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  1. You're going to need to follow your gut on this one. Sometimes those fast relationships that happen because someone "came on strong" loose their passion just as fast. A lot of people get wrapped up in the chase and the initial chemistry and then find out that it wasn't what they wanted after all. Not saying this is one of "those"... only you can tell on that one. I feel for you... been there, done that. Sorry you're going through this.
  2. Definitely... 15 heads are better than one! You all are so helpful w/your suggestions AND insight. There are advice options here that I wouldn't have thought of on my own. Thank you! btbt: I am sure he's not married. I am not so sure he's not already dating. blender: I am going to make a list of your "questions" for use now and future use. Why reinvent the wheel? Yours is perfectly round Anyway, I only hear from this guy during the week and can't seem to reach him on the weekend. I'm going to take that as the proverbial red flag.
  3. Hi - my brother had weird eating habits as a child and still has them as an adult. The entire family would sit down to eat what mom made but he wouldn't touch it. He only had a handful of "acceptable" things he would eat and nothing could budge him. Some people are just like that. It wasn't as if our family had this issue... just him.
  4. Blender: I tremendously appreciate your insight on this. In my mind, wanting to meet him halfway keeps us on an even level but I see your point also in requiring him to make an effort. Also, this man is not a complete stranger. I was introduced to him by very good friends who I have known for 12 years. I don't sense an aura of danger. That being said, since I have met some not so scrupulous men in the recent past, I do want to err on the side of caution as far as his being single AND available. That is where my instincts have been wrong in the past. What is your take on this?
  5. Greetings all... good insight, observations and advice. I will play out the scenario by ear depending on how the next phone conversation goes. I am looking for a serious relationship but not at the expense of my self-respect or trampling over what someone else already considers "theirs". I just thought it "odd" that a retired person is too busy for a weekend meet. I had suggested a half-way spot for lunch... I'll post again once (if) anything transpires... thanks again for the input~!
  6. Hello Cyber Friends. I have a question. I met a guy at a motorcycle club run/BBQ about 6 or 8 weeks ago and he gave me his number. I finally called him about 2 weeks ago and we've talked on the phone a few times but nothing excessive. He lives about a 2.5 or 3 hour drive from me. He's also retired and has no weekday commitments. I, on the other hand, have a full-time day job. I am single and not currently involved and he says he also available. Last night he asked when we were going to 'get together' and I said we'd have to talk about it and see if we could work something out. He then asked if I was ever free during the week. I reiterated that I had one of those pesky little "J-O-Bs" that pretty much kept me busy weekdays. He commented that he is always busy running around on the weekends and such and that perhaps he could come down during the week and stay at a hotel and take me to dinner... This just doesn't add up. Is this "man speak" for, "I've got a girlfriend who expects me to hang on the weekends with her but I can get away for a little something-something during the week????" Any insight or experience you can share on this?
  7. I think you are right on RayKay... Pleasant day to you! Thanks
  8. Oh great! Now he just sent me a joke which I didn't open and a note along with it saying, "hey even though you don't want to be friends i thought you 'd really get a kick out of this . hope you had a better mon. than sun.i'm sure you were fealling like crap!" Is he just trying to get a response from me? I didn't respond and I won't.
  9. I think that if you were ready, you would have said hello or nodded her way. You are probably just not there yet... everything in good time, right? And, as some other posters pointed out, she didn't trample over anyone getting over to you!
  10. P.S.... to everyone who has given input, I really appreicate it. I know I did the right thing to walk away from this in the first place but having another's point of view and validation is immensley helpful. Thank you!!!
  11. Hi Renassance: I think I understand what you're saying but I don't agree. This guy sat me down said he was in love w/his ex and he couldn't promise me anything. When I took him at his word and broke it off, he came after me anyway. No intentions of doing right by me, only for his own benefit. Personally, I don't want to "make" something work out under those conditions and circumstances. If you can't offer a person anything then you should respect them enough to leave them be. Just because you've given a person a "disclosure" on your emotional state does not give you license to intrude on their emotional state. Make sense?
  12. Thanks for the support!! I know I did the right thing but I'm still PO'd. Feel used, you know? His ex is the one that left. She didn't want to be 'mom' to his 10-year-old. As for future? I don't think so ~ not unless I get over being angry. I know drunk dialing isn't the way to go but I so needed to get it off my chest; it was eating me up.
  13. I hooked up w/a long-time casual friend two months ago. When I ran into him he explained he was in the middle of a divorce with is short-time wife (only married a couple years). I didn't want to get in the middle of that so I really resisted... the chase continued and so I gave in. THEN, four days after we do the deed, he comes over and tells me he's still in love with the ex and that he couldn't promise me anything. At this point I was still in the casual mode and thought I could handle it. Well, this guy went forward as though I was his girlfriend/mate. Called me all the time. Had me hanging out with him and his 10-year-old daughter. Dinners. Movies. Favors... every once in a while reminding me about his ex and his inability to commit. So, as I was becoming more emotionally involved, he remained emotionally unavailable. I told him I didn't want to date any more for all the reasons above but would like to remain friends. He said he understood and gave me sapce but kept calling me. Two, three weeks later he's inviting me out for dinner or a night of movies which I said sounded good but didn't actually accept. He also asked me to take him to the hospital for a minor surgery he was going to have. Then, a mutual friend told me she saw him and his ex at a community gig... After a few beers and getting good and mad about it, I did the infamous drunk dial and laid into him about. He knew I was drunk and kept saying we should talk when I was sober. I told him I really never wanted to talk to him again. He maintains that he "TOLD" me he was into his ex and I said, "That's fine. But WHY do you keep calling me? You have no right to call me if you have nothing to give me." His explanation was that I said I wanted to be friends. This man's actions did NOT indicate he wanted to be friends - he literally courted me and big time... It took the drunk dial to get over liking him but now I'm bitter and mad. I hope this passes soon!
  14. I love mine... I was uneaven so I went in to even them out and went from a B to a C. I went sub-muscular which keeps them from looking like bolt-ons and leaves real breast tissue on top for the feel. I have been told that they look great and natural.
  15. Three months after my ex and I broke up, I drunk dialed him... a woman's voice was on the answering machine. The kicker? We dated almost 3 years and he wouldn't make take the relationship any further - we maintained separate residences. Then I find out this chick is living with him after only 3 months. That night was the last time I cried for him (probably more for me). I do, however, get a slight delight out of the FACT that they are a miserable couple. One of his best friends that I run into on occasion begged me to get back together with the guy... I'm like, "Excuse me... there's a woman living in his home..." Sigh...
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