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Everything posted by iluvkeatin

  1. well he's admitted it and he's gonna ask me out this weekend is wha he told one of my best friends!
  2. ok so i've fallen in love and i mean really fallen for the first time...i mean u can't tell me it's not love..i can jus feel it ya know..i don't know how to explain it i've never been like this before...it's so weird and awsome at the same time. well i told him how i felt...n he's like thats kul and i kept mentionig it and he emailed me a *sweet* email that said that he did'nt feel that way about anyone right now becuz he'd jus broke up with his last gf n needed a break.... so i wuz like ok thats kul...n i did'nt know bout this but it turns out she broke up with him cuz she wuz bi...well he's afraid it's gonna happen again i think. n now everyone knows bout us n now he had wrote on his website that he wuz tired of everyone talking crap and saying he said stuff about me when he did'nt n he wuz gonna kill himself! n he said he wuz gonna ask me a *special* question at the movies this weekend..he wuz gonna ask me out but now he does'nt know. well he said it wuz our lil secret for now...and it's not that i'm unpopular i mean i've got a lot of friends i will say..i'm popular though i hate that word... well c when i first came there i wuz n then there wuz this big thing n everyone hated me becuz of 1 person* not sayin ne names but then they found out it wuz a lie n so everyone is my friend now..i can't think of more than 5 ppl i ai'nt good friends with at that skul..well anywayz....so he's like in 2nd period 2day n they asked us if we went out n idid'nt here wha he said but he told my friends he wuz gonna give them a note he wuz gonna give to me...anywayz the thing is..he's worried bout wha everyone else thinks..how can i git him 2 realize it does'nt matter?
  3. ya i think you should ask her first.. if u jus do it it could turn out all wrong!
  4. ya it seems like he DEFINTLY likes u... jus tell him exactly how u feel and get u're brother to talk to him.. i'm sure things will work out 4 da best if u do.
  5. u should try to get you're brother to talk to him! that way he KNOWS 4 sure... that he's o.k with it.
  6. i think a 7 is really good! she definitly likes u! jus don't push anything on her she's not ready 4? ya know... u should try to hold her hand or summin at the movies if she lets u dats a good sign... if she does'nt then.... jus give her a lil bit more time n she'll cum around!
  7. i would jus wait til next time ya'll were laying there n i'd jus kiss him! n tell im how u feel!
  8. i believe him kinda... o well i still luv him! lol he said he's thinking about it so.. u dont' think he's jus saying that so i will think he's sweet n all do u?
  9. i got my answer from keatin... heres what he wrote me! "Well what i dont know what i ment when i said i tryed to hide it i just woke up when i typed that and it was 5:15 in the morning and i dont think straight in the morning....and i dont know about the reason... ur nice,sweet,careless about what ppl think about,brave, and ur personality is awsome u notice u did see nuthin about looks its becuase i dont go for looks thats 1% i look or in a girl the rest is all the other stuff....but its just i dont have them feeling about u i really have no feelin about any girls right now i think its that im not ready for a girlfriend right now i have had so many straight in a row....well i got to go i will talk to u later... bye " i think it'z kinda sweet........ well i feel better now that he wrote that.... and now i know what it is he jus does'nt want a gf rite now! so um thanx 2 all ya'll who gave me advice!
  10. i'm jus trying to figure out if i call him should i tell him i'm hurt with him?
  11. ok c i should of jus typed the whole story again. but what it is is i've known him 3-5 maybe more months. well he flirted and everything and then he asked me for my aim. then he asked me to go to the skating rink. but i could'nt. so he did'nt ask anymore. then he asked for my phone number. O.k we talked on the phone for like 7 or 8 hrs strait for about a week everynite! well i told him about my feelins for him and he's like this is awsome. n then all of a sudden he's jus like i don't feel like dat. but his bff and all his friends who are my friends say he does but he's jus under to much pressure and is scared?! i dunno but i mean he was all worried about me and now he won't even call?! but he DID ask me to call him but i dunno if want to or what to say. i'm hurt with him for so many different reasons but i dont' know if i should tell him or not. i mean if he really doe'nt like me than y did he lead me on to think he did?
