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Mr Furley

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Everything posted by Mr Furley

  1. I have a recurring dream: i am always being lured into a room by an attractive girl. I tell her its not right because I am with somebody but she is not deterred and she undresses and starts touching me and then I can't controll it any longer. the woman is always someone I know but can be different people. I know after waking that these women are connected because the possability of sex with them is very real. Anyway back to the dream. After it is over the dream suddenly turns into a nightmare. I have horrible feelings of regret and the thought of never being able to take back what has been done swrirls furiously in my head. I eventually always wake feeling uneasy but very relieved it did not happen. I don't know exactly how much this has to do with your situation except to say that we are all only human. You are obviously feeling bad about what has been done and these feelings are eating away at you. I will say this. If you think it would end a relationship that is very special to you then you should stop this behavior. you should make a choice. I also feel weird saying this but I would not tell him. Accept your mistake and put it behind you. You are not the only one who has ever slipped up. Although I don't know your husband I think that if he finds out he may never get over it. I know I wouldn't. I don't say that to scare you or be mean but it's the truth. I would rather not know. As long as it ends here.
  2. heres the thing, it really won't matter as much as long as she goes first. Foreplay is always a must. You need to focus all you attention on the clit but you already knew that. As far as lasting a long time...all mental. This may sound insane but if you are truly that worried about going too soon, like with someone you don't know well yet, you have to think about something else. I have even tried to do multiplication in my head. I realize thats silly though because although it works your not really in the moment so the result will not be good. I only told you that to make light of this. My latest technique is actually good and worth trying. If i start to feel like Im gonna loose it I slow up a bit and begin to rub her love bump as I am going. She always ends up going before me and I look like a hero. I asked her if this was considered cheating and she said "whatever gets the job done". She also reassured me that the sex was very good.
  3. herectic, I can't help but feel that your response pertains to me as well, so I would like to reply. Clearly you have some clue whats going on but I have to wonder why you would waste your time with this crap. Why am I wasting my time with this? Anyway, I help, or I should say offer my advise/opinions to people with REAL issues. These penis size forums are for confused young people. I think that the person who posted this message must be young and confused, and for that reason I apologize for coming off too strong.
  4. She's waiting. Its clear that you are probrably both feeling the same thing. I say go for it and who knows, maby things will just take off. Just get over that first hurdle, its hard for all of us.
  5. I am a man and I can tell you that it is, in my opinion, natural that we all are jealous sometimes. At the same time I think that one important distinction about myself is that I know this is one of my worst qualities. Thankfully, I have a girlfriend who is honest with me, even when it comes to romantic history, as insignificant as it may be, with people she is still friends with today. It hurts to hear but I realize that things that happened before I was in her life are acceptable because I was not involved in any way. It drives me crazy, but I am so confident that she is sincere that I can reassure myself with that thought. Bottom line: realize that all men are jealous, some are better at hiding it, someone might even reply and tell me thats bulls**t...there fooling themselves. However You need to confront him because marrige is a big step and lasts a lifetime. EH has crossed the line by invading your privacy. Nothing can stay bottled up forever. BOOM.
  6. It truly is a thin line between Love and Hate. Cheesy, but true I think. The natural reaction is anger. Eventually you get over it and let go but I think the one thing that really helps is finding someone else. It seems impossible, then it happens. The hardest thing is always imagining your ex with someone else. Even today I feel I will never be completely over her. The toilet trick helps though. Thanks
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