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Everything posted by Enakmai

  1. Your daughter sounds like a histrionic sociopath to me. Google "Histrionic Personality Disorder". On the other hand, it could be some type of developmental disorder. The key indicators of this disorder (HPD) are: -Constantly needing to be the center of attention. -Always feeling as if they are the victim. -Massive impatience/frustration. -Feels as if people they just meet are their best friends. However, she does things like rubbing her snot in her hair, which an HPD would just not do.
  2. No, not really. "to kidnap, imprison, inflict extreme pain, serious bodily injury, or death." I did not consider it assault. I consider it disgusting, and morally, I do consider it rape. Legally, it isn't. No one deserves to get raped. Well, I'd pass for someone like Hitler, but you get the point. I said probably. And the evidence supports it. Not a good assumption. I sure as hell believe Husbands can rape their wives. My opinion differs here, I think she is a cheater. Nothing can be done, but chances are this * * * * * could and has committed rape, and it would be a very good idea to tell them about it.
  3. This is the biggest load of BS I've heard yet. Man number two. She thought the relationship was over, so she cheated. What happens when you have actual problems instead of imaginary ones? Actual truth instead of imaginary lies? You can. Sounds like she just wanted sex and is a cheater, honestly. Let me sum this all up to justify: She was coerced. It is not rape by any legal definition, either. However, I am not focusing on that. What he did was, well, by common morale standards... disgusting. She put herself in the situation. I'm not talking about the situation of sex coercion. I'm talking about possibility. What if it had gone some other way and they just ended up having sex? Thats what would have probably happened had he not threatened her. They would have had sex anyways.
  4. I come accross as very objective. I don't see it as harsh. Being bisexual isn't an issue. It is her true preference that is the issue. In normal cases, it would be irrelevant, but if she is going to give in to her natural desires, those desires will correspond with her preference. As for the boundaries of the relationship, if you don't know them, you act conservatively. You don't do whatever you want. This woman played him on that case, and I'd hope you agree.
  5. I agree. To sum it up: tell the man to never speak to this woman again, ever. There is no morale or logical reasoning to suggest that because you now know this woman, you are obligated to help her. Do you feel empathy for the homeless to this extent? Certainly not...
  6. Without any inhibition whatsoever as a result of alcohol, she shows preferences for women, uniquely so. That would seem to indicate she is possibly or likely a lesbian. It is a choice to be bisexual, I believe... you are straight and bisexual, lesbian and bisexual, or just straight or lesbian. Scientific studies support bisexuality being merely a choice and nothing that occurs biologically. As for bipolar, she has erratic sexual behavior and an apparently impulsive life, even if only in specific aspects. Bisexuality is also correlated with emotional disregularities. (Bipolar or histrionic related disorders.)
  7. As stated previously, baby-talking is a sign of a manic-bipolar phase. These phases can last a long time. This girl definitely sounds bipolar type I.
  8. Explain to her that if she has these impulses, it is not acceptable to you if she has alcohol whilst simultaneously possessing the opportunities to give in to her impulses. You don't know how to trust her at this point because you shouldn't be trusting her at this point... I'm merely dissecting and objectifying the post. Read along. I'd get out.
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