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Everything posted by needafriend

  1. Thank you for your advice The circumstances of our relationship where hard to deal with. Distance, timing ect. and things wernt peachy 100% of the time as you would expect, but we were still so in love! Wish he wasnt so stubborn and willing to give our love another chance! But I guess Ill never get to show him how much another chance would be worth it!!!
  2. Hi Guys, I meet with my ex on the weekend and now I am even more confused than ever! I strongly advise against it to anyone trying to get over someone, but I guess I learned the hard way. Everything was great, we get along so well. There was flirting and cute little cuddles, we were so happy to be in each others precence again. All it did for me was make me realise how much I am totally in love with him!!! And it hurt to leave. Was really sad. Afterwards, I let him know that meeting again would be a bad idea because it hurt to be around him. I wanted to know how he felt about me so I asked him. He replied with how great it was to see me and that in this stage of his life he think he has made the right decision. Reda my posts if you need background. But I wanted to know how he felt about ME!!! Its a pretty simple question to answer! He replied with I love you, I love everything about you. That hurt more than what I was expecting!!! What should I do now?!?! I want him back in my life. Seeing him was the first time I felt complete since the breakup. HELP!
  3. Im very sorry to hear that you lost your love too. Its so hard because we know how much we have to offer them if only they would give us another chance. So hard to come to terms with! Anybody have any advice on what I should do????
  4. You are right Boundaries, he his very selfish and the timing was way off!!! But why cant he see!!!!!
  5. Thanks guys! Im just so confused! We were so in love and he says that not being with me anymore is in his best interest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHat the *beeeeep* does that mean!!!! And matter!!!!!!!!!! I know he loves me and I know he is still in love with me! How could someone think that being without someone they love is in their best interest!!!!!! Im so angry!
  6. I have broken the no contact rule, plenty of times during the past two weeks. I fully intend to break all contact, but is it ok to contact him, searching for some answers?? Breaking up with me he said was in his best interest, but I dont understand how being without the one you love to be in your best interest. Im still s confused! I just want to know why I was so easy to cast aside!!!
  7. No I dont think you killed any chance! Read my posts and you will see that I have killed all chances!!! But the person that has been dumped needs certain things too. They need time and space. We need answers and closure. They cant be too selfish and not give you anything after spending a long period of time with you! Don't worry about it. Sometimes we just need it to make us feel better.
  8. Hi, I have posted on here a few times about my current situation. I broke the no contact rule, looking for answers. Probably just made him angry. But got what I needed. Its over, please let it go Would it be wrong to send him an email, just to say goodbye and good luck?!?! Please help! Im still so confused!!! And so incredibly hurt
  9. I have posted all about my breakup. Im completely broken here. I need help to know what the best thing is to do! I spoke to my ex last night and even though he loves me would rather not give me another chance to make things better, not see my face, feel my touch or breathe me in. He has said he needs time to know whether he is happier without me I suppose. I told him in a casual moment during the conversation that I would be sending him some photos of his birthday he seemed ok with this and said he would like them. Is it ok for me to send a letter along with that telling him that true love should always deserve a second chance???? Im completley heart broken!! PLEASE HELP!!!
  10. You are completely right!!! My boyfriend of a year doesnt want to be with me anymore even though I love him more than life. A girl gets rejected, its natural instint for her you go where she know she feels wanted!! I know that being with someone else will help me move on. Im not waiting around for my braindead ex to come crawling back - its not going to happen!!! Do what you have to do.
  11. I know exactly how you feel. Dont worry, calling her will help you move on and let her go. It has made me feel better and get a clearer picture of things calling my ex only after four days. Although I may have stuffed up any chance of him ever coming back its made me see that our love couldnt have been true. He cant give me, the woman he loves another chance to make things better. Sometimes you just need a bit of closure. And to know that you have so much to offer someone who is going to appreciate and love you regardless.
  12. Wow! Thankyou so much. I hope everything works out for you. And your quote is so right. If he never comes back, it was never true love in the first place! Im actually going through the angry stage where I feel like I hate him! And I want nothing to do with him. And at the moment I can see him not wanting to tell me that he really is happy without me, just to keep me close incase things dont work out for him. Im not having that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do you think there is a chance for you and your love??
  13. Thankyou. You have no idea how much it means to me! Has anyone else got any advice??
  14. thanks for your advice. The reason he left wasnt because of the argument, it was just the last straw I think. But I do deserve more of an explanation than what he has given me, I have given him so much. But how do I get that and begin to close him out of my life if I dont contact him?? Will he come to me??
  15. And also he is not the type to lead someone on. If he was happier without me, he would tell me. Obviously he just needs time to work it out. But Im so afraid he will think his life will be better without me in it. Its not the case.
  16. I love him more than life! And would do anything for another chance. But yes, I do believe he thinks he has done the right thing. I have already come to terms with the fact the he WILL NOT drive up my drive way. He WILL NOT call and see if its ok to talk. The road was most certainly bumpy. But the good times still outweighed the bad. I miss hearing his voice so much WHat to do?????
  17. I contacted him because I need closure. If I want to get on with my life and forget him I need him to tell me that he isnt in love with me anymore and he is happier that Im not his girl anymore. I think its fair enough, I need this.
  18. after lurking around this site for a few days Ive realised that here is a bunch of amazing people all in the same boat as me! I need advice! My boyfriend of a year (the absolute love of my life!) broke up with me after a niggling argument. The last straw for himn I guess. Things hadnt been great, but I always thought I would have the chance to make things better. He said that he loves me but he cant do it anymore it is too hard. He has been completley selfish not wanting to give us another chance and is breaking my heart. I decided that its best to let him go, if he loves me he will know we are meant for each other and come back. Right!? I didnt contact him for a few days and was beginning the healing process and realising that it is all for the best. and came to a conclusion that if I want to move on and get on with my life I needed closure. So I contact him (just a text message) asking him if he was happier without me. Its all I need to know!! I need him to tell me that he is happier and doesnt regret his decision and that he isnt in love with me anymore. He owes me that much, I gave himn all of me. His response was that he didnt know, it hadnt been long enough! That isnt good enough for me, you should know if you are happier without someone in your life!!! What should I do????? I already thank anymore willing to respond, I need advice
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