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Everything posted by polygal

  1. Hmm... so have you called him? Wait a couple days and if he doesn't call, then just move on. No one is worth waiting for, especially if you just met him. If he was really interested in you, then he would of called. My suggestion is to move forward and see what happens, you never know!!!
  2. We'll I have been in and out of relationships. The most I cherish is the man that I am with today. Back in high school, we dated for awhile, but knew him when I was in middle school and when he thought that I was too young for him. Over those 7 yrs. I thought of him always, but knew that we were young too understand what love is all about. Because I had been thru a previous relationship and suffered alot. I never thought I would find love again. He came into my life after 7 yrs. and still having the same feelings made me the person that I was all over again. Patient is the thing! Don't go and look for love, cause love will come your way at the least that you expect it. Keep your head up!!
  3. Mann... I don't think you have any idea about bringing a child into this world. Who ever this person might be( father) is the biggest idiot. I'm just curios if he is of age? Dear, you think that makinf $40.00 a day is going to help you and you child. I don't think so. Just cause your father is rich, doesn't mean that he's going to take care of your baby. I think you just need to concentrate on school. Does your father know that you feel this way.
  4. Just take my sugguestion, and do possibly everything to make him think that you don't care. He will come around.
  5. I just don't understand how you could want to wait for someone knowing that she is with another person. How do you know, that if you get back together, that she will still have comminication with the other guy. I'm sure you are great guy. Are you dating? She will realize what she has when you are gone, and with someone else. It is her lost. Rebounds are for confused people. They play too many games.
  6. I totally know what you are going thru. My suggestion, is to ignore him, and don't listen to his friends. Act as if you have completely moved on. Don't bother calling him. In time, he will wonder why you are ignoring him, and not calling him. He will eventually call you to see what you've been up to. He will miss you. Now, how long were you togther? When someone tells you tha he loves you, you take it to heart. Just hang in there. I talk from experience!!!!
  7. Hmm... where do I begin! After 7 years apart, I met up with someone from high school. Someone that I always thought about over the years. When we broke up, we basically left things the way they were and I moved away. Since then, I have become a mother of two, and lived with my kids father(never married). When I saw my ex after all those years, my heart dropped, having these wonderful feeling inside. We talked, and exchanged emails. Over time, I left my kids father to be with him, and it's been almost 2 yrs. We have our ups and downs, but most of it consist of having kids that are not his, and having to have communication with my kids father. He hates him with a passion, that he has said things that hurt my feelings, like why don't I go back to him. I am so... confused. He won't open up with my kids. He tells me that everytime he wants to, all he see's is the kids father. I hurt everyday, that I think that, that is why I am depressed. When I ask him to do things with the boys, he says, thats ok. I don't want my kids to dislike him. So, now I am in the middle of my kids, their father, and my b-friend. When we bicker, it's cause of my past with my kids & father. I was never happy with my kids father because he abused me. My b-friend doesn't understand why I stayed with him all these years. He tells me thats why he hates him soo... much, is because of what he did to me. I don't know if I should take the initiative, and move on with my life. We talk about getting married after we both graduate from college. I'm confused! Can someone give me advise?
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