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Everything posted by karenin

  1. i must also add, dont preoccupy yourself with meeting women. they'll come in their own time. focus on being you and developing you and be proud of who you are. its confidence like that that the ladies like
  2. some good ideas. maybe you cant get on that course now, but is there something else you can do oto get you onto the course next year? an activity or something to enable you to meet a new circle of people? i moved cities a few months ago and joined a local drama group which has helped build my confidence, especially as the people at my work arent so socialble after-hours. please dont think so negatively. i know its cliched but there's always people worse than you and there's always a way to better a situation. also, a lot of people dont get anywhere near the opposite sex for a long time after your age chin up and good luck!
  3. Thanks - my guy's always had this prob and it took me a while to get him to the doctor - previous gfs before me just gave him grief about the problem but ive been supportive as i can about it. he's waiting on a psychiatrist appt atm as blood test showed he was ok. took him a while to go see someone about it but i suggested he see a guy doctor, read up on the internet, and he realised its a more common prob than he thought and swallowed his pride. I hope you can get your guy sorted.
  4. hiya and thanks! we do try different positions, but its me who always seems to choose, and we dont talk during sex because he's deaf and never has his hearing aids in when we're in bed! as for trying to get him to do anything out of bed...well, i cant even get him to do it in the shower. i think my problem is that i am bored. he has one move and sometimes two before we have sex maybe a ban would get him all worked up!!
  5. hiya. still nothing? must say it sounds a bit immature on his part but maybe he's buys or just needs a bit of time and space?
  6. eww it is so gross!!! i cant stay down there when bfy cums because i will just chunder!!! horrible i know! thanks for these tips!!
  7. height vs weight says im overweirght but im not. bmi is rubbish - doesnt account for muscles or anything like that!! just wanted to say that... any chance of doing workouts on your lunch breaks? are you able to run from one job to the other? goodl uck!
  8. I'm with ^^ on this one. You never get anything if you don't try - and what have you got to lose, really? Good luck!
  9. Hi there - what a first post! Right well, I love my boyfriend completely. I'm 24, he's 27, and we've been together 9 months, in an LDR where we see each other at weekends. Things are great, we've talked about moving closer to each other in the next year, even marriage and our future. However, we've realised we're not having as much sex as we think we should (not that there's rules or anything but y'know!) Normally it's every weekend but he has a problem with erectile dysfunction that he's seeing his doctor about, and I've changed my pill a few times and had probs there, so there's been a month or two between where we've gone without. I just would rather go to sleep than have sex with him, and it doesn't feel right. I told him how I feel about that - which is now shattering his already low confidence due to his 'problem', which his doctor has decided is psychological. Thing is, I've suggested that because half the time we want to have sex, we can't, perhaps I've just got used to doing it so much. I mean we've never been the kind of couple to do it til the sun comes up as I have in past relationships. I do fancy him, we kiss and cuddle a lot, so I can't work out what the problem could be. I'm tired a lot of the time and have thought about that affecting us, or maybe my pill is lowering my sex drive. Or maybe the fact than an ex tried to rape me when I was with his is bothering me - but it can't be that as it's never been a problem before. The thing is, I'm just happy to curl up with my man and go to sleep. After 9 months, surely we shouldn't be getting this settled already. We're not in any kind of routine about what we do normally, we enjoy quality time together and do fun things. However, our sex is routine. I know exactly what he's going to do next, and he's not up for trying new things. Because I'm tired at night, it's always in the morning (which isn't a problem, I'm sure a lot of couples do that!). But, I can't even get him to take a shower with me even though he's happy to walk around naked. I do love him and he knows this, and feels the same about me. However, we know that if we don't sort this problem out, thing will get bad in other parts of our relationship and we need to address the problem. Hope someone can shed some light or anything! Thanks and hiya!
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