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Everything posted by Parky

  1. What were the results when you sent the letters?
  2. After reading some good things on this board. I have compiled a letter i will not send. It just makes me happy when i read it. Thanks to people who contributed towards the letter. LETTER START Our relationship was not a bad one. We got along well, there was no cheating, and we could talk about anything with each other. I honestly admit, I thought you broke off with me in the hope I would realise what I'm missing and the infinite amount of love and support you gave me. There are always doubters who say that people break up for a reason, and you know what? They are absolutely right. Me and you broke up for the best reason possible - so we could get back together and fall in love all over again! People might say, "Oh, this is a quick fix for you, and once you get comfortable again, you'll go right back to your old self!" Well, I have been through a lot of reading, heartache and understanding, I think I have finally learnt my lessons and realised what it takes to make a relationship great. Everything that I am doing right now is practice for me and I know if I keep it up, I will get better and better over time. I love you and I have made the decision to love you, 100%, unconditionally. Things were good between me and you for the first 12 months; at least I thought they were, until you dropped the bomb of "wanting to break up". I was devastated, but soon came to realise that I was not putting enough into the relationship and I got too comfortable. I was just not giving the same in return. I knew I loved you, but I was not showing you through action. I know most people say they change and then slip back into their old way, but I know in my heart I will give 100% to this relationship. I took time out to re-discover the real me, the person you had fallen in love with back at the beginning on the 11th April 2005. When you ended it, it was like a dagger to my heart and I realised then how much I truly loved you and wanted to be with you. If I go anywhere, I imagine what it would be like if you were there. And if I think your there, I feel better. Why did you leave me with so many questions? You have always known that I wasn't all glitz and glamour; you know I was more the quiet and withdrawn. And I thought that you accepted me for that. It leaves me wondering if you ever think about those times, and how much they meant to you. How am I to know how you feel if you don't talk to me, you always danced around it, but me, I told you what was in my heart, and after awhile I stopped because it made you uncomfortable, something else that you weren't use to. So I stopped because I didn't want to make you uncomfortable. Why couldn't you believe that I just wanted to love you? I believed we could have gotten through anything. Do you remember the first time we talked? Do you remember our first kiss, and how nervous I was to kiss you, how my hands trembled to touch you? You left me alone, alone now in my head and doubting myself more then ever. If you ever loved me, even in the smallest measurement, talk to me please…let me know that this really isn't the end. It was supposed to be you and me…..at least that's what I was leaded to believe. Are the things we talked about (dreams) are they gone too. Is there any future for us? I can't just stop loving you; you have become so much of my life. I wanted to be the one to kiss your lips at night and lay you down to sleep, and watch you while you sleep. I wanted to be the one to see your beautiful face in the morning and whisper to you "good morning Angel". Did I not compliment you enough? I love you Laura, I have for a long time. Now all I am is hurt and confused, and left wondering why you walked away from me like this and quick without having to discuss our problems. We were together so long; I just don't want to throw away all that time. Now that I've realised what I've done to you, I can honestly say between the break up and now, I am a better man. I want us to try again. I think if we get back together we will love each other like never before, and will put 100% effort to make it work. I decided to go away for a few days to try sort out what I really wanted…was it just someone because I had lost you, or was it really you that I wanted. After some soul searching, I came to the realisation that it was you I really wanted and would do my best to win you back to me. You never said we weren't in love with each other. You just weren't happy with the way our relationship was. I want to take it to the next step and make it work. I think exe's who get back together after a period of time have a better shot at working out in the long run depending on the reasons for breaking up. I promise I have changed my ways and be more active in the relationship. From the time we broke up, and up to now, I am me again without actually realising it. You may think that six weeks isn't a long time, but to me, it was an eternity. I really, really don't know why I realised when we broke up; I truly loved you and wanted to be with you. Lesson learnt. I will do anything to keep us together. Was the break up a good thing? Of course it was, simply because it's made me realise what I've done wrong. To be honest, if we were still together now, the relationship would be the same as it was before, so I'm glad it ended. It has made me change, you wanted me to change in the past and I didn't. Well this is the time I've changed properly because of the break up. I've never been heart broken before. All I ask is can we give it another go because now that I've realised, it will never go back to the way it was; now I know what it's like to be heart broken. I will succeed and put everything right that wasn't right before. Do you think I would be doing all this for nothing? I really want to prove to you I can do it. I want to take care of you like the princess you are. Please Laura, I want to take you out for a meal, to have a talk, to see the changes, and a possibility of a fresh start. Love always, Parky LETTER END. What do you think?
