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  1. OK, I left my ex in july after 5 1/2 years and a baby. We were working on getting back together but due to his massive anger problem he had to sort that out first. Then suddenly he meets the new love of his life and isnt interested in "us" anymore. This hurt and it's hard to get over that betrayal. Fast forward to now (3 months down the track) and he sends me an email saying how much he misses me and my friendship and signs it miss you, love (his name). Now ive heard from his mum that the relationship isnt actually as perfect as he said it was...I asked him in a reply email why he signed it "love" and he says he has no idea. Is he full of bull and is still hooked or is he playing games?.
  2. It's post traumatic stress and it's very normal after an abusive relationship!. My therapist told me the more I focus on ME and making new healthy friendships and filling my life with new hobbies, the smaller these things will become. It may take you a couple of years or longer to reach that stage. But rest assured it is normal.
  3. The problem was never you, it was him. He won't ever be happy with a woman, because he see's them as a sexual object to "play" with. He has huge issues obviously, dating back to childhood. It would take years of therapy to get through them, even then his chances may not be that good. Pity the next girl he ends up with and be greatful you got out before he caused to much emotional damage.
  4. I haven't told anyone this, I have been too embarrassed to admit it. My ex of 5 1/2 years (and the father of my son) and I split up 3 times this year due to his verbal, emotional and physical abuse. I moved out in january to my own house and he visited from 8 hours away every 2nd weekend. We were trying to make things work and he said he would seek help for his behaviour. We split up in april for a day, then split up in june for 2 weeks, then finally in july. After we split up and didn't talk for 2 weeks, he rang me up and wanted us to try again, I said I was unsure as I didn't want to get hurt again and said he needed help. He said again that he would get it and that I was his best friend and didnt want to lose me. However fast forward to september, he went and visited his dad for a week and when he left he was arranging a fishing trip with me. He smsed me for the first 2 days he was there, then suddenly stopped. I smsed him 2 days later asking if he was still coming on saturday and he smsed back to say his bike had problems so no. He then ignored me for the next few days and didnt come back until the following week. When I smsed him he was extremely rude to me and again on the phone that night. The following day we met up for him to see our son, he then told me that he had met someone whilst staying at his dads house and couldnt help how he felt, and that he was moving THAT DAY to live with his dad to be with her (6 hours away!!!). My heart just broke. How could he be so cruel and throw 5 1/2 years and a child away for a stranger???. He then went on to say how she is petite and everything he wanted (i'm very slim, good looking and 5 foot 5 which to him isnt petite)....I don't know if we were going to get back together because he needed to do a lot of work to change his behaviour, but that's not the point. He broke my trust and threw it and my friendship back in my face and it hurt like hell . He said it was MY fault he had feelings for someone else!. My therapist (who doesnt know this bit of the story) said he thinks he has antisocial personality disorder which is why he can be sweet one moment and horrible the next. How do I get over this?, its been 3 months and our son cries for him everyday and I can't comprehend that he has actually done this to us!. I think he actually got off on hurting me . How do I stop loving him (the nice side of him) and let go, I SO want to let go of him and get on with our lives but I can't seem to.
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