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Everything posted by Ross_K

  1. I can't really understand how it could be terrible. Okay hearing all these responces are making me feel way worse, I don't think I'll be able to go back into this topic.
  2. Including foreplay and everything, did you expect it to be way better than it was when you done it? Is it really that big of a deal? To me it sounds as though it must be amazing.
  3. The store is shut down totally. Anyway, it's really hard to try a lot of the things or I'm not be able to try a lot of the things that people on here have suggested. Anyway, I've said I'll look into the dance lessons, I've been proactive with the eye contact test thing which was quite hard for me and was hoping to be bale to smile back if any of the women did smile at me. Baby steps dudes, I can't just jump straight into the deep end, I'd drown.
  4. Yeah, it feels nice rescuing damsels in distress. Pity the store's closed now though.
  5. Return the eye contact, smile and a wink or nod your head at her, now is she smiling more? I really hope you don't need an explaniation as to what you do next.... There's not much I can do next if it's in a shop or the street, in a pub or whatever, lol, I'm afraid I do need an explaination. Also look for a "pleading" or "help me" look from a girl if some guy is hitting on them in a club. It may be a "please rescue me" look and an easy way to meet them since they already figured out you are better/safer than what they're with. Perfect time to go ask them to dance, she will say yes. To be honest I remember going in a video store ages ago and there was this guy talking to the girl behind the counter, she didn't look too happy but then when I walked over and sort of gave a stare at the guy and then looked at her to ask something she suddenly reacted as though I had rescued her and became really smiley as though she was pleased to see me.
  6. Lol, yeah. You seriously should ask him out.
  7. Yeah I know, but they're saying I already need to be smiling before I make eye contact.
  8. Jeez, I already said I haven't been staring. I'm well aware that that would make me look like a weirdo. 99% of the time if any one makes eye contact with me they aren't smiling, and they don't look like weirdos, it's normal. I think someone with a permenent grin on their face is what would make them look like a weirdo.
  9. I'm not working right now. I wouldn't mind going to college and learning something so I can get a good job that I enjoy with a good future.
  10. I'll say it online, whether it be a conversation, email, whatever.
  11. No, it's just that it isn't really normal to walk around with a permenent smile on your face. You can still look happy without doing that.
  12. I'll look into it. I've also been thinking about maybe joining college. I honestly don't know what I could study/learn though.
  13. Well, when me and a hot girl made eye contact a few weeks ago, she smiled and then I smiled back. None of us were already smiling.
  14. Ross do you say Babe, to women in person? Nah.
  15. I feel stupid smiling at a woman if she's not even making eye contact with me though. Surely you first need them to make eye contact with you and then you smile.
  16. I know it is babe, but when you're talking to him just casually drop in 'I was wondering, would you like to go out for coffe sometime?' If he say's no he's a fool.
  17. Lol, I wasn't giving them cold stares or anything, just making normal eye contact (maybe a little too brief though, since I told you it felt pretty hard)
  18. I never said it's too much of a hassle to learn something new, dance close with women, and learn a new skill.
  19. No, I wasn't smiling, but even if I did I don't think they'd notice since none of them even seemed to make eye contact, except for the woman in the shop.
  20. Manchester's miles away (around 18 ) it just feels like way too much hassel, I'd have to get on two different buses there and two different buses back and be waiting at bus stops and traveling for ages. As for the music I like, I like a lot of the old rave, 80's, early 90's and a bit of everything else.
  21. I'd like the guys on here to try this out, I'd like to see if your experiences are any different than mine. I went to town today and tried to make eye contact with as many honeys as I could. Hoping I might at least get a few smiles. Well, it was pretty hard, but I did glance at alot of girls I walked past, and on a few occasions I looked a bit longer than just a glance, but none of them even looked at me. There was a woman in the shop though who looked at me, looked away and then looked at me again. It felt as though she found something interesting about me (not nesessarily attraction) but it wouldn't surprise me if she wasn't attracted, that's what I feel in my gut anyway and I'm usually always right. I'd like to see how it goes for the guys on here, will their experience not really be any different than mine? Or will they get quite a few girls looking back at them, will they get some smiles? If so, then I guess I must have either have been leaving it a bit too late to make eye contact with each girl and/or maybe not looking long enough. Or I really am that sexually undesirable.
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