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Everything posted by make_up_your_mind

  1. The things is 'myself' is quite different amongst my male friends. I am quite immature and stuff. Of, course, around girls , I change that and act grown up. But, if Im to be myself then I will make stupid sexual jokes and be all immature. thereforeeee,I cant be myself,because I simply cant act like I do around my friends, with her.
  2. Hi. I need help. I am 15 and a half. She's almost 17. (school diary has everyone's birthdays). I saw her once today, in the library. If I see her again, what can I do? I can go and sit in the chair next to her, and say what? 'Excuse me, but, I want to know you, and eventually date you'. Huh? What if she doesnt like my voice?. Or my short brown hair? Or my face? Or a lot of things. Can anyone suggest a recipe? Something I can do to really catch her attention. I don't want to try out any David De Angelo * * * *. Just some tips to talking to this girl. ALSO, some other important things: 1) Some people advise me to build a friendship with a girl before asking her out (i.e. months of friendly chatting etc..). The thing is, this girl is in her final year and will be going to university next. That leaves literally two terms ( about 5/ 6 months?) to get to know her and date her and whatever. If I'm supposed to take ages making a friendship first, time will be over by the time I know her. 2) It seems she has gone out with three people. (theres a site which some guy runs, which lists 'ties' between people (i.e. dates) in my school...pupils submit the ties and they get posted there on the site). However, I have NEVER seen her with any boy doing anything. And NEVER talking to any of the three boys listed, so I guess theyre faulty ties. And she seems like someone who doesnt have a boyfriend or hasnt really had one. But, it still might be a problem...? Thank you...And please reply everyone . I need as much help as possible, plweaaaaassseee pwetty pweaaase
  3. Thank you guys. We'll see how it all goes, I guess. It's just kinda hard since I rarely get invited to parties (like once a year at the rate im going now) and at school there are no girls in my year (only year above...) and people just dont talk to the year above girls.... ...because all the people around me (in my year) are going to the parties 'n * * * *....so they all get girls 'n stuff...
  4. Hey. I just feel like there is a nothingness. I feel like I will never get that girl I want. She's there. She's free. She's one year older than me (im 15). And I can never ever dream of ever having a girl in my life. Do you know why? Because I never ever have had one. I can't imagine it. I can imagine being on Mars though. I can imagine help orchastrate Iraqi resistance in Iraq and help rebel against the infidels and spread communism. I can imagine living on Hawaii. I can't imagine, though, ever ever ever ever ever x one trillion three hundred million point five, of ever having a girl in my life, to hug and kiss and go ice skating with. I mean, sure I've dreamed about such things. But, can such dreams become reality? Maybe tonight...when I'm dreaming. 1) Some people advise me to build a friendship with a girl before asking her out (i.e. months of friendly chatting etc..). The thing is, this girl is in her final year and will be going to university next. That leaves literally two terms ( about 5/ 6 months?) to get to know her and date her and whatever. If I'm supposed to take ages making a friendship first, time will be over by the time I know her. 2) It seems she has gone out with three people. (theres a site which some guy runs, which lists 'ties' between people (i.e. dates) in my school...pupils submit the ties and they get posted there on the site). However, I have NEVER seen her with any boy doing anything. And NEVER talking to any of the three boys listed, so I guess theyre faulty ties. And she seems like someone who doesnt have a boyfriend or hasnt really had one. But, it still might be a problem...?
  5. Ok. Thanks people. But...say Im walking along and shes walking along the other way. I cant just smile to her and say hi when she dont know me nor can I stop altogether and say hi and start knowing her. I mean there must be some trick so that I could 'bump' into her by accident or something...you know....I just cant smile to her randomly...unless we were the only ones left on the planet...then i guess we could...
