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  1. Yes Chibi, I understand you...... There's just something about reaching that '4 month stage' after a breakup. I have read other posts also, where heartbroken people are questioning their feelings 4 months after the relationship ended. I am at that stage myself. Maybe it's because now the reality is starting to sink in. I honestly feel WORSE now than during the first month after the breakup - when I was clearly in denial and shock. I've read posts from others, who seem to be coping better after about 6 months to a year...so, what I'm saying is this : it's okay to be feeling this way right now. We are strong...a couple more months of no contact is all that's needed...I really think it's bad right now because it's at that '4 months'. I know you are hurting...but from what I've learnt from the kind posters on here, is that : it really does get better. We have to believe that.
  2. Oh, thank goodness I don't know my ex's password - I'd be in there constantly checking his email.
  3. Hey idon'tgetit.... Oh geez, I was saying that EXACT thing just the other day to someone. I've been browsing this forum, among others, for the past 3 & 1/2 months, since my ex dumped me. I asked someone "Is it possible that visiting these forums all the time, and being constantly reminded of how devastating breakups are, is actually IMPEDING my recovery?" The answer I got was - I'll know when coming here is no longer achieving what it's meant to...I guess that means : when I've truly moved on. Right now tho, it's important that I know I am not alone.
  4. "However my latest ex is now with a woman, so I don't know what's going to happen with that one." I don't think I've truly laughed at all, since my ex dumped me 3 months ago. So thankyou! Anyways, back to seriousness - I'm now convinced that men use me as 'practice' till the 'real one' comes along...I dunno, that's the way it seems.
  5. Hey Verdigo, Well you sure have changed your tune since your original post...now you're talking 'recipe exchanging'??? I think the replies to your original post enlightened you - made you more AWARE. But I also think you are very clever, and know how to manipulate people.
  6. It's been 3 months since he dumped me. Oh, how I wish I could positively categorize, and put labels on him (and me, for that matter).. commitment-phobe, narcissistic personality disorder, co-dependendancy, etc, etc... That would probably makes the devastation somewhat explainable. But the truth is : after a year & 1/2 relationship, he ended it, sayng he is no longer in love with me, and has found someone new. He's gone, and he's not coming back. I didn't do a friggin thing to deserve this, and it's not likely I will ever give my heart to another man ever again.
  7. Grrr...your post makes me angry Your girl sounds great, and perfect just as she is. She's simply someone struggling with a few extra pounds, and that should never be an issue in a loving relationship. Set her free so she will find someone who WILL appreciate and accept her. You don't love her, and never will...and why? because you're SHALLOW that's why. She deserves better.
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