  3. I know what you mean by seeing places where you used to be with your ex, it upsets me too. We used to go to the cinema every week, I dont dare go now Who ended it, you or him?
  4. If i take a couple of months off to fix my self and heal. I learn from the mistakes. When i meet her in a couple of months, and i'm more confident and respectful etc, do you think the spark could be there again?
  5. How long have you been separated? And how long has NC been?
  6. Today is third day NC. Can someone explain what these mean LC and FC? So i'm going to wait a couple of months or so and ask her if she would like to go on a casual date to spark things off SLOWLY.
  7. Im not hoping for the result im looking for. I just think if i explain how much i care for her and want us to last in two months time, she might consider a reconcile?
  8. You may want to read this otherwise read the following: Just some facts to cut this story short 1) We were loving and caring for each other. It was serious. 2) She agreed to see me in the future to go for a drink to see if a 2nd chance might work, she doesnt know if it will. 3) I did state i will change and use the time between now and the next meet to fix my self and learn. 4) Laura still loves me, but not in love. 5) I was the one that changed her life early on when she had trouble with her mother and other people. 6) She is the softest person i have met and get the feeling she may come crawling back to me sooner or later saying she regret the decision. 7) we gave each other more chances in the past. She said she deosnt want to carry on chance after chance so ended it. 8.) if it wasnt for me and my family, she wouldnt be where she is now. She didnt get on with her mum, and she lived with her ex boyfriend before me because she had no where to live. I was the one that reunited Laura and her mother. So we broke up on the 13th of september. It was her idea. I agreed to it. I didnt believe her at first and i begged her back almost everyday for 6 days. I stopped on sunday the 17th. On sunday she was so stressed out that i kept calling her, and she started swearing alot and saying that i had done her head in so much. Then she went on to say that we are never going to get back together ever, so i said i won't contact you again at all from now on and i told her i promised, so she replied with a yes she will see me in a couple of months when things have calmed down. I know it was a bad mistake to beg that much. She has told me she wants to be on her own and to leave her alone and in two months she would meet up with me to see if it will work again, if i have changed and if it will last etc. I'm not going to hope and sit around waiting until the two months is up. im not really heart broken anymore, i just feel like i miss her company and can continue life like normal. I have been going out with my friends, i have joined a local gym and i start my second year degree course next week. So my life will be quite busy. I always think to myself i hope that we can get back together in the future. She isnt the type of girl that would jump from 1 guy to another and this is her first proper and longest relationship, and to be honest it's mine too. So far it's the 3rd day NC and i dont feel like contacting her. Do you think these two months will do us both good? Will she miss me at all during the couple of months, such as get a wave of feelings and memories every now and then? Lastly, do you know anyone that has had 2 months more or less and got back together because they fell for each other again?
  9. Exactly the same as me. Im trying to move and then contact her in a few months to see how things are see where it goes from there onwards.
  10. From previous experience, to be friends developes feelings over time. Maybe not from the day you start being friends, but over time. I'v told my ex (we split up 3 days ago) not to contact me unless it's for a second chance and she said what if i want to just say something and i just said no. Anyhow we agreed to meet in 2 or 3 months time to see if a second shot might work out. In the two months apart, we both plan to learn from mistakes, try and move on, meet up in 2 months and possibly develop feelings for each other again. In 2 months, i might not want to see her ever again? You never know. Try arranging something like this with your ex.
  11. I'm in the same boat. Although she promised me to see me and go for a catch up drink in 2 months or so and to see if it really would work out if we gave the relationship another chance, because i said i would use the time to move on and to learn from my mistakes and i would be the person she first ever met. Lets just hope for the best.
