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Everything posted by naughtycowgirl

  1. Hey guys, i havent posted a thingy in a long time. Well anyways around End of June i met this guy that obvisouly REALLY liked me. But my mom told him i had a b/f whiched pee'd me off so bad. But i flirted with him the whole day we worked. Well the lady that owns the place i work at has known his since he was born, and she has his number. Well it is the end of august and this guy has been on my mind SO MUCH i cant stand it. I really like him, so i was going to get his number from the boss lady and call him and invite him to go with me to a football game friday night. so the question is would it be weird to get his number from the lady that knows him, then call him and invite him along with me to a game? please help me decide on this1
  2. well yes does work on a farm. his family business is Breeding and Riding Tennessee Walking horses. This is the reason i met him was because he had the love for horses like i do. the thing is i really like this guy and i dont want to scare him off. ugh..this is so onfusing for a 14 year old. but anyways thanks and please keep posting your advice, i need to learn now while my mind is a sponge... thanks
  3. Ok, a friend of mine gave this guy that obvisouly has the same interest and stuff as me, my number. Well this guy(Lets call him Danny) called me Wednesday night. Me and Danny really liked each other, and so we decided to meet at the mall on sunday. So he asked me to bring a friend for his friend. SO me and my friend went to the mall at the time he said he would be leaving his house. Well we waited and waited until two hours passed. I tried to call danny but he would not answer his phone. So i called him from a phone number he did not know and i be derned he answered. So that gave me the impression that he was avoiding me. So he came up with an excuse that sounded like this " i just woke up, my mom was suppose to wake me up at 9, but she didnt, so i jus woke up, i didnt get home till 4 this mornin" i was like ok whatever.then he asked if me and holly were at the mall, so i said yes, then i asked if he was still comin or not. He asked how long i would be there. i answered, then he said i am going to get ready right now and i will be up there in a lil while. So he got there and we talked and he flirted so much it was funny. he was **accidently backing up on me and poking me, and kept messing around with me** so that also gave me the big impression that he liked me a whole lot. So the question is.... * is he avoiding me? *is it me not understanding or what? * he text mess. me and says hey beatiful and all, but then doesnt want to answer his phone. If you can help please dont hesitate to express your feelings about my situation...
  4. to the mall. then i dont know..he is so sweet he text messaged today and said hey beautiful..i was quivering with delight...
  5. No this is a new guy that is 17 and were are really into each other. but i am not wanting to go get b.c. like right now, but later on in the relationship i would like to look into birth control
  6. 17....i asked a friend today and she is goin to go with...if you need 2 know anything else ask..
  7. ok, i got a date sunday night. This guy is horse crazy just like me and has a friend that is horse crazy like us. well he wants us all to double date kinda thing. So i dont know who to bring. what in the world do i do?????
  8. nevermind...she has really crushed my feelings. But he gets NERVOUS around my mom. he doesnt sexually touch me, just kinda playing around. She is really hurting my feelings lately, all she is doing is thinkin of herself and noone else. So i am a little hurt and wanted to find out what the heck is going on
  9. Well here is my story, Well me and this guy named Jay are like really into each other. I can't say how old he is, because everyone would start freaking out. Well me and him are close for the short time he has been here in Alabama. Me and him are really smooth talkers when we talk to each other. I have noticed that he gets real when he is around my mom. He finds reasons to purposely touch me and rub on me and etc. so my question is Is she Jealous? What can i Do to stop it?
  10. Ok hey guys, me and this guy are both ready to have sex together. But i am scared of the risk of pregnancy. so my mom and i have talked about birth control for me and all this other stuff. She told me that when ever i thought i was emotionally and mentally ready to start having sex, she would rather me come to her about birth control. instead of havin unprotected sex and risk of pregnancy. She dont want me to car date with this guy, because she says that just about any guy can talk you into droppin your underwear when you car date. So i thought of saying that i am ready to start car dating and you did mention about guys wanting to do things, so i wanted to come up to you and talk about getting b.c., so when i do car date, i can reassure myself that i am not going to get pregnant. so the question is......... how do i come up to her about it?
  11. well thanks guys. i knew i could have done better, i was just thinkin to hard bout it. it was great now i think bout it, i mean this guy is so cute and nice, and he kissed me. so yeah thanks alot
  12. ok me and bryce finally kissed today. it was good on my part but a cow probably could have been better than me. He said i was a 4 on a scale of 1-5. but i know it was horrible. So i want to improve my kissing. he the first person i ahve kissed. and i am not sure when i will see him again
  13. Barbie's happened along time ago. im into horses, boys, and trucks not barbies!
  14. There are a million things you could do. My personal favorite is Horseback Riding. I am the only child, and the thoughts ofhaving a sibling to look after is so dreadful. You could get a guy friend to hang with, horseback riding, mall, movies, if you want p.m and me and you could be pen pals. If you were to have a sibling younger than you when u r sixteen and u want to go places and party, think u will have to stay home to watch him/her. i have a b.f.f. that has a younger brother and she has gained 50lbs sitting at home watching him because she cant go no where. i got aim and p.m me and we can be pen pals
  15. You just keep truckin'. your mother is probably pee'd off to find out her daughter is gay. she will over come it over the years. if she doesnt then i dont know what to tell u. just be yourself and dont let her nasty words sit inside your head and burn through your mind. if i was you i would just blow her off. be just nice enough to get by. You know the saying " Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me" i think it is how it goes. well just take my advice and let me know further details.
  16. well me and him talk on a regular basis now. so no worries
  17. yeah..i thought about it and i dont want to get a std...so we are just getting to know each other, no more than that. i post that spit swallow or gurgle because for future refrence. thanks
  18. lady00 wrote it is the guy with the gf. but they just recently broke up and he likes me visa versa. But thanks.
  19. thanks...if he likes me like i think he does. he wont care if i do anything to him or not. Right or Wrong???
  20. i am keepin up with this post..thanks for all the advice. but i am rockin his world non-sexual just fine...
  21. what should i do and how should i say no. I mean i dont want to sound mean or anything but i will make out w/ him
  22. ok me and this guy are like so into each other. look at my previous post. Well me and him are supposed to meet up tomorrow. he wants me to get naughty. which i dont care, but i dont want to b/c of risk of pregnancy and stds.
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