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Everything posted by Ross_K

  1. I don't mean to trivialize your problems, honestly I don't, but for you what happened is in the past (I know, I know it probably still effects you now). But for me, my problem started when I was born and will continue until I die, there isn't really anyway for me to move on unless I can accept never having a woman, and put all those thoughts of needing one, sex, and whatever else out of my mind permenently.
  2. Lol, nah, women just don't want to know, it's okay. My good pic is probably misleading, so, I'll put up my bad one, it's probably more accurate and not misslead people into thinking I can easily get a girl. I'll probably leave this site, I mean, sometimes I do enjoy posting on here and I do really like the people, but sometimes it's just so emotionally painfull.
  3. Oh well, it's obvious not one single woman is interested in me, whatever. Bye everyone.
  4. To be honest you look like you could be in some 80's action TV show like the A Team or something. Anyway, why're you glad you don't look like Brad Pitt and Pierce Brosnan?
  5. I know, but that doesn't mean that I can do it. I know, but the explaination is in your quote as to why I can't do it myself. Because of, what you said in your above qoute.
  6. Lol@at grabbing what you want. Yeah I know, it is tough.
  7. Okay I understand. There's plently of other guys out there though, what about when you're at the bar or the pub or whatever, you must get guys approaching you.
  8. Well I must admit I guess I always wait for women to make the first move (not that they ever have done, not even once in the whole of my life) but then again I am shy.
  9. Seriously, women offline aren't interested in me. I don't know what I'm going to do. It's really emotionally painfull.
  10. What's a self fulfilling prophecy?
  11. Why does it always have to be the guy, what about equal opportunities?
  12. I know it's hard skyblue, but, maybe if you could just try and ask him out you could be plesently surprised. I've seen your pic and you're a very nice looking girl.
  13. Have you seen my bad pics? What if I look like those? Yeah, I guess I need to smile more, I seem to look a bit sulky most of the time.
  14. Oh I'd love too. It's just that no women would want me too.
  15. I'm not asking about it being good, I'm asking about it being such a frigging amazing experience.
  16. Psst, he's already there...... Lol, what does that mean?
  17. What if I look like how I do on my bad pics in real life though? That'll explain why I'm not sexually desirable to any female on this planet. link removed link removed My situation, oh, well, only just not one female in the whole of my life expressing interest in me offline. Oh and being called ugly by a lot of girls too and them looking at my friends as though they were crazy if they tried setting me up with them.
  18. Hey skyblue, maybe winking and smiling IS his next move to show you he's interested back, the ball is in your court now. Don't miss a possible opportunity. If you're too scared, just step up the flirting and see what he does maybe.
  19. It's just obvious, I feel it in my gut, I honestly can't imagine it.
  20. Maggie, i was really hoping people were going to say it isn't that much of a big deal and isn't as good as what you thought it was going to be.
  21. I wonder why no women on this planet want to do it with me?
  22. I know how you feel dude, offline I've never even had a girl express interest in me. Are your standards too high? Mine aren't, not that I'm willing to settle but I do find 99% of girls very appealing/desirable.
  23. I'm getting way to depressed reading all this.
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