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Everything posted by InLoveNeedingHelp

  1. Hey if you are a man of faith, then pray, pray, pray, and pray. I prayed to the Lord to please just let me meet the man I would marry and I prayed for an entire year. The next year I met that man and we are head over heels in love. God answers prayers. I will pray for you, I just hope that you can find his guidance to help you find that special woman who you can love. Good luck in everything you do, best wishes. God Bless
  2. Hang in there bud. It sounds like you really love this girl, and if it's meant to be then it will all happen in time. Make sure not to get too attached though, to the point of obsession or anything. And try not to come on too strong. Just be very suttle, start it up as friends and don't push anything, wait for a sign that she is into you too. You could really have something if you take it slow and be patient. Don't push too hard or you're gonna lose it all faster than you know it. Good luck.
  3. Well, if that's how you gotta do it then i guess that's how you gotta do it. I bet a woman in your life could satisfy your needs better especially if that's the only way you can do it. Fall in love buddy, get a girl in your life.
  4. Adam, Definitely talk to the girl about your feelings. Maybe she feels the same way, and has been eagerly waiting for you to return the same vibes. Don't come on strong when you do it, just be suttle. Put it out there easily and just let her know how you feel and make sure you say, but hey I totally respect that you have this relationship going on and if you're not interested in me it's totally cool, i just want to let you know that I'm into you. Definitely say something though, if she's hugging you and initiating things then I'm sure she's in some need of love... especially with a fling that far away. Good luck bud!
  5. If she's not eyein you back then maybe she's not interested in you. It sounds like you're being really cautious which is excellent. You need to approach her on monday and introduce yourself. No harm in doing so, and you'll feel so much better after you do it. Boost your confidence by tidying up and getting a new shirt or something, and you'll do fine. Just don't miss this chance, don't ever let something pass you by. GO FOR IT! I have faith in you bud!
  6. Hayley, Sounds like you might really be in love with this boyfriend of yours. It seems like you've really tried talking things through with him to figure out what the deal is, but I believe there is a problem. I think your boyfriend might still have feelings for his ex; maybe there is something she has that you don't and he's still remembering those times with her. What you need to do, no matter how much you love him is tell him, "Baby, I'm sorry...but I really can't stand to think that you still have feelings by your ex and I'm continually being hurt by that fact." If he doesn't feel bad and apologize, then I think you should take a break. Maybe play a little hard to get. That game is really hard to play, but it will make that boy grow in respect for you. Boy's respond to what they don't have...so swtich things up a bit. If he's being disrespectful then he really doesn't appreciate what you two have. Make him appreciate it. Stay single, don't hook up with anyone. You don't even have to break up. Just become more "preocupied" and busy when he wants to hang out. Stop calling him and when he calls you either don't answer some of the time, or only on the third ring. He will be begging for you back and realize, hey... I can't get this girl that easy. Trust me, it is very effective. It's hard to do when you are in love with someone and you really do want to be with them, but you have to in order to keep this boy interested. Good luck.
  7. OK, here's the story... Me and my boyfriend have been dating for a year and are already planning on getting engaged next year. We are so madly in love it is awesome! There's just one problem. He doesn't want to have sex until we're married and I want it so bad right now. We see eachother everyday and I always get him off. He tries sometimes to get me off but it is never works. The only way I know I'll be able to fully satisfy my needs is if I have sex with him. The other night he went in once and then withdrew because he felt bad about it. Seriously, what do I do?!?! I am so sexually frustrated it's not even funny. Breaking up is no option. Help me please!! -Anna
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