  12. well i'm a gurl n so it sounds like u got the gurl idea already basically thats what we do or if we're brave enough we'll ask you for you're number or aim or if you wanna hang out sometime. unfourantly i have'nt quite figured guys out yet.. *shakes head... they always send me mixed signals* it's confusin
  13. ok so last night he emailed me and said to call him at 5 but my sister came and picked me up and i never got a chance to call him, but i think he should call me. He still has'nt called me and if he does'nt after today it will have been 3 days scince we talked! Should i call him or jus wait?! and if i do call him should i still tell him that i'm hurt with him? or will that make him mad?
  14. iluvkeatin


    Plz do becuz that is exactly wha she wants! i know... becuz i'm in a situation jus like her unfourtantly i did'nt get asked out.. n it broke my heart.. so if u dont' she'll be jus like i am then she really will be down in the dumps! i say go 4 it![/b]
  15. thanks ill try not to post in *netspeak* sorry i'm so used to it. But thank you all for replying! i think it helped and i think i'll just tell him the truth that i am a little hurt like you said. someone said maybe it's to much pressure on him. well i know one thing i really do love him! i mean i can't stop thinking about him! or anything.. it's ridicuolus! lol but um thanx ya all i know what i'm gonna tell him now! and i feel better.
  16. ok about 4 months ago i met this guy his names keatin. Well i instantly fell for him! He flirted with me, and smiled at me from accross the classroom and everything all the time. Well we are in 2nd period (which has a 30 min break that i spend with jus him) and 6th period together. Well we sat beside each other n math. N we would always be talkin n gettin in trouble. He would sometimes be like droppin his pencil n stuff n touchin my leg n be like o my bad... well 1 day we had these math calculators n we wuz typin messages 2 each other on um n he wrote britney. i wuz like who brittney spears laughin? n he goes no.. my gf... i wuz like o well thats nice n i guess he could tell i wuz jealous though i tried 2 hide it. Well he still did all dat stuff n of course i did 2 but i tried 2 lay off a lil cuz i new he had a gf. well we got separated 4 *Flirtin* 2 much n so he kept movin differnt places. He stood up 4 me n he would get SO mad if some1 said summin about me! omg he would get so mad it was scary lol! den 1 day every1 started cummin up 2 me n wuz like he broke up with his gf! n he likes u go 4 it! so i wuz like omg! i asked his bff. n he said ya they broke up so i started flirtin with him. n i really fell in love with him i mean i've never been this crazy over some1 be4. So i told him how i felt over my website n he's like well dats awsome... n i wuz like o.k. he did'nt say nuttin else bout a week later i wuz like y did'nt u say nething else n he's like i have a gf n i did'nt wanna hurt u're feelins.. i wuz like omg i thought ya'll broke up n he wuz like no. so i wuz embarresed. But then they did break up n he told me. So bout 4 days later i told him i felt again but made it deeper. n he wuz like this is awsome i've never had a girl like me like this be4! so i wuz like o.k n we talked on the phone 4 like 7 or 8 hrs in a row everynite 4 a while. n i mean he wuz readin all my surveys n savin um on his puter. n flirtin with me n stuff. n so i posted a thing n i wuz like look plz tell me wether or not i have a chance with u cuz it's drivin me nutz n he'z like emailin me back n he says "hey i know ur so inlove with me but i just dont feel that way over u i dont know why i just dont, i have thought about it and i just dont have them feelings, i dont want u to get upset, and im glad u have feelings over me like that, i have never had anyone be like that over me and show it i have had a few girls say they did but they really didnt. Plz dont get mad at me or upset i like talking to u on the phone.....plz dont get upset" datz exactly wha he said.. so i emailed him back n said o.k den he kept iming me n askin if i wuz o.k n i told him i wuz but of course i was'nt! i cried all day n i cried myself 2 sleep becuz i luv him so much. but then his best friends say he's jus as in luv with me.. so plz help n tell me what do u think is goin on?! y is he actin like this n sayin this...? does he really like me n is scared like his friends say or what? n how do i get over it n what do i say 2 him! plz hurry be4 he calls 2nite?!
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