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Everything posted by Ross_K

  1. Hey I am smiling, but yeah, maybe I could do with smiling more.
  2. I think I look a lot better looking in the other one, anyway, here's the proper size version of my avatar, I think I look like a total * * * * in it to be honest, I don't think it'd be good to use in my profile. image removed
  3. Why? Anyway, I don't really want to use my avatar picture in my profile because I don't really like how my facial expression looks in the bigger version of it. But I will take another picture of me in that top as I think it does look better like beyondthesea said. Actually, I've just realised I can post several pics in my profile, do you think that'd be a good idea?
  4. Watching satalitte TV but I wouldn't say I'm passionate about it. Sad yes, but I'm being honest.
  5. My new pic, what do you think as having it in a profile? image removed
  6. They either didn't respond at all or tell me they weren't interested, I think there was only one occasion where I had a poor me attitude. Anyway, profile has been changed, I will move it to craigslist or/and tribe once I join them, and I've taken another picture.
  7. I'm after anything ta ree saw, I'm a 30 years old, and no woman has so much as displayed interest in me offline. I'm totally starved of physical touch from a female.
  8. To be honest the closest one to where I live is miles and miles away, I never thought about getting a cab because I thought it'd cost way too much. And I didn't feel up to waiting around at several bus stops for different buses, and being in some strange area miles away form nowhere trying to work out where I can find a bus to get back. I've realsised a cab wouldn't cost as much as I thought now, so I am seriously thinking about going this route. I would rather lose my virginity to a woman who actually want's to do it with me though.
  9. Come on dude, it's like you're just clutching at straws now. How come you're so dead against this?
  10. I just want a girl full stop. Okay, if okcupid is the wrong kind of dating site to have this kind of profile up, how about I take it off there and put it on tribe or craigslist, I've heard about a lot of men putting profiles up saying they wanted to loose their virginity on them, eventually they met a woman through it and lost their virginity. And I could change the okcupid profile to something more right.
  11. But that doesn't mean they wouldn't be interested in me, that's if they're any women that're interested in me. Like you said yourself, they're a 'different' kind of partier. Most of them aren't walking around thinking they're like soooooo cool, and dissing anyone who has a lower social status.
  12. Um, there's all sorts of girls that are interested in one night stands, for example mature BBW's. It's not just girls who're party animals.
  13. And there's plenty of new people joining all the time, they'll also be loads of people who haven't seen you yet, and loads of people on other dating sites who don't go to that one.
  14. I know and I appreciate it but I just want to see what happens with this profile first. It's not permenent, I can always change it, heck I can even change the user name. At least I'm finally doing something.
  15. No, don't get me wrong, I do want genuine help. It's just right now people think I should be solely focused on attracting a soul mate, or nice girl, or LTP and think I shouldn't be putting them off. And yeah, I might not have many interests and sound pretty boring but I figured why not just be honest? If a girl does contact me she's obviously happy with me being like that and I don't have to live up to anything. I suppose I'm just brutally being myself.
  16. I can always change my profile at any time though, so let's see how this goes. I guess I'm just experimenting at the moment.
  17. Although I would really like a girlfriend or serious relationship, being intimate with a girl is what I long for the most right now. Maybe if I had pplayed the field and had flings when I was younger like everyone else has on here then I'd be more focused on finding a long term relationship and marrige. But I've had absolutley no experience with women whatsoever. If I could just be intmate with a woman first, and then that's it it's done, I'd be able to focus on having a relationship. I just feel it's something that I need to get out of the way first and then I can move on. I don't know if anyone can understand where I'm coming from here, but it's just how I feel.
  18. What's wrong with listing 'sex partners' in your profile? Loads of people do it, how the hell does it make you sound like a pervert? There's nothing wrong with liking sex. It might not attract someone who want's a serious relationship, but surely it'll attract a woman who is interested in getting laid?
  19. I wouldn't respond to your profile because you list 'sex partners.' I get the impression you only want sex. Why would it make you think that though? I also have listed 'dating' and 'long term dating' Ross just a suggestion...do you actually want a relationship or just to get laid? I want either. Okay, my profile's changed a bit now, I suppose it's better to just be honest about what I want. Hopefully at least one woman will be interested.
  20. Okay, it's filled out a bit more now. My adjectives sound a bit weird though I think, but I really couldn't think of what else to say.
  21. Man, I really can't think of what to put in my adjectives. Oh, in my profile, I tried to descride myself, I put that I'm shy, caring, but I'm also adventureous in the bedroom. Does the last bit sound too crude? I felt like I had to throw it in there otherwise, if I just said I'm shy and caring and stuff without it, it makes me sound as though I'm a boring nice guy and like I'm not that interested in sex.
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