do you live near each other? see each other anywhere else? I mean since you are in the shy forum, I'm assuming you're shy to openly go up to her and talk to her but I mean.. perhaps you can initiate that lil step where you walk to the point where you almost nudge her.. she has to notice where she's walking (hopefully).
  5. You can do something as stated that you both enjoy and end the day off with either a place where you sit down and talk and confess. If there's some awkwardness, that's your cue to move in for the kiss and just hold each other! There's a first time for everything.. after that it's like a ritual and you may need to do more later on in the relationship to keep it from the same 'ol.
  6. Perhaps you're a lil excited by his words that you don't see the big picture: -He's 17 and has a girlfriend -He wants unprotected sex -If you get pregnent, this airhead will just dump everything on you and you're going to be the one dealing with the consequences, NOT HIM No offence but, he's just using you for sex. I mean, people crave sex, but looking back and seeing that you've lost your virginity by being used is not a good way. Especially when it becomes a total disaster where he doesn't use a condom, you can get pregnent, he most likely slept around, and you get some form of STD. I'm sorry for sounding like a parent but, the moral of my post was that having sex isn't the issue, the fact that you're giving your virginity away to some brainless bafoon who doesn't want to use a condom.. Priceless but 0% effective. Spend a dollar on a condom w/ lubrication in a washroom and be almost 100% effective.
  7. I personally think the initial post is a good way to get there and hit new levels in a relationship. I mean, you can just run your hand over that area (on top of her clothing), and you can judge her discomfort level if she is the type who just seems to live through things that she may not feel comfortable with at first. I haven't tried it yet, but I mean, it's not like I haven't thought about it.. A more in depth question is, what are your hands doing when they're in there? I think I've read a "come here" jesture with your finger.. Also, can you bleed from fingering at all if she's still a virgin? The idea of asking is a lil awkward I guess.. If you do the actions of feeling her and finding her levels, it would be a lot easier to get to the gold because you both are caught up in the moment and when you straight up ask, it might feel a lil awkward because you're just talking.
  8. Well.. theory or no theory.. your hands SHOULD be involved when making out.. I mean they could be still on her face or you could be holding her hand.. or they could be feeling her on her back or legs.. or if she doesn't mind, you can go elsewhere. I know that I'm taller than my gf and after making out for long periods of time, my leg starts to shake since I have to always bend it. So you can try it where you're leaning against a wall with your legs spread and she's infront of you. Experiment, you have nothing to lose!
  9. Definitely some good tips. Pick a date where you walk and talk.. and then sit some where and continue.. and when you feel that awkward moment of silence where you guys catch each other staring at each other, that is your cue. That way, both of you are coping. If that doesn't happen, I'm sure if you sat face to face but his head was a bit down since he's shy, then you could perhaps grab his hand slowly and he'd look up and woola..
  10. Ask her out on a date and I'd highly recommend a date where you can sit down, talk and look at each other... The theatres aren't a really good way to start off dating because you just sit there, even though you can slip some moves, a girl would feel much more if you sat face to face, grabbed her two hands and tell her how you felt rather than creating confusion or shock by slipping your hand around her. That's just the way I see it... You just got to be a wee lil patient or else she MIGHT think you're crazy for either: Kissing her out of the blue when it wasn't even a date.. or before she even knows you like her could give her wrong impressions.. Or cramming your confession, kiss and make out on the same date.. It happens.. but that would be the route I'd take.
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