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Everything posted by SeaBisquit

  1. See that's what I mean. How do you know it's not just all an act. But if you were in love with a girl and you were making love to her. What would you say or do? i not sur i'll get the answer i'm looking for, but it would relieve alot of girls mind to be able to know the difference.
  2. this is so confusing because some guys have a hard time saying I love you, even if they really do.
  3. LOL monetlisa, I guess that means there is no way to tell. guys just want sex. is that it?
  4. hi darkblue, What if I'm the one with the stronger feelings? meaning to me it's love, because I love that person. but how do I know if my love is being returned? How can I tell?
  5. I have been in long term relationships where I trusted the person I was with but when we had sex it didn't feel like it was love. So how can you tell when a guy is making love to you? like this one guy whenever we had sex he never kissed me so I just assumed it was just sex.
  6. yes it is very hard. when you marry someone you trust them with all your heart. when they do something to betray that trust you are left feeling crushed or like damaged goods. it is very hard to get over. In his case his wife cheated on him which probably make him wonder why he ever trusted her in the first place. so he was left with a broken heart and broken promises.
  7. Love, Sex or Shaggin can someone explain to me how to tell the difference? I mean when your having sex with a guy how can you tell if it's really love?
  8. hi whitefang, I want to get a master"s degree in nursing. I was currently working as a nurses aide for 10.00 an hour. it's not enough money to raise up a child. i just thought about doing this to pay my way through school. i would make enough money to do that if I took this job. I just don't want to humiliate my child or for people to think I'm a bad parent because of it.
  9. darkblue, i wouldn't exactly call it a tasteful place. it's a bunch of women in bikinis serving beer to a bunch of guys. but it's not a place where there is alot of riff raff.
  10. i think you need to ask yourself if this guy is really the one for you. if so, you need to explain to him in detail the reason for the move. you two seem to be drifting farther apart. trust is a big aspect of a relationship, without trust you have nothing. that is something for you to consider in the future because I think you will continue to have many problems in this relationship.
  11. Oh boy, this is the hardest decision I have ever had to make. I was offered a job to work in a bickini bar. I would make at least 500 dollars a day. I'm a single mom and I could sure use that kind of money. The only thing I'm afraid of is that it might make me look like I'm not a responsible parent. I wouldn't be stripping or anything like that, but just because i work in a bar people may frown on me. I would like to use the money I make to got to school and get a degree. What do you guys think. should I?
  12. hey mun, he works the night shift five days a week. I didn't want him to drive being tired. I don't work right now, I just take a few classes. so it's easier for me and he wants me to see his place.
  13. lol, yes my friends put me up to it. they just want whats best. it's nice to be going to see a guy that they all like.
  14. cool! i hope i have fun. i never went on a trip to see a guy before. my friends are bugging me to go out with someone new.
  15. Raykay, he is a old friend that I use to work with. He has always been interested in dating me.
  16. hi all, this weekend I'm leaving to go on a trip to meet a guy that I really like. He lives about 6 hrs. away from me. I keep wondering if I stupid for going to see him because the trip is going to cost me over a hundred dollars. I feel kinda folish for spending so much money to go and see him. So I guess my question is to the girls would you go through so much trouble to see a guy?
  17. darkblue, yes i guess for most people it would have been, but for me i was bullied by him for a long time. How do you end a relationshp with a bully they always stay on top. he would have never listened to anything i had to say and he would have mocked me and ridiculed me. the card was unexpected he thought he was going to open something nice, but to his surprise it wasn't nice at all. i caught him when his guard was down for the very first time. so it was nice for me to be on top for once.
  18. i felt that the card represented how i feel. he doesn't care about me. so in return i don't care about him. now i can move on. the card said what i didn't have to.
  19. no it won't it's a pride thing, I guess when someone rips you of your dignity and self worth you do your best to get it back. even if it means doing something so silly.
  20. darkblue, maybe i do care about his reaction to the card, but i no longer care about him.
  21. hi dannysgirl, no i just gave him the card. maybe it is revenge but i feel better. i spent all my time pleasing him and trying to make him love me. and when i gave him that card the look on his face was priceless. it was worth it to me. i feel like he got some of his own treatment he didn't know what to do. usually i go all out on his b-day, he didn't that this year. so now he's thinking about it.
  22. yeah i do, it may sound silly but for some reason i find it funny because he was so thoughtless towrds me. it's not really revenge just an act of not caring.
  23. the jerk's b-day was a few days ago and i found the perfect card for him and I gave it to him. on the front of the card it said "So it's your b-day" open it up and it says " Whoop de frickin Doo" lol, it was awesome.
  24. hi RayKay, i did leave, i have been staying with a friend. but i couldn't help wondering why he treats me the way he does. in a way it was kinda a good thing to come here and have proof and see it with my own eyes. now i know nothing"s wrong with me it's all him.
  25. ok, now i know why he treats me so bad! I went to stay at a friends house for a few days and i got back to my apartment today. I found cum stains all over the blankets. so now what? my gut wants to kill him but thats illegal. i'm so upset... but i want to leave with some kind of pride. he is such a slimeball. yuk!
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