  6. Hi. I'm 15. Im in Year 11 at my school. There's a girl who's in Year 13 (last year at my school) but she's only 16 (she must have been moved up a year or something). Anyways, she doesn't know me and I don't know her excpet that I've found out her name. We've never met. But, I really want to meet her and know her and possible date her if possible. And I need to do it fast as the first term has just finished. So...Ive only got two more terms to get her before she leaves for university. Now, I need to know how I can approach her. I'm preferably looking for an 'excuse' for approaching her. For example, say she's in the library. I could drop my book by her and see if she picks it up or something. But....thats an unlikely scenario especially as I haven't ever seen her in the library or computer room. And, I really want to avoid going up to her while she is standing around in the middle of the school yard talking to her friends and saying 'hi' randomly. Does anyone have any ideas of what I could do? She's a weekly boarder and so am I. So, she's around in night times as well. Also, she doesn't have a boyfriend cos I've done research and checked up about it. Also, there's a boy in my year who's trying to get her. But he's only trying to get a kiss from her rather than love or friendship cos I saw him do high five with one of his mates after talking to this girl. Plus, he has orange hair and I doubt this girl will like him. But, she might like me....I hope... ....I just need to find out about how I can approach her...Thank you all for any advice!!!!
  7. Thanks for the advice. But, can anyone suggest any physical ideas for an approach. I am not in her class, I am not in a play with her, I am not in her house, not in her year...But there is a lunch line, common rooms for pupils, library, computer room at my school. and a school yard. What can I do to approach her anywhere round the school? Any more ideas please...thank you.
  8. Hi. I'm 15. Im in Year 11 at my school. There's a girl who's in Year 13 (last year at my school) but she's only 16 (she must have been moved up a year or something). Anyways, she doesn't know me and I don't know her excpet that I've found out her name. We've never met. But, I really want to meet her and know her and possible date her if possible. And I need to do it fast as the first term has just finished. So...Ive only got two more terms to get her before she leaves for university. Now, I need to know how I can approach her. I'm preferably looking for an 'excuse' for approaching her. For example, say she's in the library. I could drop my book by her and see if she picks it up or something. But....thats an unlikely scenario especially as I haven't ever seen her in the library or computer room. And, I really want to avoid going up to her while she is standing around in the middle of the school yard talking to her friends and saying 'hi' randomly. Does anyone have any ideas of what I could do? She's a weekly boarder and so am I. So, she's around in night times as well. Also, she doesn't have a boyfriend cos I've done research and checked up about it. Also, there's a boy in my year who's trying to get her. But he's only trying to get a kiss from her rather than love or friendship cos I saw him do high five with one of his mates after talking to this girl. Plus, he has orange hair and I doubt this girl will like him. But, she might like me....I hope... ....I just need to find out about how I can approach her...Thank you all for any advice!!!!
  9. --gabelonia-- King of Babylon: Babylon > Babylons > Babylonia > Babegabelonia > Gabelunberjia > Lunberg > Gabebabelunberj > Lunberjia > Gabelonia!!!
  10. Ok. Well...you could assassinate this girl if your willing. I suggest a 7.62mm fully automatic VSS Vintorez Kalashnikov sniper rifle, at close range. However, if you dont like this option, then I think that you should forget this guy and move on with your life to wherever you wish to go to and maybe you'll find a man whom you will love so much and he will love you in return and then you can get married or something. This is life. It's too complicated to understand. thereforeeee, just go with it and dont ask questions. Live your life. Remember: Life is a game - Play it Life is a challenge - Meet it Life is an opportunity - Capture it
  11. Hi. (ive never had a girlfriend before...just for the record) .I have a friend who's girlfriend lives in America (i live in England). Anyways, I have gotten to know his girlfriend really well on MSN Messenger. And we have talked on the phone a bit. But, I get quite nervous talkung on the phone with her and she notices that. Usually on MSN Im really funny and intimate with her. But, on the phone when Im talking to her in person, I cant speak as well and just get generally quite nervous. All I want is to be able to talk to her in a confident and funny way as I normally do to her on MSN and as I normally do when amongst my male friends (thereforeeee, my normal personality). What do you think I can do? What should I do to speak on the phone like when I speak to my best friend or something. Thank you very much for any help!!!