  12. Sorry this is a long post. But please read all. Me and my ex ended it 13th September (yes unlucky 13th ), after 1 and half years. I'm 20 she is 18. She basically ended it and i just agreed. Her reasons were that i was a changed person from when we first met, i started treating her badly, i was very selfish with money and my time, i wouldnt see her enough, i always spent my time on my computer and didnt want to see her. Yes i admit to these statements... I did treat her badly - i wouldnt buy her anything. However, i did buy take aways, meals, going to the cinema etc. What Laura wanted was for me to pay towards her car or car insurance which i didnt want to do. Laura should pay for that. I have to run my own car and pay for MOT, Tax etc. Yes i am a changed person from when i first met her - isn't everyone? Yes i was selfish with money. I'm currently building up my savings. Ok being 20, i have alot of money for a 20 year old. I'm saving for a deposit for a first house in a few years. I wasnt totally selfish as i did take her out to cinema etc. I'm a debt free student. I always said that if i had alot more money i wouldnt mind paying for anything Laura wanted. But at this moment in life, i couldnt just fork out to pay for something that big. I wouldnt see her enough - Again i admit. At first i would see her everyday. As time went on, we started seeing less of each other. Until the point where i would just keep saying no no no, and go to my computer. I am a computer addict. I play games, surf the web etc etc. However, i'm doing a degree in computing, computers are my career. I wouldnt share anything - Ok i did share, but only if we were good to each other. If we had an argument, i wouldnt share anything. If we were good, yes i would share. Whenever Laura came round to my house, all i ever did was sit at my computer pretending Laura wasnt there. Ok bad mistake, i regret doing that. Laura would come round uninvited which used to whine me up. So that made me ignore her when she came round. Laura said the main point of ending it, was because she didnt feel wanted, i didnt spend enough time with her and never saw her. Ok, now that i have been dumped, i regret the above and wish to do the opposite in some cases, such as seeing her more and less time on computer. While we was having a relationship, I have always been the dumper. Laura would always come crying to me, asking me for chances of having her back. Laura wouldnt leave me alone at all. This has happened a number of times during the relationship. Yes i loved her and Laura loved me. If i said right thats it i dont want to see you again, she wouldnt stop calling me, txt'n me, calling my house phone doing my parents head it, spending £30 worth of calls and txt's. Thats how soft Laura is. Laura did love me that much. Anyhow, it came to the point where Laura finally dumped me. I didnt believe her at first and carried on as normal. Until i realised yes she was being deadly serious. I was so heartbroken, it felt like something was missing from my life - Her company and her showing me how much she loves me. So i sat there and as you do, you think to yourself - "what if i saw her more" "what if i wasnt as selfish" "what if i showed her she was wanted" "what if this what if that blah" And you regret every bad move you did during the relationship and wish you could change it. So, i get the pen out, and start writing her a letter from my heart. I stated how much i loved her, how much i will change, how i will be a changed person and all that. I met her after work, she was surprised to see me. I showed her the letter. Laura started crying her eyes out. Laura said you won't change, you will be who you are. So i let her go to her mums and went home. I kept phoning her, begging for forgivness, grieving, more begging, saying i will change etc. I did this for two days, the 14th and 15th(in morning). So i thought right, i'm not going to contact her again, i will initiate no contact, in order to heal, learn from my mistakes and try and move on. Laura has asked me not to see, txt, call, and to leave her alone. Laura said she still loves me, but not in love with me. Shes one of them clingy type of girls who never want to let you go. But obviously she has, and made a decision for her good. She said she can't eat or sleep. I feel the same. It was a one sided relationship, we did everything on my terms, when i want what i want. We was very serious and loving. I thought it would last forever. Obviously not. I respected her decision, it was for both of our goods. For laura, she wont have to feel like i feel now. For me, i can