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Everything posted by blah2oo4

  1. right well this maybe a bit long... but here's my problem... i really like this boy, i mean cant stop thinking about him. and he knows because everyone has found out and have told him, so hes a little uneasy around me, well to me it seems this way.wenever his mates see me they shout to me, and say i fancy him, which is technically true, but weneva someone asks me i denie it and say its a rumor, i do this because i dont know what else to do. everyone says that im pretty, but i dont believe them, so sometimes when i see him i sorta avoid him... i dont know why i do this, i just do. he used to send signals to me which made it look as if he liked me back, he used to smile at me, shout my name, ask what sort of stuff i like, and ask if i was walking home, but all of this has changed now, with him knowing that i like him. Everyone has told me that he fancies loren(a close friend of mine)so i pretend like it doesnt bother me,but it really does!!!! and once i herd him and his mate talking and he said he doesnt like 'someone' in that way... i dont no whether they were on about me or not, but anyway one of his mates asked me 4 my email adress, so i gave it him, then matt(the boy i like) sent me an email with smiley faces all over it ( =P ) because he knows i do them on all of my emails!!i am so confused, at first it seemed like he liked me back, but now it doesnt.All of this is getting to me as i really like him, plus home life aint that good at the mo, and its just really pi$$ing me of, so ive started smoking again, which really isnt helping. has anyone got any tips 4 me on how to act around him???i am really confused, i like him so much and i dont know what to do..PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME!
  2. maybe you should ask him how his day has gone? try to talk about a certain thing that he wont be uncomfortable with, like his interests, ask him what he is interested in.... just that sorta stuff, when the phone goes quiet, try to talk to him, im sure he is just as shy as you are. Good Luck... hope this advice helps
  3. tell me bout it... i like this guy, i flirt with him he flirts back. but he doesnt like me, i dont think... why the fcuk do they do it??? i think its horrid
  5. i really like this boy, and he knows because everyone has told him. before he knew he used to smile to me, ask me what music in into, ask if im walking home, and he used to ask me 4 help on schoolwork, but after he found out that stopped 4 a while, and everytime he saw me he kept saying to me the answer is no.(meaning in going out with me.) However he has never been alone when he has said that, hes been with his mates.but now he talks to me again, and smiles at me. Today he asked me to help him get his work back, so i went over to his computer and was trying to get his work, and he looked up at me and started staring at me. can some one please tell me how i can tell if he likes me, some of the signals he'd give?? some one please help it's really confusing me
  6. guys thanks for your advice! it really helped!
  7. thnx guys that really helped me alot! lol.. i propbably will tell them i do, depends who asks lol.. thanx alot!
  8. right you have probably read my other problem about that boy, but everyone keeps asking me whether i like him or not, and i really dont no what to say.. does anyone know?should i tell them yes or no
  9. The only thing i can tell you is to make sure your feelings dont get hurt by anything. also make sure that no matter what you and your friend cannot fall out over a boy, even if he is a close mate... i suggest you talk to them.
  10. well i have this really bad problem...I REALLY LIKE THIS BOY and i mean Really bad! sometimes he has given me signals which makes me think that he likes me back, like smiling at me, and making converstions with me. but today every1 has told him that i fancy him, and he has told everyone he hasnt got an interest in me,he keeps telling me and other people no.and in a lesson i usually sit by him, he moved... can someone please help me because i am so confused. i dont no whether he likes me or not, or maybe i should just get a new crush? but i really like him PLEASE SUM1 GIVE ME SUM ADVICE!
  11. hey, it seems like u have got a real problem... what i think u shud do is tell jimmy that u like him and see how he reacts. if he has never dated the girl he sez he loves then it cannot be true, he must just like her alot... talk to the girl about it n tell her how u fell im sure she will understand and will prevent u from getting hurt somehow.... If u need any advice my email addie is skelly2k4@yahoo.co.uk..
  12. dude im sure u'll think of sumthin! =P make hur feel speciall
  13. I agree with u dude. i mean i really wanna ask him out but i am totally scared of what he will say and how he will react to it... but the best way to be sure is to ask. (not 4 me tho lol) Hope all this helps! Trust me every1 will tell u the same as i am.... ask hur how she feels, or just ask her to go on date to the movies
  14. Id just make sure they knew by pointing out people i am interested in. thats wot id do
  15. hey, i have the same problem, TRUST ME lol... i insult my friends all of the time, its just occasional slip ups, everyone does it. just say i was only jokeing after u have realised u have insulted them, and then compliment them and smile. i do it everyday and it works..... Hope it does 4 u... just make sure they dont take anything personal otherwise thats a differneet matter
  16. dude im in the same situation only with a boy i like, i have been asking people how u can tell if they like u bu nobody seems to know, the only solution i have been givern time and time agen is to ask him out. so i say the same to u, u will never know if u dnt ask,i still havnt asked but i am totally scared of rejection, so i think ill wait... BUT ASK HER! otherwise u will never no, it seems like she likes you more than a friend
  17. the only thing i can say is 4get him...believe me it will hurt u a hell of a lot, but do u just want him 2 use u? if u push him to get in a relationship with u he may just say he loves u 4 sex. u have to ask ur self one quetion do u love him enough for him to use u?
  18. blah2oo4


    im new to this site so whats netspeak? im 14
  19. listern im a girl meself. n i think shes just worried about loosing ur friendship, maybe she worried that if u started dateing it would go wrong and your friendship would be over. thats wot i think...
  20. blah2oo4


    i really like this boy, i mean alot, n sometimes it seems like he likes me too, he smiles at me n talks to me.pokes me shouts my name, asks wot sorta music im into.... i want to let him no that i like him, but i am totally scread of rejection! i am convinced he will say no but my friend sez he will say yea. im really confused cn sum1 help me sum how?
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