  12. Hi. I'm 15. I read some info on the bbc website that the voice box is very sensitive to testosterone from our testicles. Now, I have a really weird and nasal voice but I dont know if its that deep or not. Some people have said to me: 'Whens your voice gonna break!'. Some people have said: 'Well, your voice has broken now.' Now, the site also talks about how the penis gets bigger. Right now, my penis is quite small, similar to diagrams on the website. This surely means that my testicles arent quite producing loads of testosterone right now. Does this mean that when my penis starts getting bigger, my voice will deepen? Also, when my voice deepens, will my nasal and weird voice go away or get covered up by a hulky macho voice or what?!?!? Thank you for any advice and information!! My voice is the only thing in my way right now from getting my first girlfriend... Also, something else...is it possible to take testosterone tablets or pills or something? Like, soemthing which increases testosterones levels in your body, which in turn hopefully will have an effect on my voice? But, I am thinking...the main reason for my worry is that EVERYONE ELSE in my school have normal voices or at least arent nasal and weird. I am the ONLY ONE who has this weird voice which results in me being picked on. And what is more, I've had this voice for AT LEAST 2 years! How can that be puberty! My voice cracking or breaking or whatever over more than 2 years! I mean, come on! What should I do!!!! Kill myself?
  13. Actually, the reason why some peoples skin gets or has worse eczema during winter is simple: the cold air has less moisture in it as we all know. And when people start heating their houses, this cold air heats up and forms warm dry air, which is what causes dryness...nothing to do with toxins or anything...
  14. But, where can I go to get my voice repaired by some voice coach? I'm a weekly boarder at my school in London, UK. If I have lessons theyll have to be during the weekend. So, my voice is a problem then....something which will stick with me for the rest of my life if I dont fix it.... great, just great
  15. Thanks...i just hope its just some rare change cos all my friends around me are changing in the same way...they all have normal voices which are getting deeper....except for me, its a weird voice which I have had for at least two years that im conscious of and which has broken a bit but is still weird...
  16. Hi. My voice sounds really nasal and weird and it has been like that for at least two years (since, i came to my present school 2 years ago and people started making fun of it then and still do). And my voice is deeper than before. So, it has broken a bit or fully since coming to my present school, but i dont know exactly if it has broken fully. But the thing is that it is abnormal compared to most teenage voices around me, which are breaking as well, but dont sound like mine. It sounds werid and peole tell me that the whole time. Is this a problem which will go away as I grow or what? Or is it just genetic? My dad doesnt sound like it compared to his fellow adult friends...Also, I DONT WANT A VOICE COACH, cos I cant find one, also my parents say its fine, and why should I have a voice coach??!! I like things natural. No tampering. Also, I am more and more avoiding using my voice with ANYONE, except my parents cos I just hate it so much. I dont know when it will stop if it will ever stop....cos I know it is the ONE thing that is stopping me getting a girlfriend and I have never had a girlfriend before...What should I do!?!?!? Is it puberty being annoying and gay or what , please help me!! Thank you so so much!!!