learn from the mistakes. We both agreed to stay friends, however i will keep NC in position. We both also agreed to meet each other in 3 months, to catch up, and to see if another shot is worth it. I have assured Laura that i will take the 3 months as a break to learn from my mistakes and to correct them. I have stated that i will treat her better and will never do a bad mistake again. We agreed to have a drink together no matter what situation we are in at the time, whether we have fully moved on or still heart broken. After reading the bad points of the relationship, i wasnt THAT bad. We shared the most amazing memories together. I'd say it was more good to the bad. It was just towards the end where it crashed. I felt we probably got bored. We gave each other more chances in the past. She said she deosnt want to carry on chance after chance so ended it. I just hope these three months will make her realise she will want me back, and i hope she believes i will change and be a different person in three months when i've healed and learned from the mistakes i made. To put Laura short. She is sweet, cute and caring. She is very needy, and very insecure. Laura is very very soft (this is her downside) when ever i ended it in the past, she wouldnt have it. Laura has no friends apart from 2 people. She is a very lonely person, she lives with my sister. She didnt get on with her mum so she moved out ages ago. She has no family what so ever apart from her mum and 2 brothers. No uncles, grandmas no one. She stated in the past she wouldnt know what to do if she lost me, she wouldnt know where to go or what to do because of the lonelyness she would be in. At the moment she is spending her time with the 2 friends she has. So my guess is this: If i initiate no contact for months, she will realise she has indeed no one to go to when her friends start college etc. She starts uni at the end of the month, however she's travelling there and back (around 1hr 30mins each way), so she wouldnt really make any new friends to keep. I did care about Laura, i did want her, i just didnt act enough to show it. I did really love her. Now being the dumpee, i so want her back into my life, i want to prove i can be the nice person i once was. Just some facts to cut this story short 1) We were loving and caring for each other. It was serious. 2) She agreed to see me in the future to go for a drink to see if a 2nd chance might work, she doesnt know if it will. 3) I did state i will change and use the time between now and the next meet to fix my self and learn. 4) Laura still loves me, but not in love. 5) I was the one that changed her life early on when she had trouble with her mother and other people. 6) She is the softest person i have met and get the feeling she may come crawling back to me sooner or later saying she regret the decision. 7) we gave each other more chances in the past. She said she deosnt want to carry on chance after chance so ended it. 8.) Laura starts university end of month. Almost no time to do anything or see anyone apart from me if we were together. Traveling 1hr 30 mins there and back 5 days a week. I start my second year degree next week. 9) She said she would like to continue her hobby of going to the cinema with me. I don't think i can do this unless she wants to get back with me. I guess i will leave it for a good month or 2 and reunite and see what happens from there onwards. 10) if it wasnt for me and my family, she wouldnt be where she is now. She didnt get on with her mum, and she lived with her ex boyfriend before me because she had no where to live. I was the one that reunited Laura and her mother. But now i have lost her and feel the effect of being dumped and she is a big loss to me i wish i can change the past. I really, really hope she comes back to me when she realises. Whats your opinion and advice for a situation like the one i'm in now.
  13. She is on birth control, and we had sex last night, but fell asleep and it was still inside her (my penis) for about an hour then we went to sleep normally. We THINK it could be a dead baby? Anyways she goes to the doctors tomorrow. Any other ideas?
  14. My girl friends stomach was hurting during the night. She woke up this morning and went to the toilet and alot of blood came out along with a lump. She said it looked like flesh? Now shes on her priod. What was the lump?
  15. Hello all, I was just wondering how i give a female multiple orgasms. Do i have to stimulate the clitoris while fingering her? I need some help, a girl wants me to do it to her sometime. Teach me some techniques and tips thanks.
  16. But she told me that she doesnt want random sex...
  17. Hello all, you might want to have a look at first link removed I went clubbing this past saturday and i saw my ex in a club, after 2 weeks of no contact, so i decided to ignore her and pretend she wasnt there. Anyways, later on in the night she noticed i was there and she came up to me and started talking to me, we had a chat etc etc. So, after that we split up, and i went on the dance floor, had a rave and turned round she was there, and she tried to get into me, but i didnt really want to because i knew it would hurt my feelings if i did. I still do have strong feelings for her. Later on in the night she tried it on again with me, and this time i did with her... and we were dancing etc etc. She then left and went home and she sent me a txt message saying "i was so tempted" (as in have sex, i have had sex with her when i was in a relationship with her) So i got really frustrated and a bit angry. I txt her back and she really did want it. Next morning, she phoned me up and i asked her what was going on last night and she said she really wanted it and she wanted it at that moment i was talking to her on the phone. But of course i didnt go round and do it. But she ended the recent relationship because i wasnt her type? yet she wants it? I don't know whether to give it another shot... because i might get attached to her and she might get rid of me again like she did. Anyways, i was playing 'hard to get' on her before and she was being teased. she was on MSN Messenger and i will paste some stuff we said... 06/02/2005 19:07:03 Parky to Sarah lol ok then.... so when do you want nailing lol 06/02/2005 19:07:13 Sarah to Parky LMAO 06/02/2005 19:07:18 Parky to Sarah lol 06/02/2005 19:07:20 Sarah to Parky NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! 06/02/2005 19:07:31 Parky to Sarah ill be round in 5 06/02/2005 19:07:31 Sarah to Parky Raar 06/02/2005 19:07:35 Sarah to Parky lol 06/02/2005 19:11:46 Sarah to Parky twas funny last nite 06/02/2005 19:11:52 Sarah to Parky at least i wasnt shy!!! (this is when she kept feeling me) 06/02/2005 19:42:49 You have invited Sarah to start viewing webcam. Please wait for a response or Cancel (Alt+Q) the pending invitation. 06/02/2005 19:42:53 Sarah has accepted your invitation to start viewing webcam. 06/02/2005 19:43:15 Sarah to Parky phwoar 06/02/2005 19:43:18 Sarah to Parky lol 06/02/2005 19:43:21 Parky to Sarah lol 06/02/2005 19:46:35 Sarah to Parky u suit your hair like that 06/02/2005 19:46:39 Sarah to Parky mwahaha 06/02/2005 19:46:47 Sarah to Parky So anyways, i start to play games and tease her, see what she does 06/02/2005 19:48:07 Sarah to Parky im gettin a double bed nexy week 06/02/2005 19:48:12 Sarah to Parky mmm 06/02/2005 19:48:17 Parky to Sarah room for me or what? 06/02/2005 19:48:19 Sarah to Parky nice comfy bed 06/02/2005 19:48:51 Sarah to Parky sure, ill move over 06/02/2005 19:49:23 Sarah to Parky i like to sleep like a star fish though! 06/02/2005 19:49:30 Parky to Sarah oh dear 06/02/2005 19:49:31 Sarah to Parky youve been warned! 06/02/2005 19:49:33 Parky to Sarah lol 06/02/2005 19:49:34 Sarah to Parky lol 06/02/2005 19:54:07 Parky to Sarah if ur mum wasnt in wud u let me come round and nail the hell out of you 06/02/2005 19:54:39 Sarah to Parky .... it sounds good 06/02/2005 19:54:45 Sarah to Parky im just horny though 06/02/2005 19:54:47 Sarah to Parky no sex 06/02/2005 19:54:48 Sarah to Parky not good 06/02/2005 19:55:16 Sarah to Parky no sex = 06/02/2005 19:55:40 Parky to Sarah lol 06/02/2005 19:55:44 Parky to Sarah unlucky 06/02/2005 19:55:54 Sarah to Parky haha 06/02/2005 19:56:02 Sarah to Parky its doin my ed in 06/02/2005 19:56:20 Sarah to Parky im GAGGIN 06/02/2005 19:56:22 Sarah to Parky lol 06/02/2005 19:56:26 Parky to Sarah its ur own fault 06/02/2005 19:56:31 Sarah to Parky shhhh 06/02/2005 19:56:33 Sarah to Parky i no 06/02/2005 19:57:41 Parky to Sarah iv decided im not givin it you 06/02/2005 19:57:50 Sarah to Parky lol why 06/02/2005 19:58:05 Sarah to Parky is this reverse psychology 06/02/2005 19:58:12 Parky to Sarah nope 06/02/2005 19:58:16 Sarah to Parky why 06/02/2005 19:58:20 Sarah to Parky then 06/02/2005 19:58:23 Sarah to Parky parky 06/02/2005 19:58:26 Parky to Sarah coz.... 06/02/2005 19:58:38 Sarah to Parky fine. 06/02/2005 19:58:59 Sarah to Parky 06/02/2005 19:59:20 Sarah to Parky are you becoming a man of mystery? 