  17. Sorry, Im reposting this cos Ive added something, which remained unasnwered. So, im just hoping for some more answers. Thank you!!! Original Post: Hi. I'm 15. I have never had a girlfriend in my life. And now, I've seen this girl at school whos one year older than me. And I love her. She's really cute and pretty and I want to have her. She has no boyfriend. I know cos I seen her with no one and Im sure she doesnt have one outside of school....She doesnt seem like the sort of s*l*u*t girl there is at my school. Anyway, I dont know how to approach her. I simply cant go up and randomly say 'hi'. I need some excuse for talking to her and I also need her to be alone so its just me and her. I dont know what to do. I could sit down at her table at lunch IF she actually is at lunch and IF I am with my friend who happens to do judo and she does judo and so he sorta knows her slightly. But not very much...just usual hi. Anyway, it could be lunch but the probability of her being there AND an empty seat next to her AND my friend being there as well is highly unlikely. What do you think I should do? It seems almost impossible to approach her. The only palces she would be where I could approach her are at lunch, the school yard, or her house (school house). But the point is I cant go up to her and randomly say 'hi' cos Im not in her year and also I need her to be alone, not with friends, so I can perform better. Edit Note: Ok, thank you very much all of you. But, firstly, do you think that I can plan my approach? For example, if I wait a little way from her school house in the morning and when I see her walking in through the archway before school to go to her school house, do you think I could wait outside her house and say to her when she comes along, 'Sorry, I dont know the code.' And she tells me it, and then we go in and then I say: 'Hey, do you know where the Year 11 day room is, by the way?' Adn she directs me. And then I can say: 'Thank you. What's your name?' And then, it all works from there! But, do you think that sort of planning is wrong? I mean, if it is then too bad for me. But, if not, still, it might not all work out like that. Like, there might be some twit who opens the door from the inside just as she comes along or something which will ruin the plan. Secondly, I know she hasnt noticed me cos Im just a random guy in the year below. So, thereforeeee, she has no attraction to me. Is it possible for her to build an attraction towards me when she gets to know who i am? Anyway, answer my questions please. Thank you very much!!!!
  18. Ok. It's time for me to move on. She was at lunch today. But, sitting with this boy that she's with 87.5% of her time. So, I'm giving her up. I'm letting the love for her drain from me. I know there are plenty of pretty and charming girls out there. And, as one you guys said, it's a waiting game. So, I will wait...and wait...And one of these days I will find some happiness... P.S listen to 'me gustas tu' by manu chao. We did fill in the blanks of its lyrics in spanish and now i love that song. get it. or...move on, like me...
  19. Ok, thank you very much all of you. But, firstly, do you think that I can plan my approach? For example, if I wait a little way from her school house in the morning and when I see her walking in through the archway before school to go to her school house, do you think I could wait outside her house and say to her when she comes along, 'Sorry, I dont know the code.' And she tells me it, and then we go in and then I say: 'Hey, do you know where the Year 11 day room is, by the way?' Adn she directs me. And then I can say: 'Thank you. What's your name?' And then, it all works from there! But, do you think that sort of planning is wrong? I mean, if it is then too bad for me. But, if not, still, it might not all work out like that. Like, there might be some twit who opens the door from the inside just as she comes along or something which will ruin the plan. Secondly, I know she hasnt noticed me cos Im just a random guy in the year below. So, thereforeeee, she has no attraction to me. Is it possible for her to build an attraction towards me when she gets to know who i am? Anyway, answer my questions please. Thank you very much!!!!
  20. Hi. I'm 15. I have never had a girlfriend in my life. And now, I've seen this girl at school whos one year older than me. And I love her. She's really cute and pretty and I want to have her. She has no boyfriend. I know cos I seen her with no one and Im sure she doesnt have one outside of school....She doesnt seem like the sort of s*l*u*t girl there is at my school. Anyway, I dont know how to approach her. I simply cant go up and randomly say 'hi'. I need some excuse for talking to her and I also need her to be alone so its just me and her. I dont know what to do. I could sit down at her table at lunch IF she actually is at lunch and IF I am with my friend who happens to do judo and she does judo and so he sorta knows her slightly. But not very much...just usual hi. Anyway, it could be lunch but the probability of her being there AND an empty seat next to her AND my friend being there as well is highly unlikely. What do you think I should do? It seems almost impossible to approach her. The only palces she would be where I could approach her are at lunch, the school yard, or her house (school house). But the point is I cant go up to her and randomly say 'hi' cos Im not in her year and also I need her to be alone, not with friends, so I can perform better. But, please help me!!! Thank you very much!!!
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