06/02/2005 19:59:26 Sarah Parky lol So... i lost my virginity to sarah by the way, so i decided to say that this other girl wants to go out with me etc 06/02/2005 20:04:13 Sarah to Parky haha 06/02/2005 20:04:16 Sarah to Parky its mine 06/02/2005 20:04:22 Sarah to Parky mwahaha 06/02/2005 20:04:24 Parky to Sarah lol 06/02/2005 20:04:36 Sarah to Parky i like it im keepin it 06/02/2005 20:04:41 Sarah to Parky just think... 06/02/2005 20:05:20 Sarah to Parky when youre married and your wife asks you who was your first time, you can tell her all about me ...... "sarah, she was a little princess" 06/02/2005 20:05:31 Sarah to Parky lmao 06/02/2005 20:05:53 Sarah to Parky in the back of my 106 06/02/2005 20:05:59 Sarah to Parky geeza 06/02/2005 20:06:00 Parky to Sarah LOL Flirty comments 06/02/2005 20:06:36 Parky to Sarah i was in the dot shop when u phoned me 06/02/2005 20:06:46 Parky to Sarah and i started walking towards to ballroom and she started following me! 06/02/2005 20:07:01 Sarah to Parky chasin your peachy bottom 06/02/2005 20:07:09 Sarah to Parky shehe 06/02/2005 20:07:13 Sarah to Parky hehe* 06/02/2005 20:07:15 Parky to Sarah lol 06/02/2005 20:34:15 Sarah to Parky my boob is itchy 06/02/2005 20:34:22 Parky to Sarah let me rub it 06/02/2005 20:34:28 Sarah to Parky lol 06/02/2005 20:34:34 Sarah to Parky left a bit... right a bit 06/02/2005 20:34:46 Parky to Sarah lol 06/02/2005 20:35:00 Sarah to Parky its been itched.... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 06/02/2005 20:35:04 Sarah to Parky relief 06/02/2005 20:35:06 Parky to Sarah lol 06/02/2005 20:35:08 Parky to Sarah hhaha 06/02/2005 20:35:10 Sarah to Parky feel like ive just cum! 06/02/2005 20:41:48 Sarah to Parky i need sum sex now 06/02/2005 20:41:56 Sarah to Parky stop makin me think about it! 06/02/2005 20:42:08 Parky to Sarah like i said im not giving it you 06/02/2005 20:42:08 Parky to Sarah 06/02/2005 20:42:09 Parky to Sarah mwhaha 06/02/2005 20:42:15 Sarah to Parky ner ner na ner ner 06/02/2005 20:42:41 Sarah to Parky im havin it if i want it LUV 06/02/2005 20:42:50 Sarah to Parky cheeky chops 06/02/2005 20:42:57 Parky to Sarah nope Sorry about the length. I txt her today if i could see her, but she is busy, so she said she will go for a drink with me later in the week. I don't know how she has suddenly changed her decision and wants me again? I don't know what to do because i don't want her to get rid of me again and hurt my feelings, but im soooo tempted because i really care for her. By the looking at the above convo's, does it sound like she wants to give me another shot? Or just after sex? My friends tell me that you could get back together, take her out for a drink and talk. I txt her before and she said that she DOESNT want random sex. need advice, cheers people.
  18. Hi all, I have just recently split up with this girl i was with for 3 months... however, we still talk to each other etc etc and make contact... she said she just wants to be single for now. She ended by saying "i want to be single for now, i dont want to be attached" Anyways, i asked her if there is any chance of us getting back together in the future and she said no - never. But the way she acts i think it's possible it could happen. I received advice from my friends to stay friends with her and things might eventually work out again because she will start to miss me? Anyways, i asked her again if we ever would today... and she said no again and i said why, and she said that i'm not her type... the thing that gets me here is why she didnt tell me in the first place? She said she doesnt want the commitments anymore and nice to have a bit of space. Quotes such as "i wanted to finish it because i dont want any ties at the moment. i need some space." She said shes just realised she likes me more as a friend.... but then she said this "the situation at the mo has made me think like that more though... with me wantin some space" I asked her why i wasnt her type and she said that i needed "reasuring" all the time... and that im not "Dominant" enough. She said she doesnt like me in that way anymore, just as a great friend. She said i didnt do anything wrong at all. I still really really like her... what should i do from now? My friends say leave it for now and she will come crawling back to you eventually because she will start to miss the activities you did together? Is this true? Everytime i asked her why she ended has been a different excuse. Should i do the 'No Contact' method and hopefully she will miss me?
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